The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1143 I'm looking for trouble

"Lu Feng has arrived at Jibeiguan?"

The semi-sage powerhouses in Yuzhou got the news about Lu Feng's arrival at Chubeiguan almost at the same time.

If it was before, a small kingdom emperor, even if he knelt on the ground and begged them, they would not necessarily take a second look.

But the Nanyan Kingdom is different.

Not long ago, they received news that the Nanyan Kingdom's unification of the southwest of Yuzhou in the northern grasslands has already laid the foundation of the dynasty. As long as Lu Feng is willing now, the Nanyan Kingdom can instantly become the Nanyan Dynasty.

It was the eleventh dynasty of Yuzhou.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to ignore Lu Feng?

Not to mention that they also received news that Tongyuan, the spear prodigy who traveled to Yuzhou before, suddenly surrendered to Lu Feng for some unknown reason.

Moreover, not long after Tong Yuan surrendered to Lu Feng, his strength began to grow by leaps and bounds. He was originally only the leader of the peak warriors of the Nine Heavens of the Dynasty, but now he has killed two and a half saints of the Liyang Dynasty.

You must know that the entire Liyang Dynasty is only three and a half saints.

Two and a half saints were killed, and the high-end combat power of the Liyang Dynasty was now trembling among the top forces in the entire Yuzhou, for fear that the force would come to him if he was in a bad mood.

And all this came from Tong Yuan of Nanyan Kingdom.

As far as the news they got, Tong Yuan's strength should be infinitely close to the realm of the saint, and he may break through to the realm of the saint at any time.

Once Tong Yuan breaks through, then the Nanyan Kingdom is equivalent to having an extra saint.

Therefore, the high-ranking semi-sages in these current forces are very concerned about Lu Feng.

Not to mention, not long after they arrived at Qibeiguan, before they could show the strength of their power, Lu Feng arranged hundreds of Saint Extinguishing Crossbows at the city head of Qibeiguan.

They knew very well that those exterminating holy crossbows were not to deal with the barbarians in the northern grasslands, but to deal with their high-ranking semi-sacred powerhouses.

Under the threat of Saint Extinguishing Crossbow, these semi-sacred powerhouses who were originally aloof, stayed in their rooms obediently these few days, daring not to go out to show their power.

But these half saints are very depressed.

But there is no way, even the Holy Venerable had to retreat from the holy crossbow, these semi-sacred, they really dare not touch.

Now that Lu Feng is here, they have a lot of ideas.

"It seems that we have to meet this little emperor who dared to threaten us with the Holy Crossbow."

Almost the same idea appeared in the minds of these ten semi-holy powerhouses.

"Lu Feng is here, and there is a woman by his side?"

At Zhang Jiaqi's residence, she paid attention to the woman beside Lu Feng, because she already knew enough about Lu Feng.

And these understandings are completely based on the corpses of millions of soldiers who died in the Liyang Dynasty.

"Describe to me the woman beside Lu Feng."

Now, Zhang Jiaqi really wants to know who the woman beside Lu Feng is.


The subordinate beside Zhang Jiaqi responded, pondered slightly, and said, "The woman next to Lu Feng is very beautiful, and her whole person has a special temperament, as if she doesn't eat fireworks in the world, and her eyes are very, very very. indifferent."

"When I was observing her, she found me and looked at me. That kind of indifference to life left me with lingering fears."

"Indifferent eyes?"

Zhang Jiaqi frowned slightly, thought for a while, and murmured in a low voice: "As far as the women around Lu Feng are concerned, it is worth noting that Queen Hua Mulan and Gu Ziyi, the eldest lady of the Gu family who had a falling out with Guxuan Business."

"But these two are not people who are indifferent to life. Who is this woman by Lu Feng's side?"

"and many more……"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Zhang Jiaqi's mind, and he thought of a person.


Xiaomeng, the core disciple of Wangqing Daomen, the absolute top force in Wuzhou!

According to some information she got, Xiaomeng is such a person who is indifferent to life. She always has only martial arts in her eyes.

Absolutely do not care about life and death.

It is even more annoying that others take life and death too seriously.

The woman next to Lu Feng now fits Xiaomeng's character very well.

"If it's really Xiaomeng, then it can basically be said that behind the Nanyan Kingdom is the gate of forgetfulness."

Zhang Jiaqi's face was a little dignified.

If Wangqing Daomen and Nanyan Kingdom were just ordinary, then Xiaomeng would not appear by Lu Feng's side after Xiaomeng left last time.

But now Xiaomeng appeared beside Lu Feng again.

You must know that Xiaomeng's identity in Wangqing Daomen is very difficult. She appeared by Lu Feng's side before the start of the imperial call-up order. It is conceivable to know how much Wangqing Daomen valued Lu Feng.

If so, it would not be good news for the Liyang Dynasty.

"Is it possible, do I really have to go that far?"

Zhang Jiaqi murmured in a low voice.

The subordinate in front of her heard it, but his face was horrified. He was Zhang Jiaqi's confidant, and naturally he knew very well what Zhang Jiaqi said about that step.

Carefully glanced at Zhang Jiaqi, he whispered: "Your Highness Princess, think again!"

Zhang Jiaqi came back to his senses and glanced at his subordinates. When he was about to speak, someone suddenly ran in outside and said hurriedly, "Your Highness Princess, the Ten Great Semi-Saints in the distance to Beiguan just suddenly went to the General's Mansion in Beiguan. go."

"How far is it from the Beiguan General's Mansion?"

Zhang Jiaqi was stunned for a moment, then frowned, and said, "The general residence of Beiguan is the residence of Ran Min and Wei Qinghuo Qubing. Now that Lu Feng is here, it is naturally Lu Feng's temporary residence. General's Mansion, is it possible that you are going to find Lu Feng?"

"That's right, he must be looking for Lu Feng!"

Zhang Jiaqi's tone suddenly became very positive, and said: "Lu Feng set up the Sacred Crossbow at Kubeiguan, and made it clear that it was to deal with these ten semi-sages. Now that he has arrived at Kubeiguan, if these ten semi-sages don't go looking for them. Lu Feng's troubles are a bit unreasonable."

"That's a good thing, just to let me see if Xiaomeng will come forward, so as to infer whether the relationship between Lu Feng and Wangqingdaomen is really as I guessed. Or, Xiaomeng's appearance here is just an accident."

After making the decision, Zhang Jiaqi did not delay in the slightest, and immediately went to the General Mansion of Li Beiguan.

In the General's Mansion, Lu Feng and Xiaomeng brought Ran Min and others into the General's Mansion just now.

Lu Feng and Xiaomeng are talking.

"According to your words, Master Xiaomeng, this time, whether it is the dynasty or the top ten dynasties, or the three major forces of Hundred Kingdoms Academy, Dan City, and Xueyilou, the strength of the people they send will not exceed the semi-holy realm?" Lu Feng looked at Xiaomeng and asked.

"In the continent of Kyushu, where the emperor does not leave, the status of the Holy Venerable Martial Artist is detached, and he will not take action casually. The Ji Dynasty will not reveal its trump card, nor will the forces of the Ten Great Dynasties."

"So this time, the highest realm of the people sent by the various forces is the peak of the semi-sage. This is why the elders in my sect are relieved that I came here."


After a short pause, Xiaomeng glanced at Lu Feng and said, "Your Majesty, you are in a bit of trouble now."

"Yeah, here comes the little trouble."

Lu Feng turned his head to look outside the General's Mansion, where ten semi-sacred auras appeared.

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