The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1576 Thin-skinned

Chapter 1,576 Thin-skinned

In addition to the above reasons, the most important thing is that they are thin-skinned. Four women and one man, all five of them are a little embarrassed to go beyond certain boundaries to express their love for each other. Over time, they have become used to it, and they know it anyway. The other party has himself in mind. As a cultivator, he is not a dual cultivator of magic, so he doesn't really need to practice.

But no matter what, Zhang Zhi liked to stay with the four girls, so he stayed at home for two more days, then went to Lin Sen for a drink, and then went to the Nitian Cave to get the spirit grass and spirit fruit to make wine and make elixirs. After buying thousands of bottles of spiritual wine and elixir, he went back to Tianlei Mountain and played with pigs, kittens and other little guys for a day, then left Tianlei Mountain and returned to the God Realm.

He didn't want to leave so soon, he just had something on his mind, and he could go down to the world at will and come back often in the future.

Also because I was worried about things, I didn't see Zhang Tianfang, Ruiyuan and others in the lower realm this time, and went directly back to the God Realm. When his figure reappeared on the star source, the big man asked with a smile: "So soon? I thought I would have to stay a few more days."

During the few days that Zhang was afraid of the lower realm, the big man turned into a bodyguard, protecting the black iron outer body of the God's Heart. At this time, when he returned to the God Realm, the heart of God returned to the iron block, and the big iron block became alive again.

Zhang Ai took out thousands of bottles of spirit wine and elixir and handed them to the big man and said, "You can exchange them for fairy wine." The big man said angrily: "How do I change it?" Zhang Ai said casually: "How do I know?" Then he knelt down to take a look. That big piece of iron that holds the heart of God.

Now that his mind has merged, he should refine the big iron block, firstly, it is easy to carry, and secondly, it can help him fight.

Seeing Zhang Wen's behavior like this, the big man snorted coldly to express his dissatisfaction. He turned around and said to Qingyin: "Go find the old man and ask him to help you change. Just say what's left after the last exchange." He also knew that he couldn't use it. Zhang was afraid that the news about the elixir would spread out, otherwise all kinds of troubles would be endless. Especially at this time, the situation in Jiezhong City was tense, and there were often fights. To avoid trouble, he had to be more careful.

Qingyin said yes, and the big man thought for a moment, then said: "Forget it, this matter is not urgent." He turned to Zhang Awei and asked: "During the days when you were up there, I looked for Yichen, Shuji and others. Bastard, I haven't found one. Do you want to continue looking for me?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "If you can't find it, why bother looking for it? I'll see you later."

It's not that Zhang fear is temperless and lets his enemies go easily, but he doesn't care about the people who offend him. As long as he is not dead, and as long as his opponents don't do anything excessive, he generally doesn't care much. What's more, no one can be sure that they have been caught, it is just a few of them who leaked the secret of God's Heart to the old madman, so it is not recommended for the big man to put a lot of effort into it.

Upon hearing this, the big man replied casually: "It's up to you, I'm too lazy to move anyway."

Zhang Ping laughed and didn't look back. He looked at the iron block in front of him and continued to ask him: "What do you do with your black suit? Do you keep it with you?"

At this time, Qingyin interjected: "I don't know what kind of spell it is. We have tried many methods, but we can't get rid of it. Why don't I go to Tiancheng, ask about Heijia, and bring back some fairy wine by the way?" ”

After hearing this, Zhang Ain thought about it and asked: "During the days when I was arrested, you were here. Did anyone come here?" Qingyin replied: "No, not even a ghost. It was so deserted."

After hearing this, Zhang Ain nodded and said, "You go with the big man. With him here, you can save a lot of trouble."

"What about you?" Qingyin asked. Zhang Ain replied: "Anyway, no one is coming, and there is no Yuntian Shen to cause trouble, so I will stay here." Qingyin worriedly asked: "What if someone makes trouble?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "I am alone. I don’t have anything to ask for, why would I bother you?”

Qingyin said in a deep voice: "I think it's a bit risky." He didn't agree to let Zhang Wear stay alone. It was really that this guy was too trouble-making. Zhang Wear had only been in the God Realm for five short years, and he had caused more trouble than Qing Wear. Yin Dai has seen more in hundreds or thousands of years.

Knowing that he was caring about him, Zhang Yin smiled and said: "It's okay." The big man agreed: "It should be okay. The old madman has gone through all the trouble. Is there anyone who dares to trouble him? And with a big iron block as a helper, no one can Don't be afraid, it's settled, we'll leave now." He was talking to Qingyin later.

Seeing that they were equally persistent, Qingyin agreed and told Zhang Ai to go to Tiancheng with the big man.

In this way, only Zhang Ai was left in the huge Xingyuan Square, just like when he first came to the God Realm. He first briefly scanned the countless starry skies below and found nothing wrong, so he discussed the matter of refining the weapon with the Heart of God.

In the past, God's heart would definitely resist and would never agree to anyone changing his body in any way. But now, to a certain extent, he and Zhang Wen have become one person, which means he agrees with Zhang Wen. request, and then work together to figure out what kind of artifact would be better.

According to what Zhang was afraid of, of course he wanted to get a big black knife like a hard iron knife. It was sharp and capable of attacking, strong and defensive, and it was really a rare weapon. But the Heart of God disagreed. He didn't like to look stupid.

Zhang Hui thought about it and realized that this is the truth. There is an essential difference between the Heart of God and hard iron. Although they are both black and hard, one has intelligence and the other is a dead object. If the Heart of God is only treated as an ordinary material Refining weapons might make the old lunatic come and beat up Zhang Ying, so of course it should not be done lightly. The heart of God is one of the best materials in the world, so it should be treated with caution and not wasted! Otherwise, I would be sorry for the hardships Zhang Weifeng had to endure.

In this case, he had to think carefully about what kind of artifact he should refine to maximize the effect of the Heart of God. After thinking about it, he thought that he should start with the Yuanshen, making the spiritual wisdom of the Heart of God alive, and also making the big iron block alive, so that it could automatically respond to the enemy. If he had this ability, when fighting again, Zhang Pa would be equivalent to having multiple helpers, and he could fight two against one.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea. However, the biggest problem arose, how to refine the artifact to make the spiritual wisdom of the Heart of God and the black iron block alive together?

After thinking for a long time and not being able to come up with a solution, he decided to wait for the big guy to come back, and he would practice to recover his body first.

On the 33rd layer of heaven, he was not only injured physically, but also suffered severe damage to his Yuanshen. He had been accompanied by severe pain for ten consecutive days. No matter who it was, he would not dare to say that there was no problem at all. Especially on the last day, the huge pain directly attacked the Yuanshen, and it tormented him continuously. If he had not been lucky enough, he would have survived; if it had been an ordinary person, he would have been useless long ago.

After coming out of the well, he actually rested by the well for a while, but time was short and he was worried, so he didn't recover. Now of course he had to seize the time to practice, heal his wounds as soon as possible, and make himself stronger.

He sat there for thirty days. After thirty days, he stood up and wondered why the big guy hadn't come back yet?

Just as he was wondering, a figure flew over the horizon. It was Qingyin. After he landed, Zhang Pa walked over and asked, "Where is the big guy? Why did he come back so late?" Qingyin smiled bitterly and said, "He went to chase Yichen."

"He saw Yichen?" Zhang Pa was a little curious. Was it such a coincidence?

Qingyin replied, "The big guy started to mess around after he went to Tiancheng. Sometimes he changed wine, sometimes he asked for information. Anyway, he was just wandering around. One day, he had a whim and had to go outside the city. I couldn't resist him, so I followed him out of the city. I found Yichen's breath outside the city, and then he chased him and asked me to come back first."

"Chase him after finding the breath?" Zhang Pa asked again, thinking that the big guy was really impulsive. Qingyin replied, "That's right. I didn't feel anything at all. I don't know how he found out. Then he said something to me and ran away. I was afraid something might happen and it would be bad for me to stay in Tiancheng, so I came back. Here, this is the elixir that the big guy gave you for healing." He handed over a bunch of elixir bottles, at least hundreds of them.

Zhang Pa took it and put it in his storage bracelet, and asked, "Did he remove the black color?" Qingyin shook his head and said, "No, but some people say that this black color doesn't affect anything and is harmless. It's just a toy for fooling around. It will disappear in a few years."

"Dissipate by itself in a few years?" Zhang Pa thought about it and thought this thing was interesting.

Qingyin nodded and said, "That's what they said anyway. Who knows what happened?" Then he asked Zhang Pa, "When I changed the wine, the big guy told me to be careful and not to get into trouble, so I didn't change out too much spiritual wine. There's still some left now. Do you want me to give it to you?" Zhang Pa shook his head and said, "Keep it and change it later." As he spoke, he thought of the Fu Shen Snake, so he released them and fed them with a bunch of spiritual pills. Qingyin was stunned and asked Zhang Pa, "Do you always feed the snake with spiritual pills?" Zhang Pa replied casually, "That's about right." Qingyin was even more surprised and sighed, "Such a big guy must eat a lot of spiritual pills. How many elixirs can they grow so big? You are so wasteful. "

Zhang Pa laughed and said, "They eat everything. They are said to eat everything. They can grow so big mainly by eating spiritual energy. They don't eat much food." At this point, he explained, "They are the most talented cultivation race in my starry sky. As long as they cultivate to a certain level, they can become human. It's amazing!" At this point, he paused and looked at each snake carefully. He thought something was wrong. These guys eat delicious food every day. They don't know how much spiritual wine, elixirs and herbs they eat. Why haven't they cultivated into human form? He felt a little strange. Is it because of insufficient cultivation?

Using divine thoughts to carefully scan one of the snakes, he felt that the internal breath was strong and the spiritual power was abundant. Compared with the princes of Xi Palace, the difference was limited. Could it be that these differences prevented them from cultivating into human form?

But then he thought again, it's good now. They can stay in the big walnut with peace of mind. If they really cultivate into human form, even if the big snakes are willing to stay in the walnut, Zhang Pa will not allow it.

Thinking of this, I feel that we should treat them differently. Since the kittens, piglets, and even two mice can be released back to Tianlei Mountain, we should let the big snakes be free like those guys, instead of keeping them around like pets all day long.

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