The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1145 If you don't leave me the way, I'll leave you face?

When Lu Feng was paying attention to the ten demigods, they were also looking at Lu Feng.

In the end, these people frowned slightly because they found that they couldn't see through Lu Feng's cultivation.

Even, to be more precise, Lu Feng didn't even feel the slightest fluctuation of infuriating energy, as if Lu Feng standing in front of the General's Mansion was an ordinary person.

If he wasn't the emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, they would have believed him, but Lu Feng was the emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, so he definitely couldn't be an ordinary person.

"It seems that Lu Feng is indeed not simple. He can hide his true qi fluctuations so well, and the secret method is definitely not simple."

Almost at the same time, these ten semi-sacred heads all thought of this.

But it is just a flash of thought. After all, what is the use of the secret method of hiding breath no matter how good it is?

The ones here today are the top ten semi-sages, not the ten martial arts emperors.

It was a dream that Lu Feng wanted to do something with them.

"Lu Feng, we came to Jubei Pass because we participated in the imperial call-up order, and we just stopped here for a while, but you are setting up the Sacred Crossbow on Jubei Pass, intending to threaten us."

"Let me ask you, what do you want? Is it possible that you still want to do something to us?"

The first to fire on Lu Feng was Gu Henliang, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of Bai Guoxue and Ang.

He pointed at Lu Feng.

"If this is the case, then I hope His Majesty Nanyan will give us an explanation."

"Holy Venerable can't be humiliated!"

"Although I and the others are not saints, they are also half saints, and they are not something you can insult at will." Deng Rui, who served in the Ice and Snow Dynasty, also spoke.

"Today, I also hope that His Majesty the King of Nanyan will give us an apology, or this matter will not be good." Biju, a worshiper from the Cangchu Dynasty, also spoke.

However, when he came to him, what he wanted was not an explanation, but an apology from Lu Feng.

Lu Feng is the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, and the Nanyan Kingdom is now at a critical moment of development. Once Lu Feng bows his head and apologizes, it will give others a feeling that the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom is not good!

Bullying and bullying the small kingdom in the southwest of Yuzhou, and destroying the prestige of a late dynasty such as the Liyang Dynasty, is no problem, but when it comes to confronting forces like the Cangchu Dynasty, the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, it instantly softens.

To put it bluntly, this emperor is a bully and afraid of hardship, and is not worth following.

Once such a thought appeared in the minds of those warriors in Yuzhou, the Kingdom of Nanyan would not have any more talent to vote for.

It's even possible that some of his talent will go elsewhere for this reason.

After all, in a world like the Kyushu Continent, the weak will never be followed, and only the tough will make people think that you are a master who can be followed.

Don't look at Gu Hengliang, Deng Rui, and Bi Ju. They just said two words at random, but Lu Feng didn't handle these words well, that is, they dug a hole for Nanyan Kingdom.

"These people deserve to be half their lives, and they will eat the Emperor of Nanyan Kingdom Lu Feng to death. In my opinion, not only is Lu Feng unable to survive this disaster this time, but Nanyan Kingdom is also in danger."

"It's a pity, I finally saw a kingdom have the opportunity to become a dynasty, and today this kingdom has no chance."

"It's all because Lu Feng is too stupid. If he doesn't come to Beiguan, nothing will happen."

The onlookers shook their heads for a while.

Of the ten demigods present, although only three spoke, the others all looked at Lu Feng with a smile.

For them, what these three people said is enough.

"Have you three old fellows been living for too long and your minds are confused?" Lu Feng looked at Deng Rui and the three inexplicably, and said, "Ku Beiguan is our city and our territory. Do you need to report to you to arrange the Holy Crossbow on your own site?"

"You guys, since you are old and confused, go back and find a place to take them and wait to die, why do you have to come out and show shame?"

Since these people did not leave a way for the Nanyan Kingdom in their words,

Then Lu Feng would not save them any face.

"What? He... He actually said that the three and a half saints were confused?"

"Lu... What does Lu Feng want to do? Are you courting death?"

"Alas! Stupid, stupid! If he begs for mercy, he might have a chance in the future."

"But now he insults three and a half saints like this, isn't this courting death? Stupid!"


Originally, those warriors from the Nanyan Kingdom were just a pity, but now they are cursing Lu Feng.

It's not that they care about the Nanyan Kingdom, but they know that if the Nanyan Kingdom falls, it will be difficult for another force to disrupt the situation in Yuzhou. They have to let go of the idea of ​​catching fish in troubled waters.

Even Xiaomeng, who was behind Lu Feng, frowned slightly when she heard what Lu Feng said now.

Her status is respected, and she comes from the absolute top sect in Wuzhou. She is respected and respected by others wherever she goes.

Because of her status, few people dare to provoke her.

But even so, according to her current power, facing a semi-holy level powerhouse, she will pay more attention to her words.

After all, the Kyushu Continent is a strength that the strong respect, and strong strength is the truth.

Your identity is respected, but your strength is not as good as others, and you still insult others. Isn't this courting death?

"Lu Feng is not an arrogant person, but a smart person. Under such circumstances, why would he speak like this? Could it be that he doesn't know what will happen if he says it out?"

Xiaomeng felt a little strange in her heart.

"Okay, what a young man!"

Bi Ju smiled, very happy, but the killing intent condensed on his body was telling others that he wanted to kill.

"The old man calculates." Deng Rui pondered slightly, and said: "The old man has lived for nearly three thousand years, and it has been more than a thousand years since he became a semi-sage."

"Over the past thousand years, no one has ever dared to call me stupid, little guy, you are the first and the last, because I will use your blood to tell future generations that the saint is not humiliating, and the half-holy , is equally humiliating.”

In Deng Rui's hands, a wave of infuriating energy began to condense.

Similarly, the killing intent on his body also condensed, and he wanted to kill.

"What do you do with so much talk? There is no one in this subordinate, we just kill him directly, but we have to see who dares to trouble us!"

Bai Guoxue and Gu Hengliang, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, snorted directly.

To say who among the Ten Great Half-Saints hates Lu Feng the most, it must be him, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of Baiguo Academy.

Because the Supreme Elder Fairy Sword Fu Xinyue of Hundred Kingdoms College chased and killed Lu Feng, and finally died inexplicably.

Although there is no evidence that it is related to Lu Feng, because they were chasing and killing Lu Feng at the beginning, they naturally put this account on Lu Feng's head.

If it weren't for the sect of forgetfulness that might exist behind the Nanyan Kingdom, the Hundred Kingdoms Academy would have done it long ago, and they would have been patient.

Now the opportunity has come, Gu Hengliang can't wait to kill Lu Feng directly now.

In this case, even if they killed Lu Feng, Wangqing Daomen couldn't say anything.

Who asked Lu Feng to insult the semi-sage first?

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