The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1131 Martyrdom? Not now!

"Nanyan's special kerosene won't burn Nanyan's warships!"

After Zhou Yu said a word, he waved his hand and said, "According to the order!"

When the lieutenants heard this, they really didn't know what to say.

People often say that water and fire are ruthless, and that special kerosene burns like fire. How can fire still distinguish between Nanyan and Nanyan?

However, if Zhou Yu didn't say it, they couldn't ask any further questions. In any case, the Grand Commander of the Navy was the Grand Commander, their superior.

These lieutenants can only sigh in their hearts and follow the orders.

"Haha, have you seen those generals of Nanyan? All of them are frowning, as if their parents have died. It seems that they want to kill Zhou Yu by a thousand swords."

The generals of the Jinshui Kingdom had always been observing the movements of the Nanyan Navy, and they could clearly see the expressions of the lieutenants who went down to follow Zhou Yu's orders.

After all, they are all from the warriors, and this distance can still be seen clearly.

"Lu Feng is also funny. The dignified navy has even sent a hairy boy who has only a few days of experience in leading troops to be the commander-in-chief. Do you really think that the navy of our Jinshui Kingdom is comparable to the rubbish of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom?"

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

"Well, the only pity now is that we can't see Zhou Yu's face. I think if he knew his current situation, his face would be very wonderful."

"Instead of looking at Zhou Yu's face, I want to see the face of Emperor Lu Feng of Nanyan. If he knew that the naval commander he sent had made such a stupid decision, his face would definitely be more wonderful than Zhou Yu's."

Several generals of the Golden Water Kingdom were talking with smiles on their faces.

"Okay, let's not play with Zhou Yu anymore, let's order an attack directly!" The general of the left fleet laughed.

"it is good!"

The other two nodded, and then they were about to give orders.

"Look, General, what is that?"

At this moment, their personal soldiers pointed to the sky and said.


The three generals looked up at the sky and found that there were many black wooden barrels in the sky.

"It looks like it should have been made by the catapults under Zhou Yu's command, but before the catapults fired stones that could detonate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a small area around them, how come they have now become wooden barrels, and what is in these wooden barrels? ?" The fleet commander on the right said with some doubts.

"Haha, why do you think so much? Could it be that the contents of these wooden barrels are more powerful than those that detonated the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a small area around them?"

The commander of the left fleet laughed and said, "Those special stones couldn't stop our attack before, can these wooden barrels stop our attack now?"

"Send the order, all the soldiers immediately rush to kill, be sure to rush to the enemy's battleship at the fastest speed, the bed crossbow and bow crossbow are responsible for cover, and be sure to suppress the enemy's firepower."


The guard next to him went down to give orders.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, those wooden barrels containing special kerosene also smashed on these battleships.

Immediately, a pungent smell of kerosene permeated the air.

"This taste is..."

The three generals of the Jinshui Kingdom all frowned when they heard it. Among them, the captain of the fleet on the right said with some uncertainty: "Is this the smell of the special kerosene of the Nanyan Kingdom?"

"Special kerosene?"

The other two generals heard the drastic change in their expressions, and said in shock, "What does Zhou Yu want to do this time? Is he going to use special kerosene to burn us?"

"It's impossible! Everyone knows that the special kerosene made by the Nanyan Kingdom is so powerful that once it burns, all the surrounding battleships will be haunted if they get so close."

"At that time, not only will we be unable to escape, but Zhou Yu's own fleet will also be unable to escape. Could it be that he wants to perish with us?" The fleet commander on the right said uncertainly.

"But in the current situation, if it's not like this, what does Zhou Yu want to do?"

"The whole army obeys the order, and all ship crossbows are immediately replaced with fire arrows!"

When the enemy generals were not sure of Zhou Yu's purpose,

Zhou Yu has ordered the boat crossbow to replace the arrows.

These lieutenants also knew that Zhou Yu would not change the order, so they didn't ask any more questions, and obeyed the order obediently.

Soon all the boats and crossbows were replaced by fire arrows.


Zhou Yu gave an order, and a large number of fire arrows were shot by the boat crossbow, instantly dyeing the sky red.

"Then... that's actually Huo Ya?"

The navy generals on the Golden Water Kingdom's side saw the changes in the sky at once, and all of them were completely terrified.

"Zhou Yu really wants to die with us?" the commander of the fleet on the right muttered, his whole face full of confusion.

"The whole army obeys the order and withdraws!"

"Retreat, retreat!"

"Quick, retreat, quick!"

Compared to the commander on the right, the commander of the left fleet reacted much faster and hurriedly ordered a retreat.

It's just that his order went down, but how could the retreating speed of the soldiers be faster than Fire Arrow?


The fire arrow fell to the ground and hit the special kerosene that had been dumped on these battleships and the waters. The fire burned instantly and madly devoured the surrounding battleships.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding warships were already in a sea of ​​fire.

Those soldiers on the battleship, the miserable screams came out in the fire, which made people tremble.

But no soldier can break through the engulfing of the sea of ​​fire, only those generals can escape before the sea of ​​​​fire engulfs them by virtue of their martial arts strength.

But only one person escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire, and it was impossible to take too many soldiers.

"This move of the Governor is indeed powerful. Under the sea of ​​fire, the enemy can lose hundreds of thousands in an instant."

The lieutenant next to Zhou Yu looked at the tragic appearance of the enemy and nodded, but soon smiled bitterly: "The enemy has suffered heavy losses, but our losses will not be small. The sea of ​​​​fire has spread."

The previous special kerosene didn't always stay where it fell. The kerosene would flow with the water.

A lot of kerosene had already flowed to the location of the core battleship of the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Alas, today we can drag millions of elite navy masters from the Jinshui Kingdom to die for the country, and it is considered a death well deserved."

Looking at the fires that were getting closer and closer, many lieutenants sighed softly: "Yes, it's just a pity that the millions of navy elites in the Nanyan Kingdom have yet to show their glory on the battlefield, so they have to join us today. It is a pity that the sailors of the Golden Water Kingdom perished together, these good sons!"

"Sacrificing one's life is a preparation a military commander should have, but you made this preparation too early today."

"Today, I will not die, you will not die, and none of the navy generals of the Nanyan Kingdom will die!"

Zhou Yu listened to the words of these lieutenants, stared at the approaching sea of ​​fire, and said aloud.

"Captain, the millions of sailors of the Nanyan Kingdom are about to be swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire here. What do you mean by saying this now?"

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