The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 576: the eve of the storm

Maybe because of the advertising effect, maybe because of the selling points Sean added in the newspaper. Of course, it's more likely that a combination of two factors -

The sales curve of the Evening News was flattened before, but after the advertisement was published, it turned a steep **** again...

Whether it is annual subscribers or single-day sales, the rate of increase every day is amazing.

What surprised the editor-in-chief Norton the most was that the daily sales target set by Mr. Dickinson to reach 30,000 within a week was actually achieved on the fifth day...

The entire editorial department is immersed in an incredible atmosphere. Even though they are busy every day, they are still enthusiastic.

However, with the increase in sales, the newspaper began to expose the shortage of staff.

Due to the existence of the "Dickinson Independent Reporter's Office", there are enough people in the editorial department.

However, due to the heavier printing tasks and the more active advertising negotiation, the printing and marketing department and the advertising department obviously need to expand their staff.

Sean also posted the recruitment information in the evening newspaper early in the morning, presumably this problem will be solved soon.

Now all the word about the reborn newspaper is.

Not only because of its speed edition, serialization of master novels and original comics, but also because it focuses on the "pain points" of the whole society——

It focuses on those poor children living in the lower city.

The elites who advocate progressivism attach great importance to humanitarianism, and people who follow the example of high life are naturally very concerned about what is happening around them...

It can be said that without the special report on "The Lost Generation", the advertisements of the Evening News would never have achieved the current effect.

The duty of a newspaper is still to make news that people care about.

No matter how much thought Sean spends around, he still invests the most energy in the topic selection and reporting itself.

The high-level growth of evening newspaper sales has also become a hot topic recently.

Some people predict that after a week, the sales of Mr. Dickinson's newspaper will increase to more than 40,000 copies...

This astonishing overtaker, after taking over the Evening News for a short time, achieved an incredible speed overtaking.

Now, not far in front of him, is already his former old club - "Daily News" located in the 50,000 Daily Sales Club.

An incredible disruptor suddenly appeared in the media industry. Sean seemed to stir up the clouds in the sky, and let those real high-level bosses take a look inside the newspaper industry of the New Testament.

Those thunderous names have been mentioned from time to time recently, this young man from Leon...

Everything went smoothly, but Sean became vigilant.

In the process of running the Yefeng Faith, he once suffered a night terror during the ceremony.

Since then, he has understood a truth - when new things thrive, they will always invite challenges from the outside world.

The trees grow in the forest, and the strong wind will surely destroy...

Crisis usually lurk beneath the surface of everything going well.

Therefore, this young talent who is supposed to be complacent, but when the joy almost overwhelms everyone's mind, he maintains a rare calm and calm...

Unexpectedly, Sean's calm mood actually caused the members of the newspaper to admire him more and more.

Everyone is rumouring that Mr. Dickinson has already foreseen everything at present, that the goal of this newspaper industry hero is not a mere 50,000 daily sales, and that he has already pointed his sword at the kings "New Testament Times" and "New Testament Times" in his heart. Glory City Post"...

If someone happened to take a leave of absence when Sean Dickinson arrived at the newspaper office on his first day, and happened to return to the newspaper office during this time, he must have a hard time imagining what happened during this period——

Those who doubted, resisted, and even hated the new boss at the time...

Now they have all become his admirers.

Simply incredible.

However, although Sean was soberly aware that the challenge was coming, he never expected that this incident would have such a big impact on him and the Evening Lighthouse...

He also did not expect that tracing the source of a small mechanical failure would finally reveal a secret that has lasted for decades.


Today is the fifth day of the advertising campaign.

Everyone in the newspaper office is looking forward to the day when the "Evening News" breaks through the 40,000-day sales at the end of the week.

And just when everything was rushing forward like a thawed river in spring, Sean Dickinson, who was sitting in the office, suddenly heard some discordant and flustered voices amid the busy voices.

What's wrong? What happened?

Sean, who was always worried that something would happen, sat up straight.

And his eyes happened to meet Olivia Wind Chime, who also raised her head from the book-obviously, he, the candle holder, also found something wrong.

Before the commotion woke the people outside the editorial office, Sean had already strode out of the office.


It is the ringtone of the failure of the cylinder press.

When he walked out of the office, he could see several people in blue overalls running up the second floor, seemingly looking for Chandler, the Minister of Printing and Marketing.

Norton seemed to have heard the movement and rushed out of his office.

The lion also seemed to smell something bad: "What's wrong?"

Norton and Olivia followed behind Sean, and when the three walked to the door of Chandler's office, the printer just knocked on Chandler's door.

Chunky and stocky Chandler first saw his boss and editor-in-chief, then turned to look at his printing team leader: "What's wrong?".

"The printing press has malfunctioned and got stuck!" The team leader was sweating and speaking quickly, "Something was thrown in from the window and the machine got stuck.

"Need to stop for inspection!"

Something was thrown in?

Sean frowned.

Is someone playing some dirty tricks?

The process of shutdown inspection is that the team leader reports to the minister, and the minister reports to the editor-in-chief or the president for approval. Since Sean and Norton had arrived, Chandler looked directly at his president.

Without any hesitation, Sean nodded: "Stop."

Large-scale printing presses are the lifeblood of a newspaper Downtime means shutting down production. This order is at the risk of shutting down publications. Only the editor-in-chief or the president has the right to decide.

After giving the order, Sean and his party followed the printing team leader to the first floor.

The printing layout of the "Beacon Evening News" newspaper is somewhat special. The main part of the large cylinder printing press is placed in the basement, while the upper half of this huge machine is on the first floor.

The typesetting area and ink tanks are in the basement, and the printed newspapers will be taken to the warehouse door on the first floor by a conveyor belt for distribution to the back door garage.

Sean has visited many newspapers including the Daily News, and he believes that the printing layout of his own newspaper is relatively the most reasonable.

As soon as he walked to the first floor, Sean smelled the familiar ink smell, but there was a smell of something burnt in the smell.

Sean frowned and twitched the tip of his nose - in the obvious burnt smell, he also smelled an even more unpleasant smell...

The group continued down and walked directly into the basement, and the bell of the machine malfunction became even more harsh.

The printing workers were in chaos in the basement. The team leader shouted to open the switch. A young man rushed to the main switch and turned off the power.

The bell finally stopped.

When the workers saw that President Dickinson and Editor-in-Chief Norton came to the printing room, they were a little relieved.

Chandler scratched his face, his expression gloomy, and nodded to the printing team leader: "Disassemble and check."

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