91 lists of arms that shocked arms traffickers

In fact, even these arms dealers took goods from Li Rui at a 4.5% discount market price.

At that time, they will all be able to make a lot of money.

Because, when the time comes, they will sell at the lowest price of five discounts, the same as the price sold by Li Rui.

In this way, you can earn a lot of spreads.

And if, in some special places, these arms dealers can even sell these arms at a higher price.

If that’s the case, they will earn more.

After all, in this world, not everyone buys things, they all look at the price.

Sometimes, for reasons such as secrecy, some people naturally choose to buy weapons from these arms dealers instead of from Li Rui’s arms company.

And these arms dealers, the price of arms sold to such people is generally much higher.

In short, even if these arms dealers get arms from Li Rui at a 4.5% discount, they will earn more than they did when they buy arms from other arms companies before.

However, at this time, these nine arms dealers obviously want to win more preferential treatment from Li Rui.

“Boss Li, give us another discount.

After that, my ‘cobra’ will follow you, with your horse’s lead. ”

“That’s right, my ‘Black Tiger’ is also like this, so give us more discounts.

In this way, we can also buy more when the time comes. ”

The leaders of these arms dealers began to sing and sing and said to Li Rui.

But in fact, the leaders of these arms dealers say this, but they do not think so in their hearts.

Li Rui also knows that these guys are the masters of milk and mothers.

Counting on them to be truly loyal to Li Rui is harder than a sow going up a tree.

Of course, Li Rui didn’t care if they were genuinely loyal to themselves.

Anyway, the two sides were originally cooperative relations, and Li Rui did not intend to ask them for loyalty.

Li Rui himself has loyal and reliable cyborgs under him, do you still need their loyalty?

The current Li Rui is just to solve the problem of their hostility to their ghost arms company.

By the way, develop them into their own ghost arms company, the following sales channels, which can also increase the arms sales of their own ghost arms company.

At that time, as long as these people do not make trouble for themselves, they can still earn money from Li Rui, and this is enough.


In the end, Li Rui’s side was relieved and gave them another 0.2 point discount.

In this way, these arms dealers can get all kinds of arms and weapons from Li Rui at a discount of 4.2 percent of the market price.

Such a price is simply half cheaper than before, on the side of other arms companies.

Of course, the price they sell is also much lower.

But even so, the arms dealers calculated that they could still make more profits.

“Very good, then the price of the arms that will be given to you wholesale has been negotiated.

All the arms you buy from our company must be paid for in full.

Of course, our company can also provide you with ‘free shipping’ service, saving you shipping and a lot of trouble. ”

Li Rui immediately said to these arms traffickers.

These arms traffickers have no objection to these.

“Okay, now I’ll show you a list of all the arms and weapons that our arms company can give you wholesale.

After you read it, consider what arms and weapons you need.

When the time comes, you guys talk about it. ”

Saying that, Li Rui’s side directly sent the leaders of these nine arms dealers a list of all the arms and weapons that Li Rui could manufacture at this time.

In this, from AK rifles to main battle tanks, and third-generation fighters.

Li Rui did not set restrictions on these arms traffickers.

If these arms dealers want, they can buy the arms and weapons on this list.

Unlike before, these arms traffickers, in fact, obtained arms from those arms companies, and got some light weapons, not many heavy weapons.

As for what tanks, planes, that’s really a fool’s dream, I didn’t even think about it.

After all, when it comes to tanks, third-generation fighters and these weapons are very dangerous.

Moreover, it is also the most profitable.

How can the regular large arms companies give these most profitable parts to these arms traffickers?

Even if they really want to give it, these arms companies are also for the previous ‘Black Emperor’, ‘Poisonous Wolf King’, etc., these arms dealers they support.

Therefore, these nine arms dealers actually did not get too many good arms and weapons from those arms companies before.

This time, when they saw the list of arms that Li Rui sent them.

Looking at the large number of arms and weapons written on it, they are still very complete, and all the light and heavy firepower are available.

This makes them very satisfied,

However, as the leaders of these arms traffickers continued to look down, soon their eyes changed.

Because they saw something amazing.

“This is … M2 infantry fighting vehicle, Puma infantry fighting vehicle? ‘Challenger’ main battle tank?

Can these be purchased?

Is this really fake? ”

Someone exclaimed at this time, and there was even a strong excitement in their voices.

Previously, they used to have access to these infantry fighting vehicles and tanks from other arms companies.

And that’s not all.

“Oh my God!”

At this time, someone exclaimed.

“Can we also buy MiG-29 and F16, two third-generation fighters?

Is this true? It won’t be me who is blind. ”

At this point, someone turned to the next page of the list, and someone saw the names of these two excellent third-generation aircraft.

At this time, the leaders of several other arms traffickers were still looking at the first page, but they did not turn to the second page, so the others did not find it.

It wasn’t until the first arms trafficker leader to turn over saw it that he made an incredible sound.

“What? What did you say? ”

As a result, the exclamation of this arms dealer leader immediately reached the ears of other arms trafficking leaders.

This shocked them too, and then their eyes quickly swept down, and then they turned to the second page.

As a result, they also saw the names of MiG-29 and F16 fighters on it.

“Oh my God, there really is!

There are really two third-generation aircraft classes, a MiG-29 and F16 fighter.

These two performance are extremely excellent, in the international market at this time, there is a large market! ”

Someone said in shock.

At the same time, at this time, the hearts of the leaders of these arms dealers were even more shocking.

On the one hand, it is for the list that Li Rui gave them, how can there be these tanks and fighters.

Moreover, they couldn’t figure out where Li Rui’s ghost arms company could get these tanks and fighters!

You know, whether it’s the MiG-29, or the F16 side.

Even if they are now third-generation aircraft, in fact, looking at the whole world, they are already relatively first-class fighters.

Moreover, it is still the mainstream model of the world’s air forces.

As for the more advanced fourth-generation aircraft, there are few Guo Jia at all, so it is not yet mainstream.

Third-generation aircraft, at this time, are already the mainstream of the world.

Such an advanced third-generation machine, naturally, not everyone can make it.

The MiG-29 must be made only by the arms company on the side of the hairy bear, and the F16 needless to say, it must be the arms company on the side of the clown country that can be manufactured.

Therefore, how can an arms dealer like them get such a high-grade weapon!

Because of this, at this time, the leaders of these arms traffickers will be so incredible when they see Li Rui’s list.

“Boss Li, are you sure this list is not wrong? It’s all true.

We can all purchase the arms and weapons listed above? ”

At this time, someone looked at Li Rui, forced himself to be excited, and asked.

They were worried that Li Rui’s list, these tanks and third-generation aircraft, must be written incorrectly, so they asked Li Rui and confirmed again.

“Yes, absolutely.

As long as it is an appearance of arms and weapons on this list, you can procure them.

Behind is the offer, you are all optimistic about yourselves, see if you can afford it.

At that time, as long as you place an order, it is any weapon on this list, and our company will prepare it for you. ”

Li Rui knew that these arms traffickers would have such an expression after seeing this list.

At this time, he said with a smile.

Give these arms traffickers a reassurance, save them from worry.

“It’s true, it’s great.”

Immediately, these arms dealers were extremely excited when they heard Li Rui’s affirmative answer.

“I’m going to buy the M2 infantry fighting vehicle, and the Challenger main battle tank!”

At this time, some people have already thought about it in advance.

“Hey, you’re crazy, why are you buying these armored vehicles and tanks.

This thing is actually not very easy to sell in the underground arms market.

Although it is a good thing, there are too few customers who can afford it in the underground arms market and dare to buy it. ”

At this time, someone also said reasonably.

Although, these arms traffickers, too, know that these tanks are good things.

However, for them, it may not be useful.

Because, they are worried that they will buy it back and will not be able to sell it!

“Hehe, you don’t have to worry about this, I’ll use it myself, can’t I?”

The white man on the other side, hehe smiled, said.

As soon as Li Rui saw it, he knew that this guy was a top arms dealer on Mao Xiong’s side, and it was no wonder that he was so fond of these heavy equipment.

“I want an F16, I can’t buy it.

If you can really buy it from the Ghost Arms Company, then it will be cool! ”

On the other side, another leader of arms traffickers said excitedly.

Li Rui on the other side looked at them quietly at this time, very satisfied with the reaction of these guys.

“All right, guys.

The list has been sent to you, your wholesale price, we have also negotiated.

For the rest, how you will purchase arms and weapons from our company and wholesale, it is up to you to think about it.

At that time, you can pay directly and place the order.

Next, it’s time to talk about other things. ”

At this time, Li Rui continued to say to everyone.

Hearing Li Rui say this, the leaders of these arms dealers all put away their lists and looked at Li Rui. Stopped talking.

At this time, these arms dealers are even more jealous and afraid of Li Rui and the Ghost Arms Company.

They can even start associating at this point.

Behind Li Rui’s ghost arms company, there should definitely be a huge and terrifying force supporting it.

Otherwise, how could you get so many terrible weapons?

This made them more aware that Li Rui’s ghost arms company was definitely not something they could offend.

They did not even dare to offend the previous ordinary arms companies.

Not to mention, Li Rui’s side at this time.

Therefore, at this time, the leaders of these arms traffickers became more respectful in front of Li Rui.

“This matter is nothing more than something about other arms companies.

I am going to emphasize to you that our Ghost Arms Company, in fact, will not because of your cooperation with our company.

Just force you, not to cooperate with other arms companies, will not be like this,

You’re still okay, working with other arms companies, as long as you think it’s worth it.

See if they can provide you with such a cheap ammunition and weapons like our company.

You make your own decisions, and we will not interfere with that.

But here, too, I would like to warn you.

Although, our company does not interfere, you cooperate with other arms companies.

But if other arms companies let you, cooperate with them against our ghost arms company.

If you cooperate, then you will become our enemy just like the previous ‘Black Emperor’.

I hope that you will not interfere in the struggle between our company and other arms companies.

Or do any of you think that you are very strong and have to participate in the fight with these arms companies of ours, then you can try. ”

At this time, Li Rui’s eyes behind the mask swept sharply over everyone and said this to them.

Li Rui’s warning is naturally to completely cut off the possibility of these arms traffickers cooperating with other arms companies to deal with Li Rui’s ghost arms company.

“Haha, Boss Li rest assured, we know how to choose.

We will not participate in the struggle of your major arms companies, we will only be responsible for the arms deal, and nothing else. ”

Soon, someone said with a smile, saying that they would not participate in the fight of Ghost Arms and other arms companies.

These arms dealers are not fools.

In fact, there is no need for Li Rui to warn, they already know how to do it in their hearts.

“yes, yes, we certainly won’t!”

The leaders of the other arms dealers also hurriedly supplemented to reassure Li Rui.

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