The "Lighthouse Evening News" is now using a roller printing machine produced by "Northern Industry".

This big machine, worth thousands of New Zealand dollars, is the most expensive fixed asset in the newspaper office. Most of the transfer fees paid by Sean are because of this big guy.

The printing team leader and his several deputies are old workers, and they can handle some simple faults by themselves.

The young workers followed a few masters to the second floor of the machine, and Sean and others also followed.

When they reached the second floor of the cast-iron corridor, the team leader pointed to the window above where the sunlight slanted in: "It's the thing thrown in from there, it's dark, I can't see it clearly..."

Several old workers greeted the young people to take tools, and jumped on the machine themselves.

Taking the things thrown by the young man, they used a crowbar to remove the ink-stained belt. The newspaper of the day that was just being printed was smeared and smeared, like a newspaper published in a lunatic asylum.

The exhaust fan blew up the newspapers that were out of control, and the "Crazy Evening News" flew around in the basement, blocking the sunlight that slanted into the basement from time to time...

The belt was removed, and the team leader's washed-faded blue cloth tooling was dyed black. At this moment, he and another old man were using a big wrench to remove some fasteners.

It was extremely quiet in the basement, and everyone was waiting for the judgment of a few old masters: if it was a small fault, they could fix it themselves, and the evening paper could be printed smoothly today.

If it's a big trouble, and someone from the manufacturer is required to come over to repair it, then today's newspapers will go to waste...

For a newspaper that is advertising overwhelmingly, the loss of one day's suspension of publication is immeasurable.

Knowing this, Chandler and the workers had extremely nervous expressions on their faces.

The printing team leader turned on the machine. He bent down and carefully observed something between the gears: "What the **** is this..."

He frowned and threw the wrench aside.

The team leader stuffed his hand into the machine, biting his cheeks and working hard, like a native who digs python eggs in a cave.

Sean's bad premonition rushed to the top. He ignored the ink on the machine, jumped on the machine, and walked to the team leader in three or two steps.

The team leader gasped and took out the thing stuck in the machine, and Sean's nose instinctively wrinkled.

The sun illuminated the thing, and there was a cry of exclamation in the basement.

It was almost impossible to identify what it was as a whole what was being lifted by the team leader, and it was only possible to see some parts clearly from the uncomfortable appearance.

Black feathers, curled black claws.

After staring for a long time, people recognized it, it seemed to be a raven,

The raven was covered in black ink and had been completely deformed by the machine.

It seems that it was not something thrown in by someone else, but a crazy bird that plunged into the machine...

Everyone present, including Norton, held their breaths.

When Sean looked back, he saw tensed and livid faces.

He knew that, in the eyes of the New Testament people, the raven was an ominous symbol.

And a raven of this size rushed directly into the machine from the window, got stuck between the gears, and stopped the machine. The ominous meaning of this is self-evident.

Fear echoed throughout the basement, and the superstitious printers began to stare at each other helplessly.

"Can it be repaired?" Sean Dickinson's voice broke the dead silence - for some reason, in this strange atmosphere, his voice was like a clear spring, washing away the rancid foam.

He threw the deformed corpse of the raven into the cast-iron corridor, and the team leader quickly said, "It can be repaired—it can be done in half an hour."

Editor-in-chief Norton also came back to his senses, his voice was like thunder: "Okay, okay, nothing unusual, let's all go back to our posts, today we have to print more than 30,000 newspapers..."

At the urging of the president and editor-in-chief, the crowd began to disperse.

But both Norton and Sean could feel that although the raven was quickly cleaned up, it still remained in people's hearts.

The original fighting spirit in the newspaper office was mixed with a bit of uneasy suspicion due to this sudden incident.

It's better not to make any mistakes...

Almost everyone has this idea in their hearts.

Norton is naturally resistant to strange events, and he can quickly put such illusory things behind him.

However, when he was walking up the cast iron stairs, something suddenly flashed in his peripheral vision.

He saw that the deformed raven seemed to be standing on the head of some worker.

He was so frightened that he looked around, only to realize that it was a funny black cotton hat.

Norton let out a long breath.

He found that the editor-in-chief who was following behind stopped, looking into the printing house, Sean turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Norton regained his senses, and while continuing to walk up, he replied, "It's fine."


Reflecting on the "notorious" incident that happened later, Sean's actions are actually not indiscreet.

Even though he thought it was just a coincidence that the raven crashed into the machine, he still used his spiritual vision in an instant to inspect the entire basement, and left after confirming that there was no abnormality.

However, whether the inspection was sufficiently comprehensive and in-depth is open to question.

The reason why a more detailed inspection was not carried out was not that Mr. Dickinson acted frivolously out of, but because he was full of things at the time.

He is about to communicate with a relatively large advertising agency about the future cooperation.

After he was busy with the recruitment of personnel, he had to rush to the Independent Reporter's Office to rush the manuscript...

The only loophole is that Sean, who is the head of a newspaper, cannot be a qualified explorer at the same time.

This also paved the way for the terrifying incident that happened right under his eyes, making people feel helpless.

And it was this incident that made Sean Dickinson regret later, so he made up his mind not to just devote himself to his career, but to always leave enough awareness to be aware of the mysterious prying eyes and threats.

Sean has asked himself countless times after the event if he has even the slightest chance to stop things from developing...

Although he knew that he was so busy with the evening news that he had very few choices at the time, so the answer would always be no, but he still brooded.

Only because of the understandable but inescapable negligence at the time, it directly led to the tragic death of a young man in the newspaper.

And that death was like a **** key that finally opened up another story involving mystery to everyone's surprise.

However, no matter how bizarre the subsequent events are, what should be done now is to continue the story in a reasonable chronological order.

After the Raven Incident, time flies, and soon the next morning...

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