The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1125 Fishing, you have to catch the biggest one!

With an order, the enemy fleet behind Zhou Yu's fleet immediately launched an attack.

The battleship reached the fastest speed and rushed towards Zhou Yu's fleet.

"Look at the commander, the enemy has been tricked, and their fleet has begun a large-scale attack!"

The lieutenant beside Zhou Yu was full of excitement.

After waiting for so long, they finally waited for the massive attack of the enemy army, and it was time for them to kill them.

Zhou Yu looked at the enemy fleet rushing over, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Send the order, no one can use the crossbow to attack without my order. All battleships will use battleship catapults to attack enemy battleships."

"Violators, behead!"


The lieutenant suspected that his ears had heard it wrong, looked at Zhou Yu in disbelief, and said in shock: "Captain, the enemy fleet has already started a large-scale attack. At this time, we can only use the crossbow to cause maximum damage to the enemy. Why don't we use the crossbow yet? This is a great opportunity!"

"The time has not come!"

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "The enemy is only attacking the fleet at the rear. They still have the right and left sides, and the fleet in front of us has not moved."

"Especially the fleet where the blue leaf boat is in front of us. Although it is within our range, the distance is still too far. It is easy for them to retreat, and we cannot leave them behind."

"In this battle, we must take down the main force of the enemy navy warships in one fell swoop. Only in this way can we launch an attack on the Jinshui Kingdom base camp later, so Lan Yezhou must die!"

"Now, only part of the enemy fleet is moving. We can't expose the crossbow and continue to wait. This is my order!"

"But Commander, the battleship catapult can't block the enemy's battleship at all. When they rush in front of us, we will definitely pay a heavy price to hold it. Are you sure you want this?" The lieutenant asked uncertainly.

"This is my order, execute it!" Zhou Yu said without hesitation.


The lieutenant wanted to say something, but seeing that Zhou Yu had no idea of ​​withdrawing the order, he could only sigh in his heart and pass the order on.

The battleship defending at the rear received Zhou Yu's order. Although he wanted to use the crossbow to attack, he had to obey the order and could only watch the enemy approaching.

"Send the arrow, release the arrow!"

As soon as the enemy's fleet came into their own attack range, the commander-in-chief immediately ordered arrows to be fired.


The ear-piercing sound of crossbow arrows breaking through the air came, frantically attacking the battleships behind Zhou Yu's fleet.

Bang bang bang!

Without the protection of defensive warships, these ordinary warships can no longer ignore the bed crossbow bolts fired by the enemy.

A large number of crossbow arrows caused a lot of damage to Zhou Yu's rear fleet, and several battleships sank.


Taking advantage of this good opportunity, the enemy army commander rushed over quickly with the battleship.


When the enemy army reached the attack range of the catapult, the commander in charge of defending the rear immediately gave an order.

Bang bang bang!

Pieces of huge stones were launched by the catapult of the battleship and shot at the enemy's battleship.




The stone smashed on the enemy's battleship, and the aura explosion sounded continuously, and many enemy battleships were damaged under the catapult and sank to the bottom of the river.

But these losses did not cause the enemy general to retreat, and he still ordered the fleet to rush over at the fastest speed.

The catapult is so powerful that almost three or five stones are smashed on the enemy warship, and the aura explosion triggered by it can sink the enemy warship.

But the speed of the enemy's battleship was also very fast, and it didn't take long for it to approach the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom.

After reaching a very close distance, the battleship catapult of the Nanyan Kingdom would no longer have an angle to attack.

The naval battleships of the Golden Water Kingdom immediately started their attack.


"Get on the enemy ships, kill the enemy,

kill! "

Under the command of the commander, the soldiers on the Jinshui Kingdom battleship rushed to kill quickly.

"Block, block!"

"Never allow the enemy to board the battleship, kill!"

The general of the Nanyan Kingdom, who was in charge of the defense, refused to give in at all, and took the soldiers to kill him.

The two sides immediately on the river, relying on both sides of the warships to conduct offensive and defensive warfare.

It was dark and dark again, and the blood flowed into rivers.

But neither side had any intention of retreating, it had to be a winner or loser.

"Commander, even if we can block the enemy's attack, we will suffer heavy losses. Use the crossbow!"

Zhou Yu's lieutenant said to him anxiously when he saw the situation of the battle.


Zhou Yu only said one word.

As a handsome man, since he has made a decision, and it is the most beneficial decision to the overall situation, he must follow this decision.

If you frequently change your decision halfway through, it will only make the leader indecisive in the end, which is definitely not a good thing.

Zhou Yu is well aware of this, and he also knows that his decision is the most beneficial to the overall situation and the correct decision, so he must follow this decision and must not change it.

In fact, he was also a little worried in his heart, worried that Lan Yezhou would not be able to come.

However, he must wait patiently now!

The war continued, and both sides paid a heavy price.

However, the combat effectiveness of the navy soldiers of the Jinshui Kingdom who have been in the army for many years is indeed formidable, much higher than the combat effectiveness of the navy soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom who formed an army not long ago.

It didn't take long for the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom to be at a disadvantage, and some of the enemy's soldiers had already boarded the naval battleship.

"it is good!"

Lan Yezhou, who had been observing, saw Daxi and immediately said: "Go on, let the battleships on the left and right attack immediately, and make sure to completely disrupt the enemy's formation!"

When Lan Yezhou saw that the battleships behind him had gained an advantage, he didn't plan to wait any longer.


The lieutenant summoned the order immediately.

At the same time, Lan Yezhou's own middle fleet is also ready for battle. As long as the fleets on the left and right have an advantage, they will definitely launch an attack as soon as possible.


After the commanders of the fleets on the left and right sides of the Jinshui Kingdom received the order, they immediately ordered the army to attack the navy fleet of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Commander, the enemy fleets on the left and right sides are also coming, should we still not use the crossbow?" The lieutenant beside Zhou Yu became more and more anxious.

"The lieutenants on the left and right are here, which proves that the middle fleet where Lan Yezhou is also coming soon."

Zhou Yu's eyes flashed, and he said, "Send orders to the defensive warships on the left and right sides, revealing a part of the enemy warships coming in, and then block the passage."

"Commander, our army formation will be in chaos!"

The lieutenant almost burst into tears when he heard this order, and said anxiously: "Once the army is in chaos and the boat crossbow is not used, our navy's combat effectiveness is really inferior to that of the navy of the Golden Water Kingdom!"

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