The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1123 Cooperate with your performance

"Commander, are you sure you're not controlling the firepower?"

The lieutenant looked at Zhou Yu with some uncertainty and asked.


Zhou Yu nodded and said, "I thought that the enemy's long-range attack would continue all the time. In this case, if our firepower continues to be very explosive, it is very likely to scare the enemy's follow-up fleet, which is not a good thing for our plan. ."

"But now, when the enemy sees that their bed crossbows can't shoot through the hull of our defensive warships, they give up their long-range attacks and choose to fight in the face at close range. In this case, if we still control the firepower intentionally, Instead, it will make Lan Yezhou suspicious."

"After all, if we just stand here and wait for the enemy to encircle without any means at all, this is too abnormal. Lan Yezhou can become the navy commander of the Jinshui Kingdom and lead all the navy of the Jinshui Kingdom. It is not a fool. Man, he can think of this."

"So, now we are intentionally exposing our strength and telling Lan Yezhou that the reason why we dare to wait for them to encircle here is because we have confidence."

"But Lan Yezhou is very confident in his Jinshui Kingdom fleet. When he thinks that he already knows what our trump card is, he will definitely rely on the many advantages of Jinshui Kingdom's battleships to conduct close-range face-to-face combat."

"When that time comes, it will be the time for us to truly fight! Now, let him feel at ease with Lan Yezhou's performance, and then let him despair!"

When the lieutenants heard Zhou Yu's words, they suddenly realized what was going on.

There was a sigh in my heart, the governor is worthy of being a governor, but he is powerful. I have thought of so much in a short period of time, and the gap between myself and the governor is really big enough.

However, thinking about Zhou Yu's age, these lieutenants were even more shocked.

Zhou Yu is not yet twenty-five years old and is so powerful. If he has more than ten years of combat experience, he will definitely become a powerful and handsome member of the Nanyan Kingdom in the future.

At the same time, they also sincerely admire His Majesty the Emperor, who they are loyal to.

Forcibly put a young master from a small family to the position of the naval commander, disregarding any obstacles, and giving Zhou Yu enough trust.

Not everyone has this kind of courage.

Perhaps in the entire Yuzhou, only their loyal emperor, His Majesty Lu Feng, has such courage.

After all, that is the position of the navy chief, who is in charge of the entire kingdom's navy fleet, and the position is very, very important.

To be honest, many of these lieutenants were originally generals of the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom. Although the navy was under the name of infantry at that time, what they really did was the task of the navy.

They first knew that when His Majesty the Emperor sent a 20-year-old hairy boy to be the governor of the Navy, no one was convinced.

But now, no one is dissatisfied.

Zhou Yu's ability showed them to convince them.

They also admire the vision of His Majesty the Emperor Lu Feng even more, and they have never missed it!

"Go down and make arrangements!"


The deputy generals immediately went down and arranged their own affairs.

Soon, the 100 warships of the Jinshui Kingdom that were used for testing had already come within the attack range of the catapults of the navy warships of the Nanyan Kingdom.


Following the general's order, the catapults on Zhou Yu's battleship were fired in unison.

Bang bang bang!

Huge stones smashed on the enemy warships that rushed over, immediately causing a small explosion of aura, shattering the deck.

The soldiers around the stone drop point are even more dead.

Some warships were smashed by multiple stones, and several large holes were directly smashed into them. Water leaked directly into them and sank in the river.

Under the attack of the battleship catapult, the hundred battleships that rushed over lost more than 20 battleships in the blink of an eye.

"Charge, charge!"

However, because of Lan Yezhou's order, despite the heavy losses, the general in charge had to force the remaining battleships to continue rushing past.

"Bang bang bang!"

Accompanied by a loud bang, the rushing warships sank every time they advanced a certain distance.

"Is this a catapult? Why is it so powerful?"

Vice Admiral Lan Yezhou, who was in the middle fleet, looked at the heavy losses of the 100 warships he had sent out to test, and asked in shock.

"As expected!"

On the contrary, Lan Yezhou smiled coldly.

"Captain, what do you mean by that?" The other lieutenants around him moved their eyes and looked at Lan Yezhou, completely ignorant of what he meant.

"In the beginning, Zhou Yu didn't move. When I was waiting for our battleships to encircle, I didn't have too many ideas, because I thought our strength was definitely better than Zhou Yu, so I don't need to think too much, just arrange the battleships to attack."

"But I didn't look at Zhou Yu until earlier, because although he is young, he is not an incompetent waste. So, when I think about it, I wonder if Zhou Yu is waiting for the encirclement like this because he has some useless cards in his hand."

"Now, I guessed right, the catapults on these battleships are where Zhou Yu's cards are!" Lan Yezhou said.


Several lieutenants glanced at each other, then looked at Lan Yezhou, and said, "Captain, what are your plans now?"

"Wait for a chance."

"what chance?"

"Zhou Yu's chance to reveal his flaws!"

A cold light flashed in Lan Yezhou's eyes, and he said, "I don't believe that the navy under Zhou Yu's command can ensure that the army will not be chaotic when facing an attack. If this is the case, then we can only withdraw our troops now and look for them later. Chance."

"But if Zhou Yu reveals a flaw, then we will immediately press the army to ensure that Zhou Yu's entire army will be attacked from this flaw!"


Hearing Lan Yezhou's order, all the lieutenants responded loudly.

Then they all stared at Zhou Yu's army formation, waiting for Zhou Yu's army formation to reveal flaws.

The battle on the other side continues.

The 100 battleships that Jinshui Kingdom was in charge of testing, in the end, only less than 40 battleships were left to rush to the front of the black battleships.

One hundred battleships, in order to break through the blockade of the battleship catapult, the loss directly exceeded 60%!

But fortunately, I finally got close to these black battleships, and those battleship catapults could not attack at such a short distance.

"Board, kill!"

The commander gave an order, and the remaining soldiers in the battleship immediately began to work, preparing to board the ship for battle.

"The whole army obeys the order, and absolutely must not let the enemy troops board the warship and kill them all in the river for me!"


On the defensive battleship under Zhou Yu's meeting, many soldiers also came out, beheading these soldiers who wanted to board the ship.

For a time, the two sides fought together, killing the broken arm flying around, and the blood was blurred.

The blood stained the river around the defensive battleship red.

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