The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1124 You have as many flaws as you want!

Because of the defense, the soldiers of the Naval Division of the Nanyan Kingdom on the defensive battleship defended well and did not let a single enemy army board the battleship.

On the contrary, the soldiers of the Golden Water Kingdom navy who wanted to board the ship suffered heavy losses.

"This blue leaf boat is really ruthless. The battleships used for testing have lost 60%, and the soldiers have lost 70%. They are still indifferent, and the subsequent battleships have no intention of attacking at all."

"Too cruel!"

A lieutenant standing next to Zhou Yu on the Nanyan Kingdom's naval battleship building sighed softly.

"Lan Yezhou is indeed ruthless towards his own soldiers, but now his ruthlessness is used in the right place," Zhou Yu said.

"Use the right place? Governor, what do you mean by that?" the lieutenant asked in confusion.

"The reason why Lan Yezhou is not attacking now is not because he wants to watch the troops who came to test them wiped out, but because he is waiting for an opportunity."

"Waiting for an opportunity? Waiting for an opportunity?"

"An opportunity to break through our fleet in one fell swoop!"

Zhou Yu's eyes flashed, and he said, "He wants to use these warships to try to force our army to reveal flaws, as long as we reveal flaws, he will definitely lead the follow-up fleet to swarm up and break our army in the shortest possible time. , destroy us outside the Yuanbin River!"

"If we haven't revealed our flaws by the time these armies are wiped out, he will definitely lead the troops to retreat."

"Lan Yezhou is not a fool, he knows when to attack and when not to attack!"

"This... Governor, what should we do now?" the lieutenant asked.

"Since he wants a flaw, then I'll give him a flaw!"

Zhou Yu smiled coldly and said, "Send the order to the fleet on the right to let their defensive warships relax their defenses and let the enemy rush up."

The enemy's 100 battleships used to test the attack was launched from the right side of the battleship of the Naval Division of the Nanyan Kingdom.

The lieutenant heard Zhou Yu's order, although he was a little strange in his heart, he immediately passed on the order.

The general in charge of the battleship defense on the right received Zhou Yu's order and was very puzzled. With the current situation, with their combat effectiveness, the enemy could not answer at all.

That being the case, why relax the defense now and let the enemy rush up?

However, no matter how doubtful he was in his heart, he still had to listen to Zhou Yu, the commander of the navy, and immediately relax his defenses.

The navy of the Jinshui Kingdom is indeed the elite, and it is worthy of the existence of the first navy in the southwest of Yuzhou.

As the defense of the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom on the defensive side relaxed, the enemy troops who were in charge of probing seized the opportunity and rushed up to defend the battleship in less than a quarter of an hour.

However, because of Zhou Yu's orders, the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom retreated while fighting, taking a stance of defeat, and soon lost a defensive battleship.

"Haha, the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom can't beat it!"

The navy generals of the Jinshui Kingdom who were sitting in the middle fleet were all excited when they saw it.

Then he looked at Lan Yezhou and said, "Commander, give your order! The navy of the Nanyan Kingdom has already found a flaw. If we attack now, we will definitely be able to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

Lan Yezhou looked at Zhou Yu's battleship, pondered slightly, shook his head, and said, "Don't worry, although the enemy's soldiers have been repelled, our soldiers have captured one of the enemy's battleships, but look carefully at Zhou Yu's water. division army."

"So far, there has been no chaos in the naval formation, but the soldiers are no match for our elites!"

"Wait a little longer, and we will attack after the enemy's warships are in chaos. That's the best chance."

When the generals heard Lan Yezhou's order, they all felt that it was reasonable and answered in unison.

"Lan Yezhou hasn't attacked yet?" Zhou Yu's lieutenant frowned and said, "Isn't he afraid?"

"He's not afraid anymore, he's waiting for our battleship to reveal flaws."

Zhou Yu immediately guessed Lan Yezhou's thoughts.

Because it's so simple,

If Lan Yezhou was really scared, he should have retreated long ago.

But it has never been, and a hundred warships have also been sent out to test.

You know, a hundred warships carry at least 200,000 soldiers.

Using 200,000 soldiers and a hundred warships to test it is enough to prove that Lan Yezhou wants to wipe out his fleet.

Not attacking now, but the opportunity is not good enough.

Since the opportunity is not good enough, then give him a better chance!

"Send the rear defense battleship, immediately drive to the right fleet, and make a gesture of encircling the enemy to test the battleship!" Zhou Yu ordered.

"Ah? Governor, absolutely not!"

The lieutenant's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly said: "Once we withdraw the defensive battleships in the rear, the enemy can quickly launch an attack from our rear. With the elites of the Golden Water Kingdom, it is very likely to cause us a lot of trouble."

"When the time comes, the whole body will be moved. Once our rear is in chaos, the front and left army formations will also be in chaos, which will give Lan Yezhou a chance to defeat in one fell swoop!"

"Captain, you have to think twice!"

"You don't need to ask, just go and make arrangements!" Zhou Yu said solemnly.

The lieutenant wanted to say something, but looking at Zhou Yu's firm expression, he could only sigh and pass on Zhou Yu's order.

The defensive battleship in the rear received the order, and immediately followed the order to the right side of the fleet, making a gesture of preparing to encircle the enemy to test the battleship.

"Haha, the enemy's battleship has moved!"

"As soon as the battleship in the rear moves, the army formation will be in chaos!"

"Captain, this is a good opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let's attack quickly!"

The navy generals of the Jinshui Kingdom who had been staring at Zhou Yu's fleet all looked overjoyed when they saw the defensive battleships behind Zhou Yu moving.

"Finally waited! Fortunately, I didn't give up!"

Lan Yezhou's excitement was written on his face. After waiting for so long, he finally got the opportunity he wanted.

"The warships behind Zhou Yu's naval fleet are ordered to attack immediately, and they must enter the hinterland of the enemy's warships as quickly as possible and disrupt the enemy's army!"

"Let the right and left fleets prepare for battle. Once the enemy's army is in chaos, be sure to attack in the shortest time possible."

Wonderful wonderful!

Listening to Lan Yezhou's orders, these lieutenants all lit up.

First let the fleet in the rear disrupt the enemy's army formation, and then attack from both sides, and the middle fleet where they are still has not moved.

After Zhou Yu's fleet was completely chaotic, the middle fleet made a final wave of strong attacks.

This set of 'combination punches' will definitely make Zhou Yu's fleet completely collapse!


This arrangement is so beautiful.

These lieutenants immediately went down and acted according to Lan Yezhou's orders.

"Haha, it's finally time for us to show our skills!"

When the commander of the Jinshui Kingdom located behind the Naval Fleet of the Nanyan Kingdom heard the order, he laughed and said, "The whole army obeys the order and attacks!"

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