The soldiers of the Jinshui Kingdom took this opportunity to advance quickly, but they advanced a lot, and entered the dead end of the attack of the battleship catapult.

But also very difficult.

It took a full hour for the soldiers of the Golden Water Kingdom to do this.

And one hour was already the limit of Zhou Yu's order.


The general in command of the battle followed Zhou Yu's order and immediately retreated after attacking for an hour.

The soldiers who were attacking obeyed and quickly retreated.

"General, the enemy has retreated again."

The left and right fleets of the Jinshui Kingdom and the commanders of the rear fleet have now gathered together. They frowned when they heard the news from the people below.

"What is Zhou Yu trying to do this time? Why is he still retreating?" said the captain of the left fleet strangely.

"I don't know what Zhou Yu thinks this time. Now we have captured the outer battleships of the Naval Fleet of the Nanyan Kingdom, and at least more than 100 battleships have fallen into our hands."

"At this time, Zhou Yu is still ordering the army to retreat, and the battleship at the middle level will also fall into our hands. There may be more than 200 battleships in our hands by then."

"Zhou Yu's navy fleet is known as a million navy ships, but there are more than 400 battleships and close to 500 battleships, but if he retreats again, he will lose 200 battleships, plus the previous damage. To two hundred warships."

"And these two hundred warships are all core warships. They are pure attack warships, and their defenses are worrying. In this case, we only need to concentrate firepower to attack Zhou Yu's fleet, and they can suffer heavy losses."

"Zhou Yu's ability to lure Governor Lan Yezhou into being tricked before is enough to prove that he is not a fool. Could it be that he can't see this?" The commander of the fleet on the right was also full of doubts.

Even if he were to arrange it, he would never order the army to retreat to the core battleship all the time. Even if he chose to fight to the death, it would be dozens of times better than this arrangement.

"Haha, what is he doing so much?" The commander of the Jinshui Kingdom fleet at the rear of the Naval Fleet of the Nanyan Kingdom laughed loudly, and said, "No matter what Zhou Yu's plans are, if he retreats again and again now, he has already gotten himself into an absolute ruin. on the way."

"At this time, as long as we concentrate our firepower on the attack, the enemy can suffer heavy losses. What else do we need to worry about? Is it possible that he still has a way to eat us together?"

"That's impossible." The captain of the left fleet shook his head and said, "The crossbow arrows used by Zhou Yu to attack the middle fleet where the Grand Governor is located are very powerful, but such powerful crossbow arrows cannot be used indefinitely. Zhou Yu's fleet I haven't used that kind of crossbow arrows until now, and it should be exhausted if there is no accident."

"In this case, it is impossible for him to eat us in one bite!"

"It's not just that." The leader of the fleet on the right also shook his head and said, "Even if Zhou Yu still has that kind of crossbow arrows, it is impossible to eat us now."

"After all, we are now fighting at close range. No matter how powerful the crossbow arrow is, it is impossible for them to fire a few rounds if the distance is too close. We only need to rush up, and the crossbow arrow will be useless. "

"So, what are we worried about?" The fleet commander at the rear smiled and said, "The commander-in-chief was defeated and killed. If we can destroy Zhou Yu, it will be a great victory. In the future, we will enjoy endless wealth and wealth. Do we need to think more about it?"

"Attack, directly kill Zhou Yu, the hairy boy, and let the little emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, know that on the navy, our Jinshui Kingdom is the ancestor of his Nanyan Kingdom!"

"it is good!"

The main generals of the left and right fleets of the Jinshui Kingdom no longer thought about it, and immediately ordered their soldiers to advance.

Of course, they are also very careful. After the soldiers go up, they will clean up the battleship to see if there are any traps on the battleship.

Soon, it was determined that there were no such problems, so all the troops rushed up, arranged an army formation, and then attacked Zhou Yu's navy.

"Captain, most of the enemy's soldiers rushed aboard our battleship.

Our soldiers have all retreated to the core battleship, what should we do next? Do you want to withdraw? "

the lieutenant asked.

After all, in this case, it is impossible to attack again.

It's just the core battleship, the number is over 100, and the attack power is ferocious, but the defense power is not enough.

If this was a fierce attack by the enemy's concentrated firepower, the word heavy losses would not be enough to describe it.

It might be better to be miserable.

Therefore, many lieutenants thought that Zhou Yu was planning to retreat.

After all, even if the middle fleet where Lan Yezhou, the navy chief, was destroyed, the fleet that was saved would still retain its combat effectiveness, and the number of the navy army was 2.7.8 million.

There are still seven or eight hundred warships.

And it has come to a close distance, and the gap between the two sides still exists. At this time, retreating is obviously a wise choice.

The core fleet located in the middle of the Naval Fleet of the Nanyan Kingdom are all attack ships. Although the defense power is insufficient, the speed is extremely fast, and it is also a good choice for retreating.

"Back up?"

Zhou Yu shook his head when he heard it. He took a few steps forward and reached the edge of the battleship. He leaned on the guardrail and stared at the location of the enemy battleship. over the idea of ​​leading troops to retreat."

"It didn't exist before, it doesn't exist now, and it won't happen in the future!"

"Instruction, all battleship catapults are immediately replaced with special kerosene!"


The deputy generals were completely stunned when they heard Zhou Yu's words, and asked as if dumbfounded, "Captain, mean to replace the stones of the battleship catapult with special kerosene?"

No wonder they couldn't believe what they heard, the order was really terrible.

You must know that the special kerosene of the Nanyan Kingdom is the only one in Yuzhou, unless the kerosene is completely burned out, or it is very, very difficult to put out.

It burns for a long time even in water.

At this time, once the special kerosene is used to attack, it will definitely set the entire river on fire.

Now the warships around here are very close, and if you are not careful, all the warships will be ignited.

At that time, not only the enemy army can't escape, but they also can't escape.

This is the total solution!

Therefore, these lieutenants really couldn't believe Zhou Yu's orders.

After all, no matter how you look at it, these people have not reached a dead end. As long as they retreat now, they have a chance to escape, and then make a comeback is not a problem.

perish together? Now is not the time!

"Well, execute the order!" Zhou Yu nodded and said.

"The Governor..."

All the lieutenants looked at Zhou Yu and said, "Captain, can you give us the bottom line, or we really dare not do it. It's a special kerosene. Once it's ignited, it's all over."

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