The Most Generous Master Ever

Chapter 201: : Upheaval in the East Wasteland

Chapter 201 Upheaval in the East Wilderness

This holy place is also very interesting.

Some people are fighting openly and secretly, beware of each other.

Some people hide their hatred and wait for it.

Some people cherish holy places and are willing to die...

In just half a day, the once invincible Supreme Holy Land has been reduced to ruins.

The hundreds of thousands of disciples under the sect were all killed by the beast's mouth, and there were no bones left.

"Haha... Qingmiao Old Daoist, you have today too!"

In the sea of ​​​​fire, Broken Arm Mo Yi laughed loudly, as if resentment in his heart was all resolved at once.

Looking at the fierce beast standing in front of him, eyeing him, Mo Yi didn't have any intention of resisting.

He knew that he could not escape, and now that his great revenge has been avenged, he felt relieved.

He was soon buried in a sea of ​​fire.

With his death, it also announced the official death of the Supreme Palace.

Only a small part of the people who survived escaped, but they only escaped from this wasteland.

What awaits them will be endless torture.

On the ancient road in the wasteland, millions of fiends raged rampantly, wanting to survive surrounded by these fiendish beasts.

You not only need enough strength, but also have the luck against the sky.

Lu Yan ran all the way with Qingmiao on his back, left the dojo of the Supreme Palace, and flew in the direction of Qin Chuan.

In the face of such a scene, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will already be in a mess, like a headless fly, flying everywhere.

But he is different. He is calm enough and knows clearly what to do.

In this situation, he could only save his life by entering Qinchuan.

Because there is this giant king in charge there, compared to other positions in the Eastern Wilderness, Qinchuan is the most hopeful of surviving.

Even if he was unwilling in his heart, how much he looked down on the Heaven Patching Sect at the beginning, he had to bow his head to admit it at this moment.

At this moment, the Heaven Patching Sect had become the number one holy land in the Eastern Wasteland.

If he wanted to survive, he had to ask the Heaven-Mending Sect to take him in.

Back then, the Heaven Patching Sect made an oath to advance and retreat together with all the living beings in the world. Thinking about it, they wouldn't reject him, right?

He had no idea in his heart. After all, the grievances between the Supreme Palace and the Heaven Mending Sect were so deep, it would be common sense if the other party refused to take him in.

Facing the beasts running rampant in the mountains, Lu Yan's emotions have gradually gotten out of control.

The only person who relies on the Taoist Qingmiao is already in a coma at this moment. The only person he can rely on is himself.

Otherwise, their master and apprentice would definitely not be able to escape the hunt of these beasts.

After escaping the beast search again and again, the two came to the outside of Guangling City.

Stopping on top of a mountain, Lu Yan shouted out of control, "Master, wake up quickly."

With these cries, the Taoist Qingmiao finally woke up.

He just woke up...

When I think of the mountain that has been burned to the ground, the most supreme inheritance in my heart has now perished.

The Taoist Qingmiao had tears in the corners of his eyes, and his heart was ashes.

How much he wanted to carry forward the Supreme Palace and restore the former style of the Holy Land, but there was always Gu Jianchang behind him who was restricting him.

No matter what he did, he had to ask the other party's opinion, resulting in the demise of the Supreme Palace today.


The anger and fire attacked the heart, and another mouthful of old blood spit out, and the Taoist Qingmiao almost fainted again.

Fortunately, Lu Yan responded quickly, he helped him, and said eagerly, "Master, you have to hold on!"

"Our Supreme Palace is gone. If you are gone, there will be no more Supreme Palace in this great wasteland in the future."

"Elder Li desperately sent us out, we can't just let down his last wish."

"As long as we are still alive, we can definitely regroup and build a brand new Supreme Palace."

"Recall the former style of my Supreme Palace."

Looking at his beloved disciple, Taoist Qingmiao finally calmed down a bit, and laughed at himself.

I've been calculating people for a lifetime, but I didn't expect to be calculated in the end.

"Haha... Mo Yi, consider your old boy cruel enough."

Yangtian laughed and laughed at himself, and Taoist Qingmiao finally vented the anger in his heart and stood up slowly.

Looking at the murderous man all over the mountains and plains, he frowned and asked, "Tutor, where is this?"


As soon as these words came out, Qingmiao was stunned for a moment. How long has he been in a coma, why did he come to Guangling City?

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the once prosperous capital has now become a ruin, and the smoke of the war has not yet dissipated.

The tens of thousands of troops originally from Liyang were all killed within seconds of the fierce beast's attack.

Fortunately, the Xiao family in Guangling was the last big clan to leave Guangling.

Before leaving, he brought all the people in the city to Qin Chuan and escorted them all the way.

I have to say that Zhanzi is indeed very affectionate. In that situation, all the families ran away early.

He was the only one who stayed, and in the end, the Heaven Patching Sect released the news that when he was holding on to Qin Chuan, he even brought the whole family's children and sent these people to the customs.

For this reason, the reputation of the Xiao family has soared among the people, and the people have such a high status in their hearts.

"Why are we here?"

Qing Miao frowned and asked.

Before he fainted, he was still on the mountain, and he arrived at Guangling in a blink of an eye.

It is less than a hundred miles away from Qin Chuan, and it can be reached in an instant.

"Master, it was the disciple who brought you down from the mountain and hid all the way to XZ to come here."

"In the current situation, my Supreme Palace has been destroyed, and the only thing that can save our lives is the Heaven-Mending Sect."

"That's why Tu'er made an assertion and was ready to go to the Heaven-Mending Sect."

Lu Yan didn't hide anything and said bluntly.

This journey has been thrilling, but fortunately he was lucky enough, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get here.

Hearing this, Qingmiao felt very aggrieved in her heart. He never thought that one day he would go to his opponent.

But Lu Yan's decision was right. In this situation, only the Heaven Mending Sect can save them.

If they continue to wander outside, there is only a dead end waiting for them.


With a sigh, Qingmiao felt very aggrieved. He could already imagine that once he entered Qinchuan, he would see Qi Wugui's yin and yang strange face.

That kind of look, yin and yang, made him more uncomfortable than killing him.

But for the sake of his apprentice, for the sake of Taoism, he must live.

His precious disciple, in order to save him, ran for 100,000 miles, and he never gave up no matter how much trouble he encountered.

As a master, how could he fail his apprentice's efforts.

"Never mind! Let's go, go to Qin Chuan..."

Gritting her teeth, Qingmiao finally decided to take her apprentice to Qinchuan and join the Heaven Mending Sect.

Although he knew that he was gone, he would definitely be ridiculed by Qi Wugui, but he gritted his teeth and endured it.

At this moment... the war is raging inside and outside the East Wasteland.

After the first wave of the Supreme Palace was first broken, several Holy Lands were also broken soon.

Among them, the second Great Holy Land to be breached was Zhulu Academy.

Like the situation of the Supreme Hall, Zhulu Academy also announced the closure of the academy at the first time, but it was still broken.

Can't help but think, are these beasts intentional?

Who shut the door and beat whom?

After the Zhulu Academy was broken, retreated to the southeast and entered the Yunmeng Lake Realm.

And above the Tianshan Mountain, the Tianchi Holy Land has not been attacked until now.

It may be related to their geographical conditions. Those fierce beasts have passed through no-man's land, and the first to bear the brunt are the Supreme Palace and the Heaven-Mending Sect.

Tianchi is in the back, so naturally it can be safe and sound.

In addition to several major holy places, two of the three major dynasties have entered a collapsed situation.

Only one Liyang Dynasty remained, swaying in the wind and rain.

The Liyang Dynasty, which had entered the collapse stage at the very beginning, suddenly reversed after the new emperor Zhao Yi ascended the throne because the old emperor suddenly died.

In the territory of Liyang, countless small and medium holy places joined hands to defend against the enemy, and finally defended this country.

It also seemed to prove Ye Qiu's prophecy at the beginning. The Prince of Zhao was born with luck in the world, and it would be difficult to die.

Perhaps the Liyang Dynasty can really grow completely in his hands.

At least it seems now that two of the three major dynasties have collapsed. As long as he can survive this calamity, Liyang will rise.

In just a few days, the East Wasteland fused, the war swept through, and the world completely turned into a purgatory.

The purgatory of death.

In this catastrophe, I don't know how many people died.

Whether it's beasts or people, the numbers are rapidly declining, and grievances are skyrocketing.

At this time, the red-clothed empress standing high above the temple of no end, witnessed this human cleansing.

There was no pity on her expression, and a strange smile appeared on her face.

"Haha, it's interesting! Is this the world you'd rather attack me and keep it?"

Tianmeng laughed at himself. At the beginning, if Xuan Yi hadn't tried desperately to stop her blood sacrifice, maybe she could have made these people die more happily.

It wouldn't be so miserable, being eaten alive by beasts.

She doesn't care about anyone's life or death. The only thing in the world that can make her care is the man who is still sitting in the Yuqing Cave mansion at the moment.

They are connected by blood, and have a strong heart. They are both prosperous and damaged. They should be a natural However, the estrangement between them will be difficult to kill in this life.

Although she deceived Xuan Yi back then, she never thought of harming him. She only wanted to use his blood and bones to prove the supreme avenue.

As long as they succeed in proving the Dao, the two of them can achieve great deeds and share the way of longevity.

As for the life and death of the world, it has nothing to do with the two of them.

However, in the face of such a temptation, Xuan Yi still held back. His heart did not allow himself to sacrifice the lives of the world to achieve himself.

The Dao that he has achieved in this way is not the Dao he cultivated in his heart.

At this moment, the tragic massacre that took place under the temple completely fell into Tianmeng's eyes.

She sat up high and witnessed all this with the attitude of the supreme emperor.

She wasn't in a hurry, she just wanted to see, how can the Heaven-Mending Sect save this East Desolate?

(End of this chapter)

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