90 video negotiations with nine major arms traffickers

“Killer organization?

That ghost arms company, invited that killer organization?

“‘Red spider’? Or ‘a drop of blood’? ”

The former president of the Emerald Arms Company asked suspiciously,

These two are one of the two most deadly killer organizations in the world at this time.

“That’s not right. Under normal circumstances, these killers will not interfere in our industry.

It is even more impossible to assassinate the Black Emperor, otherwise they themselves will cause a lot of trouble.

They also know very well that the ‘Black Emperor’ is behind our support, and they generally do not earn this money.

So this time, will it suddenly strike?

Moreover, directly kill the ‘Black Emperor’, ‘Deep Water Crocodile’ and ‘Poisonous Wolf King’.

The leaders of these arms dealers are all supported by major arms dealers and even some military generals.

These killer organizations cannot be unaware of this, if they really dare to do so, it is a complete enemy of our arms industry.

That killer organization dares to do this? No way! ”

Lester walked back and forth, then analyzed.

The more he analyzes, the more absolutely wrong he is, as a relatively advanced group of people in this arms industry, he knows a lot of insider information.

Therefore, after careful analysis, he still felt that this was the speculation that the killer organization killed the three arms trafficker leaders such as the ‘Black Emperor’, which was unlikely.

“Find a way, go and investigate clearly, and see if it is the hand of several killer organizations.”

If only they did, hum!

They are just looking for death! ”

Lester snorted coldly.

In these unseen underground industries, killers are undoubtedly one of them, and even the arms industry.

Many arms transactions are carried out in secret, and there is no light in sight.

The real light is seen by the big arms companies, which sell arms in the form of legitimate trade.

However, in the underground industry, the power of these arms companies is definitely much stronger than those killer organizations.

“Old President, this time it was originally sixteen arms traffickers who worked together against the branches and personnel of the Ghost Arms Company in various places.

As a result, only seven arms dealers started today, namely the ‘Black Emperor’ and the ‘Poisonous Wolf King’.

These seven companies are all backed by our arms company background.

The other nine are none.

Now, the bosses of the ‘Black Emperor’, ‘Poisonous Wolf King’ and ‘Deep Water Crocodile’ have been killed.

The bosses of the other four families are not dead, and it is estimated that they will be regarded as the next target.

This is also too obvious, why not the leaders of the nine arms dealers who did it, none of them are fine.

The dead are three of the seven families who started it, and it must be the revenge launched by the Ghost Arms Company.

I don’t know how this ghost arms company did it.

Their revenge also started too quickly.

Almost before their people’s attack on the Ghost Arms Company was over, the ‘Black Emperor’ was attacked and killed.

The person who attacked and killed the shot cleanly, and at a glance he was a veteran of experience.

Moreover, it should be planned in advance, otherwise it will not go so smoothly.

In this way, it is true that only those old killer organizations have the ability to do this.

Could it be that behind this ghost arms company, there is also an old killer organization? ”

The assistant next to him said with some horror.

Now, they are becoming more and more confused about the details of the ghost arms company on Li Rui’s side.

“Fuck, who knows!”

Lester roared angrily, anyway, now he can’t see through, and he is helpless against Li Rui’s ghost arms company, so he can only roar and vent his anger.

At the same time, the high-level officials of other arms companies also received these news.

“Inform the ‘Butcher’ and ‘Vultures’ to be careful, and the Ghost Arms Company should also send killers to kill them.”

Soon, the bosses of other arms companies spoke.

The ‘Butcher’ and the ‘Vulture’ are also the leaders of the other two arms traffickers, both of whom have backgrounds behind these arms companies and are personally supported by these arms companies.

Now, the top officials of these arms companies have obviously understood Li Rui’s intentions.

Li Rui is ready to take advantage of this opportunity to eradicate these seven top arms dealers supported by these arms companies.

Now, three have been killed, and there are four others left.

“Also, the other nine arms dealers, why didn’t they do it?

There must be a reason, most likely it was the people of this ghost arms company who contacted them and gave them some promises.

Let people find out what promises the ghost arms company gave to other arms dealers.

This ghost arms company is really difficult to deal with. ”

The presidents of other arms companies have also issued orders one after another.

At this time, Li Rui did not immediately let Hei Da and Ding Yi continue to attack and kill the leaders of the other four arms dealers.

Because, Li Rui also knew that as this news spread.

The leaders of the other four arms dealers must have taken precautions.

Let Hei Da go alone again, I’m afraid it will be difficult to succeed.

Li Rui is not in a hurry, now the battle between the two sides has just begun, and there will be a fight later.

Step by step, sooner or later it will kill them.

Now, what is important for Li Rui is to get in touch with the leaders of the nine arms dealers who have no background in arms companies and are completely on their own or other backgrounds.

Because, Li Rui felt that this time was the perfect time.

Li Rui’s strategy to kill chickens and monkeys.

Now, three of the chickens that should be killed have been killed, enough to deter the nine monkeys.

Take this opportunity to talk to them, let them kneel and sing conquest.

Toot toot!

Li Rui was in the Phantom nuclear submarine, directly with the nine arms trafficker leaders, video link.

Soon, the nine arms trafficker leaders were all connected.

In fact, at this time, the leaders of the nine arms dealers were waiting for Li Rui’s side to take the initiative to contact them.

At this time, in their hearts, they were even more jealous of Li Rui’s ghost arms company.

Originally, they thought that Li Rui’s ghost arms company was not a new company that had just entered the industry!

How strong can a new company be.

These arms dealers are united, but a very strong force, for a new arms company that has just entered the industry, it is not very easy!

I didn’t see that even the world’s top arms companies, on the side of the underground arms market, have to cooperate with them, and sometimes they have to act according to their faces.

Now, such a new arms company dares to break the rules of their industry.

Then you need to say it, just kill it.

It’s just that Li Rui’s side behind them sent out emails to each of them and saw the conditions that Li Rui gave them.

Suddenly, they saw new business opportunities.

Let these arms dealers feel that Li Rui’s proposal is good, if they do this, they may be able to earn more.

As for whether they cooperate with the Ghost Arms Company or with other arms companies, they don’t really care.

Behind these nine top arms dealers, it is not supported by those big arms companies.

Therefore, they stopped retaliating against Li Rui’s ghost arms company and waited for Li Rui to contact them.

“Hmph, that Ghost Arms Company, this time will not give us a satisfactory way to cooperate.

This matter is not over, and it will still destroy him when the time comes. ”

Previously, this kind of thinking was shared by these arms trafficker leaders.

However, when the news of the death of the world’s top arms dealer leaders, the ‘Black Emperor’, the ‘Poisonous Wolf King’ and the ‘Deep Water Crocodile’, reached the ears of these arms dealer leaders.

They were first stunned, then terrified!

They did not expect that Li Rui’s ghost arms company, the revenge of the seven arms dealers of the ‘Black Emperor’, would come so quickly.

Moreover, they didn’t expect that Li Rui’s side could kill the ‘Black Emperor’ them.

Originally, these arms dealers also guessed that Li Rui’s side might take revenge on the ‘Black Emperor’ them.

But in their opinion, at most, it is a blow, the Black Emperor’s transactions in the underground arms market, and the rest of the ghost arms companies, can not do anything.

After all, a new arms company has little energy, and naturally can’t do much.

As for taking the lives of several other arms trafficker leaders, they didn’t think about it at all.

However, when the news of the ‘Black Emperor’ and the others being killed was known to them, how could they not be stunned.

And then there’s fear!

Since, Li Rui’s ghost arms company could slaughter the three ‘Black Emperors’ so easily.

That can also kill them, their strength is actually not much stronger than the Black Emperor them.

Even, the strength of these nine arms dealers can be compared to the ‘Black Emperor’ and the ‘Poisonous Wolf King’, and there are only two or three.

After all, the three arms dealers of the ‘Black Emperor’ are backed by other arms companies.

Then, the leaders of these nine arms dealers became honest and stopped thinking about killing Li Rui’s ghost arms company.

He originally thought that what he caught was a carp, ready to boil the oil.

But unexpectedly, the last catch turned out to be a great white shark.

That’s embarrassing.

And now, after Li Rui’s killing of chickens and monkeys, the leaders of these arms dealers have all become honest.

“Hello everyone!”

Li Rui made his opening remarks, still wearing a ghost mask, and greeted the leaders of the nine arms dealers.

“You’re the boss of the Ghost Arms Company?

Still wearing a mask? Pretend to be a ghost. ”

Someone on the other side muttered dissatisfiedly.

“You can call me Boss Li.”

Li Rui continued with a smile.

“That, Boss Li, ‘Black Emperor’ did you kill them?”

At this time, someone started asking this question.

Suddenly, the others held their breath and stared, and also looked at Li Rui, waiting for Li Rui’s report.

The guy who asked this question even regretted it as soon as he finished speaking.

A little jealous looked at Li Rui, for fear that he would be remembered by Li Rui.


As a result, Li Rui said very happily, without hiding it in the slightest.

“That’s what we did, and since they dared to attack the people in our company, they had to bear our revenge.”

So do you. ”

Li Rui said with a smile.

This means that those who attacked my company received retaliation.

And you didn’t, so you’re alive now.

Hearing Li Rui say this, these arms dealers all breathed a sigh of relief.

Even, some were grateful to Li Rui for informing them in advance and letting them cancel the operation.

Otherwise, they would all be enemies by now.

“Don’t worry, you are friends of our company, not the ‘Black Emperor’ guys.

We ghost arms companies, for enemies, that is merciless, for friends, those mutually beneficial.

As long as you are not enemies of our company, we can make a fortune together. ”

Li Rui continued to say with a smile.

Deterrence is enough, Li Rui must properly relax them at this time, and then give them a sweet date to eat.

The leaders of the other arms dealers really relaxed a lot when they heard Li Rui say this.

“Boss Li, I mentioned it in the email you sent us before.

Is it true that arms can be supplied to us at a lower price? ”

At this time, someone finally asked the point.

This is the real reason that attracted them to come over this time and connect with Li Rui by video.

“Of course it’s true.”

Li Rui replied.

“So at what price can you provide us with arms?”

Hearing Li Rui’s affirmative answer, the leaders of the nine arms dealers on the opposite side all lit up their eyes and stared at Li Rui and continued to ask.

They know all too well what this represents profiteering.

“As you know, so far, all the weapons sold by our arms company are sold at half the normal market price.

But I can give you arms at a 4.5% discount on the market price.

At that time, you can distribute it everywhere at a five-fold discount, or higher. ”

Li Rui said lightly.

“Four and a half folds, too little, three and a half folds is about the same.”

Someone on the other side said, as if bargaining.


Li Rui sneered, three and five folds, you really dare to say it.

Why don’t you say I don’t want money, just give it to you.”

However, in fact, even if Li Rui gives these arms dealers a three-point discount, in fact, Li Rui is still very profitable.

Who let Li Rui make these arms at a cost that is too low.

However, Li Rui definitely can’t easily reduce the price for them now.

For these people, Li Rui is too clear that he can’t feed them too full at one time.

Otherwise, these guys will be insatiable.

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