The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1132 Water ghosts dispatched

"I won't let my soldiers be buried with the enemy!"

Zhou Yu smiled slightly and said, "Without complete preparation, how could I use special kerosene to attack?"

When the generals heard Zhou Yu say this, they were a little relieved, but they quickly said with doubts: "But the Governor, what are you preparing for? Why haven't you told us?"

"Strictly speaking, this is not my preparation, but His Majesty's preparation!"

Zhou Yu looked at the spreading fire, moved his hands slightly, and an ice-blue array flag appeared in his hands.

He shouted in a low voice, "Fire-defusing profound formation, get up!"


With the buzzing sound, the ice-blue array flag in Zhou Yu's hand suddenly lifted into the sky, turning into nine ice-blue mysterious texts in the sky.

Xuanwen turned quickly, exuding ice blue ripples covering the surface of the core battleship of the Nanyan Navy.

After a while, all the hulls of the outermost core battleships were covered with a thick layer of ice blue ripples.

"This... what is this?"

When these lieutenants saw it, they all looked surprised, and they didn't know each other at all.

"This is the fire-proofing profound formation that Your Majesty gave me. It is just a low-grade prefecture-level profound formation. It has only one function, that is, it can isolate the fire. The original purpose was simply to make the navy fleet face the enemy's fire. There will be no damage whatsoever.”

"But I thought about it later, this can also be used in combination with the actual situation to become an important part of the attack strategy." Zhou Yu said.

"Can you isolate the fire?"

All the lieutenants look at me and I look at you, and they all don’t believe it. They know that the emperor they are loyal to is a very powerful formation mage, but water and fire are ruthless. Can a low-grade profound formation really isolate the fire from engulfing it?

But soon their mentality changed completely, because under their gaze, when those fires approached the hull, they were actually blocked by the thick layer of ice blue ripples on the hull.

Not only that, but even the heat of the fire was blocked.

Standing on the battleship, you can't feel any heat at all, it's simply incredible!

"This... is this profound formation really that powerful?"

These lieutenant generals are stupid. They are military generals, not formation wizards. They have a good understanding of formation methods, but not much. Now, I really didn't expect a profound formation to have such power.

It can be said that this fire-proofing profound formation not only saved the millions of sailors in the Nanyan Kingdom, but also made the millions of sailors in the Jinshui Kingdom cry without tears.

Zhou Yu had a smile on his face. He never doubted the role of the fire-defusing profound formation, because he believed that His Majesty the Emperor, who was loyal to him, could not be joking with the life of a million sailors.

"The whole army obeys the order, and all the battleship catapults must release all the special kerosene in the shortest time, fast!"


After realizing that the current situation was that the enemy was passively beaten and that their own side would not suffer any damage, those lieutenants were all excited, and immediately went down to make arrangements after hearing Zhou Yu's order.

Bang bang bang!

Wooden barrels filled with special kerosene smashed onto the battleship of the Golden Water Kingdom, making the already powerful fire even more crazy.

Many warships were burnt to waste wood under the fire.

It is even more difficult for one of the soldiers on the battleship to escape.


The generals of the Jinshui Kingdom who escaped to the end, who had not been swallowed by the fire, were full of anger when they saw it.

Especially seeing that the naval battleship under Zhou Yu's command was not swallowed up by the fire, I felt even more aggrieved.

They were still thinking just now that although they suffered a heavy loss this time, it would not be a failure if they could drag the millions of sailors from the Nanyan Kingdom to die here.

After all, the Kingdom of Jinshui is a kingdom with powerful navy, with a well-established navy training system in it. Don’t look at the loss of millions of navy now. If you give them two or three years, they will be able to pull out a few million navy. Navy Fleet.

Even if the combat power is not comparable to the current elite, it will not be much worse.

The Nanyan Kingdom is different.

The establishment of the Naval Division of the Kingdom of Nanyan is too short, and the training system cannot be done so quickly.

If one million sailors are lost now, without five or six years or even ten years, it would be a complete dream to develop an elite sailor.

Therefore, although they were running for their lives just now, there was not much sadness in their hearts.

But now the situation is different. The enemy's naval fleet is still intact under the fire? What is this Nima kidding?

Do you still want to fight?

That's a big fire! A ruthless fire!

It's a pity, no matter how they don't believe it, they must believe it when they see Zhou Yu's intact core battleship.

"How on earth did Zhou Yu do it? Why was his battleship intact under the fire? Why?"

"It should be a formation!" The fleet commander in the rear pondered slightly, pointed at Zhou Yu's fleet, and said, "Look at those battleships, there are ice-blue ripples on the hulls, it should be a formation to isolate the fire."

"Damn Zhou Yu!"

Now these generals still don't understand, Zhou Yu has no idea of ​​dying with them at all.

They were so stupid that they really thought that Zhou Yu was a fool, and they gave the order to court death.

"It can't be like that."

The commander of the fleet on the left shouted: "Give me the order for the army of water ghosts, dispatch immediately, and be sure to scuttle all Zhou Yu's warships for me!"

The navy of the Golden Water Kingdom is not only an army of surface combatants, but also an elite army of water ghosts of 100,000 people.

This group of people lives in the water all year round. Not only are they water-resistant, but they can also avoid the monsters in the water, which is very powerful.

Previously, the Kingdom of Jinshui thought that it had always been in the upper hand, and had never used the army of water ghosts. They had always been lurking behind the army and in the water.

The general's order went down, and the army of water ghosts at the rear of the army immediately began to move.

They were very fast underwater and were in a relatively deep position, and the fire on the water did not cause them much damage.

"Commander, the enemy army has reached this situation, why haven't they seen the water ghost army under their command?"

Beside Zhou Yu, the lieutenant said something strange.

Regarding the navy of the Jinshui Kingdom, they must have done enough knowledge before they came to know that the navy of the Jinshui Kingdom has an army of water ghosts.

But now they can't see the army of water ghosts at all, which makes them very puzzled.

"I don't know."

Zhou Yu shook his head slightly, and said, "It should be because the enemy has some arrangements, let's be careful, these water ghosts are not simple characters, so don't be careless, or..."


Before Zhou Yu could finish speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from underwater.

"what sound?"

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