The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1577 Refining Artifacts

At this moment, the big man came back with an unhappy look on his face. After he stood down, he said, "I didn't find that bastard after all." Hearing the voice, he was very angry.

Qingyin answered: "It's very difficult to track him without seeing a person with only a trace of residual qi." The qi is weak, and anything can erase or cover it up, such as Wind and rain, like wild animal dung.

The big man nodded after hearing this and stopped talking about it. He changed the subject and asked Zhang Awei: "What level of cultivation are you now? How many levels can you go up to the sacred mountain? Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "I don't know. I haven't climbed the sacred mountain. I don't know. How many floors can you go to? The big man said: "Didn't I get a lot of pills in exchange?" Recuperate quickly and then climb the sacred mountain. Zhang Ain replied: "It is necessary to recuperate, but I have no interest in mountain climbing." "

The big man said seriously: "This has nothing to do with interest. Since you can come out of the Immortal Well, your cultivation level should not be too bad. Maybe you can return to the Thirty-three Heavens."

Hearing this, Zhang Awei quickly shook his head: "We can't make it, we can't make it, we definitely can't make it." The big man ignored what he said and said casually: "No matter if you can make it or not, you have to give it a try. Do you think anyone can make it?" Can you survive the painful ordeal of being banished to the Immortal Well for thirty-three days?" At this point, he turned to Qingyin and asked, "Do you have those immortal wines?" Qingyin nodded and said, "You must not give them to me. He, let's go have a drink." After saying this, he shouted to Zhang Awei: "Practice quickly." Then he and Qingyin went to sit down and start drinking.

When Zhang Jing saw it, no wonder Qingyin only gave him the elixir and not the fairy wine when he came back. The big man had warned him, and he was afraid that he would ruin things. He immediately said: "Get some, God's Heart must drink some." "The big man shook his head and said: "No." Zhang Ping said: "But you got it in exchange for my spiritual wine. I’ve given you a lot of pills, what else do you want?”

I was so depressed. It seemed that this guy was determined not to give me the fairy wine. He thought about it and said, "I'm going back to the orchard to practice. You have to come back with me. I want to plant Yuntian Ginseng."

"How about you save me some trouble?" the big man cursed casually.

Okay, then I'll be taller than you. Zhang Ping had no choice but to succumb to the big man's rudeness, meditate on the spot, adjust his breath a little, take the elixir, and then start practicing.

Speaking of which, he has no shortage of elixirs now. A few days ago, on the thirty-third day, he ate all the elixirs, and then hid the divine power in the big iron block of the Heart of God. As long as he wanted it, he could Having the big iron block next to you is just a matter of thought, and you can take it back at any time. It's just that there is no harm in stocking up on things like elixirs. So while taking the elixir, he extracted divine power from the iron block, and at the same time he performed exercises to heal his injuries.

Another month has passed, and Zhang Ping's injuries have finally recovered. Because I suffered a lot in the Immortal Well, and after recovering from the injury, even my cultivation and soul became stronger, a very, very strong kind of strength.

After briefly checking his body, he was very satisfied with his current cultivation, so he stood up and walked towards the big man.

These days, the big man lives a very leisurely life, lying down in a daze or drinking wine all day long. Seeing Zhang Wei getting up, he greeted from a distance: "You're still alive, just recovering from an injury. How long did it take?"

Zhang Ping said: "Of course we need it." As he spoke, he glanced at Qingyin and asked casually, "Where is Qingyin?" The big man said: "I'm home, and I don't owe you anything. You can’t be stuck here working for us every day.”

Zhang Awei nodded lightly, sat opposite the big man, first checked the starry sky below, and then said: "I'm going to the lower world to stay for a few days." The big man sighed: "Go, go early and come back early, I don't have the patience. Guarding for you."

Zhang Ain said yes, put away the divine snake, summoned the wisdom of the heart of God, walked through the starry sky under the star source, and returned to Tianlei Mountain.

The reason why he came back was because he had spent more than two months recuperating from his injuries twice, which was a bit long. He wanted to come back and stay with the four girls for a few days, and then go back to the God Realm to do another thing.

Four days passed in the blink of an eye, Zhang Ain said goodbye to everyone in Tianlei Mountain and returned to the God Realm. After returning to Star Source, the first thing he did was to ask the big man how to refine the Heart of God.

After the injury is healed and the cultivation level has increased, it is natural to get a good artifact to be even more powerful.

Hearing Zhang Awei's request, the big man said casually: "Go to the bookstore to check. They must know more than me." Zhang Awei then flew to the bookstore on the sacred mountain and carefully checked all the techniques related to weapon refining. .

There are too many books in the library. After two days and two nights of hard work, Zhang Weizhi finally got some ideas. Then he went back to Xingyuan and continued discussing with the big man how to refine weapons.

The big man still ignored him and asked him to discuss with the Heart of God. Zhang Wen had no choice but to sit aside and discuss with the big iron block how to smelt it. The Heart of God had known that such a day would come, and it was integrated with Zhang Ai's soul, so he didn't care about what he would experience or what he would become. Instead, he wholeheartedly discussed with Zhang Ai how to torture himself.

At this time, the big man interjected: "Eat Yuntian Ginseng and grass for you, and then refine the weapon, you will definitely gain more." Zhang was afraid to refuse directly, and casually said: "Why bother them?" He continued to talk to Shen Zhi Discuss with your heart.

After two days of continuous discussion, the Heart of God believed that he could become a perfect pair of armor. Yes, it was an armor, not a shield. He wanted to possess the majesty of a general and marshal, rather than a weapon used by warriors for defense.

Now that Big Iron Block has made the decision, Zhang Ping agreed. The next thing is to figure out how to make the armor come alive.

I thought about this problem for six days, and finally decided on the refining method, using Zhang Ping's soul fire to refine the heart of God.

Although this thing is hard, it has become one with Zhang Wen, making it very easy to practice. All it takes is for the soul mark of the Heart of God to rejoin the black iron block during the refining process. At the same time, Zhang Ai's soul mark must also be sent in together. As long as the refining is successful, this artifact can fight the enemy on its own because it is controlled by the heart of God.

At this stage, the only troublesome thing was the shape. It took a lot of effort to get a pair of supremely hard armor that both he and God's Heart were satisfied with.

He was thinking about the details, and the big man sneered at him, and then said: "You are so stupid. The Heart of God is alive. Why are you still thinking so much? As long as you get the help of the Heart of God, you can refine it at will. You can change it at will, but you are still thinking about it.”

Zhang was afraid of hearing this and decided to give it a try first. He recalled in his mind the weapon refining techniques he had learned in the past few days, and finally chose a technique that he could perfectly control with his cultivation level. Then he lit up the fire of the soul and carefully Smelting black iron.

He is compatible with the Soul of God's Heart, so there is no need to worry that the fire of his Soul will burn the big iron block, or that it will burn the intelligence of the Heart of God. When the flames heated up to a certain level, Zhang Aifeng thought, and the five-meter-square iron block turned into black molten iron, flowing slowly in the air.

Then he sent in his soul, and with another thought, his soul filled every part of the molten iron. All that was left was to continue smelting. He originally wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect the God's Heart to cooperate so perfectly. Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to waste the opportunity, so he took advantage of the situation and let it go. He prepared to take shape at once and refine for himself a weapon that is strong in heaven and on earth. The best artifact.

This time the weapon refining method is completely different from his previous weapon refining methods. Apart from anything else, there is only one point that does not require him to shape it. All he has to do is turn the molten iron into his own, and then watch the molten iron change endlessly.

After the fusion of Yuanshen, it is no longer difficult to refine powerful materials like the Heart of God. Because of the perfect fit between the two, not only can he perfectly control the changes in the molten iron during the refining process, but also through this process of mutual understanding and mutual mastery, he can more perfectly control the large iron block. At the same time, through this kind of control, he also made progress in his cultivation.

This was his first divine weapon, and since it was refined using the Heart of God, he didn't dare to be sloppy. All processes were done with great care and perfection.

Because he was too careful, Zhang was afraid of being extremely tired. Eighty-one days later, a crisp sound suddenly came from the direction of the sacred mountain, and the clouds in the sky dispersed instantly, revealing the clear blue sky. . At this moment, Zhang Ping's soul fire went out silently. After the flames extinguished, a large drop of black liquid iron appeared in the air, as if it had not been refined.

Zhang Ping knew, however, that this molten iron was absolutely terrifying because it was alive.

He and the Heart of God worked together to refine molten iron. There was originally a large amount of divine power in the molten iron. Coupled with his perfect control, several conditions came together, and this powerful molten iron existed today.

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Zhang Wen smiled softly. When the refining was completed, the spiritual intelligence of the Heart of God withdrew from his body and entered the molten iron, making it his new home.

At this time, a big man from a distance came over and said as he walked: "You are really good at it, why did you make such a drop of molten iron?" As he was walking, a black spear suddenly appeared in front of him, with the blade pointed directly at him. The big man stopped and cursed angrily: "You unlucky boy, you are sick, how dare you scare me?"

Zhang Ai smiled and the spear disappeared, turning into a long black whip wrapped around his body.

Looking down at the black whip, Zhang Awei asked: "Isn't it awesome?" The big man curled his lips and said: "What's so awesome? I didn't see anything." Zhang Awei said softly: "You can see it now." He said this. , the long whip around his waist disappeared again, turning into a piece of black armor that was wrapped around his head, covering Zhang Ao tightly, making him look very mighty and majestic.

The Heart of God is not only as simple as condensing armor. There is a flying knife hidden on the right side of the armor. At the same time, it can easily transform into various artifacts such as swords, guns, bows and crossbows. With this thing, it is equivalent to having all kinds of defensive and offensive artifacts. It is absolutely nice one!

Zhang Ai was very proud of himself and was showing off to the big man. Of course the big man didn't like him, so he snorted coldly, turned around and walked away.

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