The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1126 Finally got hooked!

"Execute the order!" Zhou Yu said very firmly.

There is no room for negotiation in words.

The lieutenant heard that, no matter how anxious he was in his heart, he didn't dare to say more, he could only make arrangements according to Zhou Yu's orders.

Soon, the enemy's warships had approached the naval warships of the Nanyan Kingdom.

The enemy had planned to attack by force, but they saw that the enemy's defensive battleships had separated from both sides just after they came over.

Of course, Zhou Yu's order was to let them separate on purpose, but what they definitely couldn't do was to separate on purpose.

The direction they separated was going to the rear, and it looked like they were going to support the rear battle.

"To want to support other battlefields at such a time is simply courting death!"

The captains of the fleets in charge of attacking the left and right sides sneered and ordered the fleets under their command to rush up at once.

Soon, the war broke out.

The fleet of the Jinshui Kingdom rushed into the battleship formation of the Nanyan Kingdom, causing the army formation of the Nanyan Kingdom to be in chaos all of a sudden.

At the same time, the battlefield is also playing back and forth.

But this back-and-forth situation lasted for a very short time, and it was too short for the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom to form an army after all.

Even with a general like Zhou Yu who is good at water warfare to train, it is still too difficult for the combat power to catch up with the Jinshui Kingdom navy who have been in the army for hundreds of years in a short period of time.

At this time, facing the onslaught of the Jinshui Kingdom, the Nanyan Marine Division began to retreat after blocking it for a while.

The entire army was in chaos.

"Haha, Zhou Yu's army is completely messed up, and here's our chance to win."

Lan Yezhou found out at the moment when Zhou Yu's army was in chaos, and after laughing, he directly ordered: "The whole army obeys the order, and all the warships attack with the fastest speed, and they must defeat the enemy warships in one fell swoop!"

"Remember, you must capture the enemy general Zhou Yu alive!"


Lan Yezhou gave an order, and the middle fleet immediately launched an attack.

The command building ship where Lan Yezhou was also followed.

He, the naval commander, wanted to watch Zhou Yu be captured alive with his own eyes.

"Commander, the enemy's intermediate fleet is attacking."

The lieutenant beside Zhou Yu said anxiously to Zhou Yu at the moment the blue leaf boat fleet moved.

"finally come!"

Zhou Yu's face was full of excitement.

He deliberately did not use the boat crossbow, and deliberately let the enemy army and his fleet face each other, causing great losses to his own soldiers.

The purpose is to lure the middle fleet where Lan Yezhou is to attack.

Now, it's finally here, his plan has been successful!

"The whole army listens to the order, and all the crossbows are ready to launch immediately." Zhou Yu said loudly.


Although Zhou Yu deliberately gave Lan Yezhou a loophole and deliberately made the army chaotic, it seemed that he could no longer control the fleet.

But in fact, in Zhou Yu's fleet, the dozens of the largest attack ships in the center have never been in chaos.

These dozens of attack warships are all equipped with crossbows. Once the firepower is formed, the blow to the enemy warships will be devastating.

Not to mention, although the other battleships did not continue to form an army due to the attack of the Jinshui Kingdom fleet, after Zhou Yu's order went down, they were able to target the middle fleet of Lan Yezhou in a very short period of time.

Time passed slowly, and it was a quarter of an hour in the blink of an eye.

At this quarter of an hour, the left and right sides of the Jinshui Kingdom, plus the fleet at the rear, were still constantly attacking the Nanyan Naval Fleet under Zhou Yu's command.

Due to the short time to form an army, the Nanyan Navy's combat power was not comparable, and it was always in retreat.

But the speed of defeat was very slow, and they were not defeated in one fell swoop.

And those warships, under Zhou Yu's order, had already prepared the crossbow and aimed at the middle fleet of the Golden Water Kingdom where Lan Yezhou was located.

Lan Yezhou didn't realize this, he was now filled with the joy of the upcoming victory.

In his eyes, Zhou Yu's army was already in chaos. As long as the middle fleet led by him rushed to kill, Zhou Yu's army could be defeated in an instant.

At that time, you will win!

And after the loss of the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom, it would not be possible to form a navy fleet in a few years. In other words, after this war, the Jinshui Kingdom would be stable for at least a few years.

A few years are enough to do a lot of things, maybe the Nanyan Kingdom has been destroyed by then.

Because of the merits of this battle, he can also achieve power in the Jinshui Kingdom. For his family, it is definitely a big happy event.

Excited, he did not feel the murderous eyes staring at Zhou Yu, a ship in the Naval Fleet of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"A little closer!"

Zhou Yu murmured in a low voice.

As long as the enemy army is a little bit closer, it will be completely included in the attack range of one's own ship crossbow.

At that time, even if the enemy wants to retreat, their ship crossbows can shoot through their warships!

Soon, Lan Yezhou led the fleet to Zhou Yu's ideal attack distance.

"The whole army listens to the order and shoots arrows!"

"Fire arrows!"

"Fire arrows!"

Accompanied by Zhou Yu's order, the roars of the lieutenants around him were loud.


In the entire fleet, all ship crossbows aimed at the enemy fired arrows at the first time.

The piercing sound that seemed to pierce the eardrum made people change their color.

The entire sky was instantly shrouded in arrows from the ship's crossbow, making the entire sky dark.

"Then... are those all Saint Extinguishing Crossbow Arrows? How... how come there are so many?"

Lan Yezhou looked at the dense sky, the crossbow arrows like a sky, and the whole person was stunned.

Previously, when his own fleet attacked Zhou Yu from three directions, he did not use the 'Saint Crossbow' attack. He thought that the enemy had already run out of crossbow arrows, so he did not use it.

But I didn't want to, now it's here, there are still so many, so terrifying!




Lan Yezhou, who reacted, roared frantically, trying to make his fleet retreat.

However, with such a fast speed, it is a simple matter to stop and then turn to evacuate.

Before the fleet led by Lan Yezhou turned around, the ship and crossbow arrows in the sky had already fallen.

Bang bang bang!

One after another crossbow arrows hit these huge warships, which brought terrifying destruction.

The crossbow and crossbow arrows that these warships could not stop were shattered in the blink of an eye and sank to the bottom of the river.

The Golden Water Kingdom navy soldiers on the battleship had no chance to react at all.

Those who were lucky were not in the range of the arrows, and finally sank to the bottom of the river with the battleship, and most of them were dead.

With bad luck, he approached the point where the crossbow arrow fell, and was directly shaken by the huge force brought by the crossbow arrow.

The huge fleet was filled with gunpowder in an instant, and many battleships were sunk, forming huge vortexes on the river.

And this just happened in a short period of time.

The crossbow arrows in the sky just dropped a salvo!

"Why...why is this?"

"Destroy... Aren't the crossbows of the holy crossbow specially made? Why does Zhou Yu have so many?"

Lan Yezhou was completely stunned.

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