The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1082 Generals Fighting

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"It's not that I don't have confidence in Le Chongjin, but because the arrangement of the Nanyan Kingdom this time is too decisive and too hard, it gives me a feeling that I will never give up until my goal is achieved!"

Xu Yizheng sighed lightly and said, "The Nanyan Kingdom was supplemented by a large number of flying monsters, so that Gao Shun took down the most important Yuanhong Pass in the southwest of Yuzhou with a thunderous momentum."

"Gao Shun is not a mediocre person, and the trapping camp in his hands is also an elite, plus those flying monsters, it is not impossible to defend Yuanhong Pass."

"At this time, it is no surprise that Lu Feng has already sent troops to attack Chuanping County. There are indeed quite a few troops in Le Chongjin's hands, but since Lu Feng is doing it, he must have sufficient confidence."

"The current Lianyun Road must have been acquired by Lu Feng long ago, and he sent troops to defend it. When Lianyun Road was lost, Le Chongjin's army had no way to retreat. In addition, after the loss of Lianyun Road, the Evil Dragon River was also lost. defense."

"The navy of the Nanyan Kingdom can directly enter the Evil Dragon River and cooperate with Yue Fei's army. It is only a matter of time before Le Zhongjin's army is destroyed."

"So, no matter how powerful Le Chongjin is, we don't have to give him any hope, even..."

After a brief pause, Xu Yi said with a worried face, "I suspect now that Lu Feng may send troops to attack Zonglan Kingdom."

"The main army of the Zonglan Kingdom is now in the hands of Le Zhongjin. They are trapped in the huge muddy water of Chuanping County, and have no ability to defend themselves. In addition, the waste of Dong Wuze will also destroy the last two million troops of the Zonglan Kingdom. To lose everything."

"If the Nanyan Kingdom sends another general to attack the Zonglan Kingdom at this time, the Zonglan Kingdom will definitely have no resistance, and it will be destroyed in a short period of time. At that time, Gao Shun at Yuanhong Pass will be able to follow up. military support."

"This is an absolute nightmare for us!"

"'s not possible!" After Zhensen said in disbelief, "Nanyan Kingdom is not fighting on a single front, but on multiple fronts."

"On the front line of Longping City, although there is no news for the time being due to the destruction of the intelligence system, one thing is certain, the King of Zhenbei has an army of tens of millions in his hands, and even if it is bad, he can hold back Zhang Liao's army."

"In Dunchuan City, Jinshui Kingdom is also constantly attacking Lianpo, and Lianpo's army is unable to withdraw. In addition to Chuanping County, the main battlefield, the combined army of the three battlefields of Nanyan Kingdom is approaching ten million. "

"This is basically the limit of the Nanyan Kingdom,

Where can they draw out troops to raid the Zonglan Kingdom? "

"That's right, General, are you worrying too much?" Lu Qiang also said.

Xu Yizheng shook his head and said: "There is no news, and we can't say anything, but for us, there is no need to think too much about it, we only need to take Yuanhongguan, and we can completely block the army of Nanyan Kingdom. Outside the dynasty."

"So, now our goal is to break through Yuanhong Pass!"

"And Gao Shun's purpose is to guard Yuanhong Pass, and he will do everything possible to hold us back and buy enough time for the other fronts of the Nanyan Kingdom. Therefore, as long as we set up our army, Gao Shun will try to delay us. The attack time will definitely let Tong Yuan play."

"As long as we use the army to kill Tong Yuan, and then want to break through Yuanhong Pass, it will not be a difficult task."

"The end will understand!"

After Zhensen and Lu Qiang responded.

Xu Yizheng's current thinking is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is to give Gao Shun a time to delay the attack of his army, and let Tong Yuan come to fight with his army.

Tong Yuan is very powerful. He also killed Zhang Yu, the ancestor of the Liyang Dynasty. In this situation, Gao Shun will definitely not miss such a good opportunity. He will definitely let Tong Yuan play.

Therefore, this gave Xu Yizheng the opportunity to use the army to kill Tong Yuan.


In less than half a day, Xu Yizheng's army arrived outside Yuanhong Pass.

Xu Yizheng did not let the army rest, and immediately began to let the army arrange the army according to his own arrangement.

"General, what are the enemy troops doing? The 3.5 million troops have already arrived outside Yuanhong Pass, and they don't choose to attack the city immediately, but instead are setting up army formations. What is Xu Yi thinking?"

When Yuanhong was closed, Meng Taoming looked at the arrangement of the enemy troops and looked at Gao Shun in confusion.

Gao Shun did not answer, because he was also full of doubts.

Unlike Meng Tao's name, what he saw was not only that the enemy was arranging an army formation, but that this army formation was a defensive formation.

Now Xu Yizheng's 3.5 million Xiguan battalion elite soldiers are on the offensive side, but they are setting up a defensive army formation.

This made Gao Shun a little confused about Xu Yizheng's thoughts.


After a little pondering, Gao Shun said, "No matter what Xu Yizheng is doing, he has only one purpose, that is, to break through Yuanhong Pass and break our arrangement."

"We are guarding the city, we can't be in a hurry, just wait for the enemy's next move!"


After more than an hour, Xu Yizheng's army formation was completed.

Gao Shun looked at the city wall and found that this was really a defensive army formation, dividing the 3.5 million army into seven parts, each with 500,000 troops.

The seven parts are not united, but the momentum is fused together, and it has become an extremely tough defensive formation.

"Xu Yizheng, the chief general of the Xiguan camp of the Liyang Dynasty, is here to invite the senior gun prodigy Tongyuan of the Nanyan Kingdom to enter the battle. I wonder if the senior spear god has the courage to enter the battle?"

After the formation was arranged, Xu Yi was sitting in the middle part of the army, calling for the formation at Yuanhong Pass.

"It turned out to be to deal with Senior Tong Yuan?" Meng Tao was shocked, turned his head to look at Gao Shun, and said, "General Gao, don't the enemy know that Senior Tong Yuan killed the most powerful old man in the Liyang Dynasty not long ago. Is it Zhang Yu, one of the ancestors? That's a half-sage! How dare he set up a military formation to deal with Senior Tong Yuan at this time? Isn't this courting death?"

"Definitely not courting death!"

Gao Shun's face was solemn, and he said solemnly, "Although Xu Yizheng's reputation is not great, I know him well. As the chief general of the Xiguan camp, he is very capable and very capable."

"Now that he has set up a military formation and called the formation, there must be some cards that can deal with Tong Yuan, so..."

"General Gao, let me go."

Before Gao Shun finished speaking, Tong Yuan said.

Gao Shun frowned, looked at Tong Yuan, and said, "Tong Yuan, I know your strength is very strong, but Xu Yizheng dares to call out, this army is definitely not easy, don't be impulsive."

"General Gao, I know what you mean, but have you forgotten? Although I haven't reached the realm of a saint, but I have already understood the rules of space, even if Xu Yizheng really has a hole card, I can still use the rules of space to jump out. range of the army."

"So, even if I lose to the enemy's army, I can still retreat! Plus..."

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