The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1144 10 semi-sages, each with a prestige

"Your Majesty the King of Nanyan, I am the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty and I enshrine Bi Ju, and I hope His Majesty Nanyan will come out and see you."

"Your Majesty the King of Nanyan, I am serving Deng Rui in the royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and I hope His Majesty the King of Nanyan will come out and see you."

"Your Majesty the King of Nanyan, I am worshipping Gong Mingkun from the Chongao Dynasty, and I hope His Majesty the King of Nanyan will come out and see you."


"Your Majesty the King of Nanyan, I am Gu Hengliang, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Hundred Nations College, and I hope His Majesty the King of Nanyan will come out and see you."

"Your Majesty the King of Nanyan, I am the third elder of the blood-clothed building, Shanrong, and I hope His Majesty the King of Nanyan will come out and see you."

The ten demigods stood in the general's mansion and shouted loudly.

Their voices were loud and powerful.

"This is to give me a slap in the face!"

Lu Feng, Xiaomeng and others were still in the general's mansion, and when they heard the words of the ten great demigods outside, they smiled and said, "Come on, go out with me to see what the ten great demigods are capable of."

Lu Feng took Ran Min and the others out.

Xiao Meng also followed behind.

Walking out of the general's mansion, Lu Feng saw many people standing outside.

The top ten are the ten demigods.

All of them are old men with white beards. If you look at them casually, you will think that they are half buried in the ground.

But now, they are all full of energy, eyes full of energy, and a little murderous intent on their bodies.

Behind them, many people have now gathered.

Because when the ten great demigods came over, they made it clear that they would come to Lu Feng to settle accounts, and they wanted to lose face as the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, so they did not hide their traces.

When people from other forces saw it, they naturally followed.

They all wanted to see the excitement, and also wanted to know what the emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, would do when faced with the ten semi-sages.

"You said, can Lu Feng survive this disaster?"

"I think it's difficult. You must know that the people who are here now are the semi-sacred powerhouses from the top forces in Yuzhou."

"Especially the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty enshrined Bi Ju. He is a warrior at the peak of the semi-sacred, and his strength is very powerful. It is rumored that he has also played against the powerful saints. In the end, although he was defeated, it was after three moves. lost."

A well-known warrior said in a low voice.

"Is it actually so powerful? If he can fight against a strong saint with three moves, he will be defeated. Then he is almost the first person in the realm of half-sage!"

The people next to him exclaimed.

They are all warriors from various forces who have come here. They have heard more or less about the realm of Saint Venerable. They know that the gap between Half Saint and Saint Venerable is farther than a million mountains.

How can I not be surprised to hear that there is a semi-sage who can block the three moves of the Holy Venerable?

"Except for Bi Ju, the Ice and Snow Dynasty is not a simple role to worship Deng Rui. Have you noticed his face? There is a black scar on it. left from the battle of the demon clan."

"What's even more terrifying is that in the end, these three semi-sages of the demon race were all killed by him!"

"What? Deng Rui still has such a thing?"

The warrior next to him was startled again. You must know that the warriors in the Kyushu continent fought with monsters, and monsters had the upper hand.

Because their physical strength is very strong, no less than some specialized body cultivators.

What warriors can take the initiative is some supernatural powers under their control, but for monsters who can reach the realm of semi-sacred, they themselves also have innate supernatural powers.

Therefore, at that level, warriors and monsters are at a disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, Deng Rui could kill him with one enemy and three, but one can imagine how terrifying his strength is.

Maybe the combat power is not much different from that of Bi Ju.

"In addition, Gong Mingkun, the worshiper of the Chongao Dynasty, is not a simple role. Don't look at him as an old man. He is the only body cultivator in Yuzhou who has reached the semi-sacred state. With a pair of flesh fists, he killed a half-Saint late-stage monster alive in the Million Dollar Mountain.


"The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Hundred Nations Academy is also not easy. His strength can also be ranked in the top five in the Hundred Nations Academy."

"The third elder in the Blood Clothes Building, Shan Rong, is even more terrifying. More than 70 years ago, he once assassinated a holy ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty. Although he failed in the end, he escaped from that holy god. Not to mention his fighting ability, just the ability to escape is enough to laugh at all the semi-sages in Yuzhou."

"Except for the five of them, although the other five are not as famous as them, they are not simple characters, they are all genuine semi-sacred mid-stage warriors."

"Adding those five semi-sages with terrifying combat power, today's Lu Feng is difficult."

"That's right, today's Lu Feng is very difficult to survive this disaster."

Many warriors nodded their heads after learning about the top ten semi-saints who came here today.

"Even if the spear prodigy Tong Yuan, who can kill half-sages, is here today, Lu Feng is more fortunate. After all, there are ten half-sages, not one."

"Unless Tong Yuan dares to come to the realm of the Holy Venerable in an instant, otherwise Lu Feng is in danger today."

"But Lu Feng also deserves it."

A martial artist sneered and said: "Originally, there are hundreds of holy crossbows arranged in this distance from Beiguan, all of which use special crossbow arrows specially designed for martial artists. These ten semi-sages do not dare to be arrogant in the distance from Beiguan. It's like It's the same as before, it's a few days away from Beiguan, and I don't even have to go out once."

"But now Lu Feng actually came to Libeiguan, and blatantly went to the general's mansion. Isn't this courting death?"

"Yes, the Sacred Crossbow is powerful, but the Sacred Crossbow is not a saint, and there is no way to distinguish who is the enemy and who is not the enemy. Lu Feng is here, even if the Sacred Crossbow is powerful, the soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom may not dare to dare. Let it go, if you accidentally hurt Lu Feng, it would be a big joke."

"So, today's Lu Feng's visit to the general's mansion is completely asking for trouble!"

"It's a pity that such a darling of the heavens, if he didn't foolishly come to Libeiguan today, he might grow up in the future, but today... looking at the appearance of the ten great demigods, if he doesn't teach him a lesson like blood, then It's weird."

Those onlookers looked at Lu Feng with some pity in their eyes.

These warriors who do not belong to the top forces naturally hope that someone can disrupt the situation in Yuzhou, so that they can also drink some soup in troubled waters.

Originally, Lu Feng had a good chance to do it, but now that he has come to Kubeiguan, there is really no chance at all.

"Is it the General's Mansion that made the delicious food today? Why are all the masters of Yuzhou's forces here?"

"If you want to come here for a meal, you can't. The food in the General's Mansion is not enough."

Lu Feng smiled and looked at the warriors surrounding the General's Mansion.

How much attention paid to these ten demigods.

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