The Most Generous Master Ever

Chapter 202: : 7 Kings Council

Chapter 202 The Council of Seven Kings

It is erected on the top of Qinchuan, looking at the mountains, rivers and the earth, and it is a waste of time.

After this catastrophe, it will be difficult for Donghuang to recover for a hundred or even thousand years.

Darkness has swept the earth, and the rotten breath is hovering in the mysterious places all over the Eastern Wilderness, gradually forming a restricted area.

In the quagmire of death, under the darkness of decay, seven strange giants, dressed in black robes, sat around a round table.

The atmosphere is very depressing, and in the strange and chaotic disordered world, they are the supreme rulers.

After an unknown period of silence, a strange giant slowly stood up and looked around the other six giants.

"It's ridiculous. The King of Chaofeng, who was invincible in his battles against the heavens, died in such a weak and humble world..."

"It's a disgrace to my clan!"

Another weird giant tapped the table lightly and said thoughtfully, "When Chao Feng died, I could feel his inner changes before he died."

"Very desperate, was used a sword, shattered the soul, and died in pain."

"It's hard to imagine that in such a world, someone can beat the tide."

"So what?"

The previous strange giant shouted angrily and said viciously: "No matter who the other party is, dare to kill my vanguard general, there is only one result waiting for him, and that is death..."

Everyone was silent, another strange giant, lightly analyzed.

"Xiaofeng is so arrogant and complacent, always a mighty guy. I had expected his failure."

"It's just that what I can't figure out is that no matter how arrogant the tide is, it shouldn't lose so badly."

"Who is the other party? What means do you have..."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the giants remained silent for a long time.

A giant sitting on the main seat said slowly: "Darkness has shrouded this land, and within a few days, we should be able to completely control this world."

"Who would have thought that it would be a little tricky for such a strong human being to suddenly appear."

"Because of his appearance, the rest of the human race monks from all over the world fought back, and gradually condensed into a powerful resistance force."

"From Yunmeng Lake, to Tianchi, large and small holy places, human forces, all joined this resistance war."

"Our army has been losing again and again. If this continues, it will be detrimental to us."

After his analysis, the other giants immediately thought of the key points of this matter.

When he raised his hand, in the dark room, a phantom of the Eastern Wilderness map appeared.

Walking to the most important point, a strange giant pointed to a mountain in the middle.


Everyone's attention was also drawn to Qin Chuan by him, looking at the towering mountain.

A strange giant said: "At this moment, the situation in Donghuang has completely collapsed. Under this kind of pressure, the psychology of ordinary people has already collapsed."

"This is the case in all the worlds in the past, but it seems to be different here..."

"It seems that there is a mysterious power, or belief, in their hearts, supporting them and making them fight to the last moment."

"This kind of belief, which seems trivial, can often exert power that you can't imagine in the most desperate moments."

"You can turn the tide of battle in an instant."

A strange evil smiled and said, "So what? What do you want to say..."


The weird giant pondered for a moment, then said: "The most crucial point is to break the game.

It's... destroy their beliefs, put them into despair, open their hearts to the darkness..."

After he finished speaking, he tapped his finger lightly and directly hit Qin Chuan's position on the map. In an instant... the phantom on the map turned into countless fragments and shattered into pieces.

"Haha... a bit interesting! Does it make people lose hope and sink into despair?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun."

As soon as the giant's voice fell, everyone present suddenly lit up, all eyes on Qin Chuan.

There, it was the place where the tide was killed, and at present, the only place where they could be interested.

What kind of scene will the seven kings gather in Qinchuan?

They did not come to kill, but to recruit troops, to gather more strong men who voluntarily gave up themselves and fell into darkness.

For their so-called God, conquer the heavens and expand the territory...

Of course, there is a knockout game before recruiting.

If you want to fall into darkness, you must first see if you are qualified enough to survive.

Only those who survive are eligible to be swallowed by the strange...

Moreover, the strange master, who had experienced a **** battle in God before, was injured a little, and now he is still recovering on the other side of the strange.

A lot of blood is needed to help him recover from the injury.

This is also the reason why they came to the Eastern Wilderness.


Hearing the sound of a slap on the table, the peak giant slowly stood up on the main seat.

A strange smile appeared on that strange face, and he said, "Since that's the case, let the seven of us personally meet this so-called human powerhouse for a while."

"Maybe, he is qualified to be one of us."

"Haha... It's a bit bullying to fight one out of seven, right?

How can we say that we are also high-level Protoss. Facing an existence like an ant, do we need the seven of us to take action together? "

A strange giant said disdainfully, he had no fear of Ye Qiu who could kill Chao Feng.

A guy like Shiokaze, arrogant and complacent, can beat him, no wonder.

If you have the ability, try it with this king?

Hearing him speak so arrogantly, everyone also glanced at him with a sneer, this guy...has the same temperament as Chaofeng.

The same complacency and arrogance, but he doesn't think so, and feels that he and Chaofeng are not the same traveller.

His arrogance is because he is really capable, while Chaofeng likes to pretend.

How did he know that in the hearts of everyone present, he and Chaofeng were exactly the same.

A strange giant sneered: "The tide, arrogance, will only make you follow the footsteps of the tide..."

"Do you really think that Chaofeng is too arrogant, so he lost to that person?"

Another strange giant followed suit.

"This guy Chaofeng is indeed arrogant on weekdays, but he is the most stable person among us."

"Every time he fights, he is very cautious. No matter who his opponent is or what his strength is, he will leave behind him for emergencies..."

"In the past, big and small battles were all like this, but this time, he missed."

"It can be seen how terrifying the opponent's strength is."

"If you insist on courting death, we won't stop you, you can try it..."

Hearing him mocking like this, Chao Lu's face was also angry.


"An opponent that Chaofeng can't defeat doesn't mean that I can't defeat it either."

"Since you don't believe it, let's wait and see if I can take him down..."

Having said that, he exited the stage in a rage, obviously provoked.

He has always looked down on Chaofeng, but now his colleagues are comparing him with Chaofeng, and he is very upset.

You have to prove yourself.

Watching him leave, the other giants also looked at each other and smiled.

"Boss! Why don't you let this guy first try to test the other party's methods and see how much the other party has..."

A strange giant suggested, and the peak giant in the lead nodded, although it was immoral to do so.

But in the eyes of the strange clan, there is only interest, and there is no so-called affection.

As long as he can win, anyone can sacrifice, even himself...


After thinking about it for a while, the peak giant waved his hand, and a more powerful black air instantly spread out.

The entire restricted area of ​​the swamp was instantly covered by darkness and completely plunged into a dead place.

In a radius of hundreds of miles, all the creatures were swallowed up in an instant and became strange puppets.

In less than a moment, a powerful and strange army suddenly opened up, appeared outside the restricted area, and launched an attack in the direction of Qin Chuan.

At the same time, above Qin Chuan, after beheading Chao Feng, Ye Qiu came to Tianling and explained some things to Qi Wuhui.

By the way, the Qinchuan barrier was reinforced.

He has a hunch that a more terrifying battle is about to strike, and he needs to be fully prepared before that.

"Junior brother, who is the strange master mentioned by the strange giant just now?"

After dealing with some trivial matters, Qi Wugui finally couldn't help asking curiously.

He listened carefully just now, Chao Feng mentioned before he died that there was a strange Lord above him.

Now that this tide is so difficult to deal with, if the real body of the strange Lord descends to the East Wasteland, what kind of scene will it be?

Qi Wugui didn't dare to think about it, and his heart was naturally very nervous.

Regarding the strange master, Ye Qiu also shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I think it should be a strong man above the emperor."


Mingyue's face was pale with fright, and the kings and giants have already made people so desperate. If there is another great emperor, is there still hope in the world?

Seeing her panic, Ye Qiu smiled and said, "Senior sister, don't worry..."

"This world is restricted by the order of heaven and earth. If the immortals in the sky come to this world, their realm will be imprisoned and suppressed to the extent that they can only exert the strength of the emperor realm..."

"If he dares to come, I will call him, there will be no return..."

Ye Qiu showed a meaningful smile. Killing the Great Emperor is enough for a year. If you kill an immortal, wouldn't it be a lifetime?

What about the immortals in the sky?

As long as he dares to come to this Ye Qiu will have the opportunity to replace him alone.

It's definitely not blowing.

Now, Ye Qiucao's word sword has been completed, and during his retreat, he comprehended the laws of the heavens, and there is a vague opportunity to comprehend the fourth sword.

When it comes to human combat power alone, Ye Qiu is absolutely true to anyone...

Even Tianmeng, he has a chance to defeat.

However, the other party has regenerated bones. Unless Ye Qiu can destroy her regenerated bones in an instant, she can activate Nirvana again in an instant.

This is also the reason why Ye Qiu said before that he was not sure.

Because if he uses the third sword, he will also be seriously injured, which is completely a life-for-life play.

Even with all the revival pills, Ye Qiu only had nine chances.

(End of this chapter)

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