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Tong Yuan paused for a moment, looked at Gao Shun, and said, "General Gao, our mission is to defend Yuanhong Pass, and we must not allow the enemy to take Yuanhong Pass from us."

"However, the enemy army has a dynasty army of 3.5 million. These are all elite soldiers, far exceeding those we have dealt with before."

"Their combat effectiveness is very strong. In this case, even if we are elites in the camp, we also have the Holy Crossbow in our hands, but if the enemy attacks madly regardless of the cost, can we really defend Yuanhong Pass?"

"You must know that the enemy army is from the Liyang Dynasty, one of the ten dynasties. The dynasties have many methods. Who knows if they have any weapon against Yuanhong Pass?"

"Now the enemy has set up a military formation and invited me to enter the formation, clearly to deal with me. But I just killed Zhang Yu, their ancestor of the Liyang Dynasty, not long ago. This is a semi-sage, but the enemy knows it well. Still daring to call the formation like this proves that Xu Yizheng has great confidence in his methods."

"But I am an existence that can kill a half-sage. No matter what means Xu Yizheng has, if he wants to kill me, he has to show all their cards. In this case, they will expose all their cards."

"At this time, General, you can know what the enemy's trump card is, and when the enemy attacks the city, you can have sufficient defenses. Therefore, General Gao, I must go!"

"Even so, I can't let you risk yourself!" Gao Shun said without hesitation: "You are the only existence in the Nanyan Kingdom who can kill a half-sage alone, and you are about to become a saint known as a land god. Respect the strong."

"If you have an accident, it is equivalent to breaking the high-end combat deterrence of the Nanyan Kingdom. This is absolutely impossible for the Nanyan Kingdom to accept!"

"Don't worry, General, I have already said that I understand the rules of space. As long as I feel a threat, I will jump into space instantly, and I will never give the enemy a chance to kill me." Tong Yuan said.

Gao Shun wanted to refuse, but Tong Yuan had already opened his mouth and said, "General Gao, you are the general of the kingdom, and you know very well how much the loss of Yuanhong Pass will have on the entire Nanyan Kingdom, which will make Your Majesty All the hard work is in vain!"

"As ministers, we must not watch such a thing happen. But if we don't know the trump card of the enemy's Xiguan camp, such a thing may happen, so General, I think this must be done."


Gao Shun hesitated.

Indeed, as Tong Yuan said, the importance of Yuanhong Pass to the Nanyan Kingdom is self-evident. In the face of the profound Liyang Dynasty, even he would not dare to say that he would be able to rely on the army and Extinguishing Saint Crossbow defends Yuanhong Pass.

After all, what we are facing now is the Liyang Dynasty. Although it is at the bottom of the top ten dynasties, it is still a dynasty.

It is far from being comparable to those enemies that he faced before.

But if he understands the means in the hands of the enemy, he makes targeted arrangements, and the possibility of defending is very, very high.

After a while of silence, Gao Shun stared at Tong Yuan and said, "Okay, I agree with you to fight, but if I am Ming Jin, you must come back without any hesitation!"

"Don't worry, General, I will never disobey the military order." Tong Yuan said.

"Senior gun god, the world often says that you are the god of guns in Yuzhou, but why don't you have the courage to come and talk to me? Could it be that senior is also a famous person?"

Xu Yizheng outside Yuanhong Pass spoke again.

"Since General Xu is invited, what reason does Tong Yuan have for refusing?"

Tong Yuan, who got Gao Shun's permission, laughed loudly, his figure flashed, and in an instant he reached the sky above the 3.5 million troops of the Xiguan camp.

"Tong Yuan was fooled!"

After Zhensen and Lu Qiang were overjoyed, what they were afraid of was that Tong Yuan would not join the battle. Now that Tong Yuan is here, it means that his death is coming.

Xu Yizheng was also full of excitement. As long as he used the army to kill Tong Yuan, his army would have a 90% chance of breaking through Yuanhong Pass.

He couldn't help but be excited about such a big event.

But in addition to being excited, he was also very rational. Looking at Tong Yuan, he smiled and said, "As expected of a senior gun god, not a person who makes a name for himself. But unfortunately, senior gun god, sometimes it's good to be a person who makes a name for himself. At least he won't lose his life."

"All the generals obey the order and start!"


The 3.5 million Xiguan camp elites shouted in unison, and the momentum was overwhelming.


The invisible momentum suddenly condensed from seven positions, and instantly pressed down on Tong Yuan.


Tong Yuan groaned and his body fell directly.


Xu Yizheng was overjoyed and immediately ordered the army to rush up.

Because in his eyes, Tong Yuan was pressed down from the sky by his own army, and his true energy must be unusable.

"You killed me?"

Tong Yuan laughed loudly, shot the spear, showed his marksmanship, and the head of the spear was clicked, and the enemy approached, either the head fell or the hands and feet were separated.

For a time, the bodies of many enemy soldiers fell down beside Tong Yuan.

When Xu Yizheng saw it, he laughed instead of being angry, and laughed: "Sure enough, Tong Yuan's body can't use his true energy, so he ordered the soldiers to besiege him at a faster speed, kill Tong Yuan, and the officer will be promoted to five levels!"

Under the heavy reward, the army immediately pressed up.


Tong Yuan didn't panic, the spear in his hand moved violently, and a huge spear pierced out.


With the loud noise, the enemy troops within a few hundred meters of Tong Yuan were all pierced by gun gas, and no one survived.

"Hmph, it's still a bit of a skill, but unfortunately, you entered my trapped dragon lock empty formation, and you can only leave the body here today!"

Xu Yizheng was not surprised by Tong Yuan's huge damage. After all, Tong Yuan could kill a half-sage. Even if it was suppressed by an army, the combat power was still very terrifying, and it was definitely not something that ordinary soldiers could handle.

However, Tong Yuan's combat power is far from being able to kill a semi-sacred powerhouse.

"Prepare to break the air crossbow, shoot Tong Yuan immediately!"

Xu Yizheng ordered loudly.

Soon, a crossbow larger than a crossbow came out of his army, and these crossbows were engraved with many formation patterns.



In the sound of breaking the air, blue-white crossbow arrows shot out, covering Tong Yuan in the blink of an eye.

Tong Yuan held a long spear and quickly blocked the arrows.

For a while, these crossbow arrows could not cause damage to Tong Yuan.

But Tong Yuan was not feeling well either.

According to common sense, the army formation composed of 3.5 million troops can suppress him a little, but it can only be some suppression, and he can at least exert 70% of his combat power.

But Xu Yizheng's army formation was different, the army formation composed of seven parts actually carried out multiple coverages around him.

Every time he covered it, he could feel the army formation composed of 3.5 million troops. After a few repetitions, his combat power dropped very quickly.

It is simply impossible to cause a large number of casualties to the enemy.

Gao Shun on the city wall also noticed this, and he immediately said, "Ming Jin immediately and let Tong Yuan retreat!"

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