The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1128 The General Who Betrayed His Soldiers

The fleet generals of the Jinshui Kingdom located on the left and right sides of the Nanyan Kingdom fleet commanded frantically with war knives.

When they saw that the battleship where Lan Yezhou was being sunk, they were also panicked and scared.

It's useless to be afraid!

After all, they are also generals, and they are very clear that if they are still in chaos at this time, the four million sailors of the Golden Water Kingdom will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, they are trying their best to control the army, and they must not let the army be in chaos.

Under the strong control of these people, those soldiers recovered some morale and rushed to kill the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom again.

The two sides fought back and forth again.

But on the other side it's not like that at all.

The middle fleet of the Jinshui Kingdom faced the frantic attack of Zhou Yu's fleet, and the battleships were sunk one by one.

According to the previous order of Lan Yezhou, the fleet rushed over frantically, wanting to fight against the face.

But with such a sinking speed, let alone a face-to-face battle, it would be a great luck to have twenty battleships left before the enemy battleship.

"It can't go on like this, we must retreat, we must retreat!"

Several lieutenants of the Jinshui Kingdom navy gathered on a battleship, their faces full of panic.

"Retreat? How to retreat? Now as long as we dare to slow down, we are a living target. Now we maintain a state of rapid charge, and we can luckily avoid some crossbow arrows."

"After slowing down, it's really courting death. In this case, how can we retreat?"

The lieutenant general's words fell, and the surrounding lieutenant generals were full of horror.

They managed to escape from the command building ship, but they didn't want to die under the enemy's crossbow arrows.

"Mad, it's all Lan Yezhou's fault. If he hadn't ordered the army to charge, how could we be in this situation!"

A lieutenant began to curse Lan Yezhou.

After all, Lan Yezhou is now dead, and even if they scold them, they will not be retributed.

"Don't say it's useless, what are we going to do now? If we continue, it will definitely be miserable when we rush to Zhou Yu's battleship!"

"What can we do? Is it possible that we can still turn now? We can only pray that those crossbow arrows in the sky did not hit our battleship!"

These lieutenants were really panicking.

If it weren't for the fact that this is a battleship now, surrounded by waters, they might be running around.

"I have a way." A lieutenant said suddenly.

"any solution?"

The rest are staring at this man.

The lieutenant smiled grimly and said, "We can order the other battleships to continue charging, but we will slowly slow down, and when the other battleships rush to the front, the Sacred Crossbow under Zhou Yu's command will definitely transfer all the firepower to them. body."

"At that time, the pressure we face will be much, much less. At this time, if we quickly turn to retreat, we may have a chance to successfully retreat."

"This... how does this work?"

The other lieutenants were all shocked. They were not fools. Naturally, they understood that this method was to send the soldiers below to their deaths and buy them time to retreat.

This approach goes against the generals' intentions, and these people are naturally hesitant.

"Why not?"

The lieutenant who spoke earlier sneered again and said, "If we don't leave, this intermediate fleet will be wiped out today, and no one can escape, but if we leave, it is equivalent to preserving our vitality."

"When we return to the base camp, we will be able to reorganize the army to resist Zhou Yu's navy, and then the kingdom will have a chance to continue, so we must live."

"It sounds nice."

As soon as he finished speaking, the other lieutenant sneered and said, "To put it bluntly, you just want to survive, so you betray these soldiers, aren't you afraid of being laughed at in the future?"

"Don't leave if you're afraid of being laughed at." The man said, "I have already said the method, if you are willing to use it, then we will have a chance to survive.


"If you don't use it, then we will have to die under Zhou Yu's crossbow arrow. How you choose to see yourself, I won't say more."

"Don't think I agree!"

The lieutenant who just objected said again: "Even if I die on the battleship, I will never agree..."


Before he could finish his words, a general behind him suddenly shot, slashed with a big knife and cut off his head.

The big head rolled on the ground, with its eyes still open, glared angrily at the general who just said he would betray his soldiers and escape.

Unfortunately, the eyes soon lost their minds.

The moment his head landed, he never thought that he would die at the hands of his own people.

"The person who opposed it is dead, is there anyone who wants to object?"

The general who killed him looked at the others coldly.

This general has a relatively high status in the navy of the Jinshui Kingdom, and is considered the number three person. Now that he has made a statement, what else can others say?

Can only quickly nod.

If no one objected, then this matter would be easy to handle.

Under the orders of these generals, the ship they were on began to slow down, although not by much, but as time passed, they were already a long way behind the other ships.

The other warships did not notice that the warships where these generals were located had slowed down, and were still rushing forward frantically.

Then, it was sunk to the bottom of the river by Zhou Yu's boat crossbow.

Before long, there were less than a hundred battleships left in the entire intermediate fleet.

And that battleship with other generals of the Jinshui Kingdom navy had already begun to turn and retreat.

"Commander, that battleship is going to run!"

On the side of the Naval Division of the Nanyan Kingdom, Zhou Yu's lieutenant was the first to spot the battleship the enemy was about to retreat.

Zhou Yu looked at it, frowning slightly. The other warships were attacking, and the warship was retreating. No accident, there must be other navy generals from the Golden Water Kingdom on that warship.

It's just that the remaining battleships in the enemy's middle fleet are already rushing closer. It would not be a wise choice to mobilize the crossbow to attack that battleship intentionally at this time.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Yu directly ordered: "Don't worry about them, continue to attack the enemy's middle fleet, and they must not be allowed to get closer!"

It was only a battleship that ran, but the entire navy fleet of the Golden Water Kingdom was left behind. It was self-evident who was more important.

Even if the battleship was full of generals from the Golden Water Kingdom, it would be too late for them to go back and organize an army to block the time.

Sailors are not so easy to become an army.

The deputy general ordered to go down and let the crossbow continue to attack those warships.

Bang bang bang!

The enemy warships that rushed over were hit by crossbow arrows one by one, and the hulls shattered and sank to the bottom of the river.

Although they were very close to the Nanyan Navy Fleet where Zhou Yu was, they could only watch.

After reaching the nearest range, not only the ship crossbow was attacking, but the battleship catapult also started to attack.

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