The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1129 Zhou Yu's Strange Order


With the last loud noise, the last battleship rushed over by the middle fleet of the Golden Water Kingdom was smashed by the battleship catapult and sank to the bottom of the river.

At this time, the battleship was less than twenty meters away from Zhou Yu's fleet!

So far, in the middle fleet of the Golden Water Kingdom, there are more than 400 warships and more than one million troops. Except for the navy general and more than 2,000 soldiers on the escaped warship, no one has survived!

They were all buried at the bottom of the Yuanbin River!

" is this possible?"

The captains of the Jinshui Kingdom fleet on the left and right sides were completely stunned.

They saw Lan Yezhou killed before, and although they were shocked, they were not desperate.

Because they know that there are more than 400 battleships in the middle fleet, all of which are excellent battleships, and there are more than one million troops on it, and those are all elites.

As long as they get close to Zhou Yu's fleet, Zhou Yu's so-called million sailors from the Nanyan Kingdom are equivalent to lambs to be slaughtered.

But now, they never thought that the group of lambs to be slaughtered in their eyes turned out to be butchers in the end, slaughtering their battleships and soldiers mercilessly.

More than 400 warships and more than one million elite sailors had become food for the fish and monsters in the Yuanbin River before they approached Zhou Yu's fleet.

All this, even if they saw it with their own eyes, it is hard to believe.

That's more than 400 warships! ! !

Those are the elites of the Golden Water Kingdom, the masters of hundreds of battles, but today they are damaged here!

It is acceptable to die in a bloody battle, but the key is that now, before the bloody battle, it has already died at the bottom of the river.

How terrifying is this?

How terrifying! ! !

"General... General, what should we do now?"

The lieutenant next to the main general was completely damaged when he saw the middle fleet within half an hour, and his face was already extremely pale.

"Fight, must fight!"

The commander is also a sensible person, knowing that if he retreats now, he can only become a living target of Zhou Yu's fleet, and can only be killed by those inexplicable crossbow arrows.

Therefore, he chose to fight bloody to the end.

The navy of the Golden Water Kingdom is more elite and has more warships. As long as they are fighting at close range, the outcome is unpredictable.

Bloody battle to the end, this is the only chance!

The fleet commanders of the Jinshui Kingdom on the left and right sides made a decision almost at the same time, choosing to fight the bloody battle to the end, commanding the soldiers to continue to attack the naval fleet of the Nanyan Kingdom led by Zhou Yu.

"Captain, the enemy's attack is very fierce. If we continue like this, it will be difficult for us to defend."

On the command building ship, the lieutenant beside Zhou Yu looked anxious.

Although Lan Yezhou was killed and the fleet among the enemy navy was completely destroyed, there were four million navy in the Golden Water Kingdom.

A quarter of it was lost, and there was still a lot left, which could still cause great trouble to the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Send the order, the outer army immediately retreat to the rear battleship." Zhou Yu ordered in a deep voice.

"This... Great Governor, if we retreat now, the enemy troops will swarm up! Then we..."

The lieutenant's face changed dramatically, and he hurriedly persuaded Zhou Yu, but before he finished speaking, Zhou Yu waved his hand and said, "No need to say more, go down and give orders!"

"Captain, I..."

Lieutenant General Ben wanted to say something, but Zhou Yu had turned his head and looked at him coldly.

Lieutenant general, you can occasionally question the main general, but you shouldn't repeat it!

"The order will be followed."

When the lieutenant saw Zhou Yu's eyes, his heart was filled with admiration, and he hurriedly led the order down.

Zhou Yu's order went down, and the soldiers around the naval battleship immediately gave up their defense and quickly retreated to the battleship near the center.

"The enemy army actually retreated?"

Whether it is the fleet commander of the Jinshui Kingdom on the left and right sides, or the Jinshui Kingdom fleet commander located behind the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom, they were all stunned when they discovered the situation.

Although they attacked very fiercely just now, and the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom was retreating steadily, in the final analysis, the distance to retreat was limited.

It is impossible for them to destroy the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom within a certain period of time!

According to estimates, they really want to use close-range face-to-face combat to destroy Zhou Yu's fleet, and it is impossible to fight without blood for two or three days.

They can see it, and the naval generals of the Nanyan Kingdom must also be able to see it.

But what's going on now? Why did the enemy retreat?

Now that the critical moment has not yet come, why retreat?

Several of the fleet commanders of the Golden Water Kingdom were a little confused, but they didn't have time to figure it out.

No matter why the enemy retreated, there was a fact that the enemy retreated, and this was a good opportunity for them.

Now they can quickly rush to the enemy's warships, then arrange an army formation, and use the army formation to encircle and attack, so that they can destroy the enemy's naval battleships in less than a day.


At the same time, the commanders of the three fleets all ordered the soldiers to rush up.

However, they still kept a hand, and just let the soldiers at the front rush forward, and did not let the follow-up troops swarm up. They were worried that Zhou Yu would do something on these battleships.

Soon, all the navy soldiers at the forefront boarded the battleship, and under the command of the chief general, quickly cleaned up the battleship.

It didn't take long to determine that there were no traps on the battleship.

This made the chief generals of the three-party fleet heave a sigh of relief, and without hesitation ordered the remaining soldiers to rush up, in an attempt to surround the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom under Zhou Yu's command.

"Captain, one-third of the enemy's troops have already boarded the battleship we left behind after we retreated, and the rest of the army is also boarding the ship quickly."

"Our troops have all withdrawn to the position close to the central fleet of the fleet, what should we do next?"

The lieutenant reported the situation to Zhou Yu.

"Order to attack the enemy, wait for an hour after the enemy counterattacks, and immediately retreat to the core battleship of the fleet." Zhou Yu ordered.

"Captain, if all our troops are withdrawn to the core battleship, the enemy only needs to concentrate firepower to attack our core battleship, and we will suffer heavy losses."

"Captain, think twice!"

This time, all the lieutenants around Zhou Yu said in unison.

"Follow the orders!" Zhou Yu said solemnly.

When the generals heard Zhou Yu's words, they knew that Zhou Yu was determined to do this, and they could only sigh in their hearts, hoping that Zhou Yu really had plans.

Otherwise, when the enemy forces concentrated their firepower to launch a round of attacks, the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom would suffer heavy losses.

They didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

According to Zhou Yu's order, those soldiers who retreated immediately began to attack the soldiers of the Jinshui Kingdom fleet on their own warships.

The battleship catapult can function again at this distance, but it suppressed the enemy for a while, making it impossible for the enemy to move forward.

But the good times didn't last long. The enemy quickly set up army formations on the warships and used bed crossbows to counterattack. Although the power was not comparable to the catapults of the warships, it also created opportunities for the navy of the Jinshui Kingdom to advance.

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