The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1146 Do you think I am afraid of you?

"Little guy, for the sake of Wangqing Daomen, let's give you some time to say your last words!" Bi Ju looked at Lu Feng lightly.

"Last Word?"

Lu Feng glanced at Bi Ju strangely, shook his head, and said, "I think it's more suitable for you to leave some last words now!"


The ten semi-sages were instantly stunned.

All of them looked at Lu Feng in disbelief, are we more suitable to leave a last word now? Where did he get the confidence from?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gu Hengliang, the elder from the Law Enforcement Hall of Hundred Nations College, laughed outright. He looked at Lu Feng and said, "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, are you scared by us? You can still say such a thing now, The Nanyan Kingdom has an emperor like you, it's really a joke!"


Lu Feng smiled, looked at Gu Hengliang, and said, "Did you forget what I just said? This is my Kubei Pass and my territory."

"On my territory, do you think you can be arrogant?"


As soon as Lu Feng finished speaking, a powerful momentum suddenly condensed in this space, descending from the sky and pressing down on the ten demigods.

"Destroy the Holy Crossbow!"

The expressions of Gu Hengliang and the others changed in unison, but they did not expect that Lu Feng would dare to threaten them with the Sacred Crossbow here.

But soon, Bi Ju sneered and said, "Lu Feng, do you think the Holy Crossbow can scare us?"

"Can't be scared, then why are you so calm before, each one is like a good baby." Lu Feng laughed.

The surrounding warriors heard it, and they couldn't help laughing, but they didn't dare to laugh.

Indeed, before this, after the ten semi-sages arrived at Libeiguan, they didn't look like semi-sages.

It almost made people think that they were the weakest warriors in the Beiguan. There were big bosses outside. They were trembling at home and didn't dare to go out.

If it weren't for the ten demigods standing in front, they would really have laughed.

This remark also made these ten half-sage old people blushed. Indeed, before they came to Libeiguan, because they were afraid of destroying the holy crossbow, they all stayed where they lived and basically could not come out.

For fear of being killed by the Holy Crossbow.

If someone else arranged to destroy the holy crossbow, they might not be so afraid, but Lu Feng was different.

Before Lu Feng knew that the fairy sword Fu Xinyue was the elder of Hundred Kingdoms Academy, he finally let the people behind him kill her.

I also know that the three semi-sage ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty are not weak. The Liyang Dynasty is still a dynasty, and their strength should not be underestimated.

But that's how it happened. Two of the three semi-sage ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty were killed by Tong Yuan under Lu Feng.

With these lessons learned, they naturally did not dare to provoke the North Pass where hundreds of Saint Extinguishing Crossbows were arranged.

So they were all very honest before, and they were really no different from the good baby that Lu Feng said.

But now is not a few days ago!

Bi Ju stared at Lu Feng, smiled coldly, and said, "Lu Feng, if you weren't here, we would still be afraid of three points in the face of the Sacred Crossbow, but now that you are here, you think we will still be afraid of mere mortals. Destroying the Holy Crossbow?"

"That's right!"

Deng Rui, who served the royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, also sneered and said, "I don't believe you dare to let them order arrows, unless you don't want to live anymore."

Under the Sacred Crossbow, the Holy Venerable had to retreat, and these semi-sages felt some fear for the Sacred Sacred Crossbow.

If the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow attacked on a large scale, they would not have the confidence to escape from the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow's shooting.

If the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow from Beiguan were to shoot arrows, they might not die, but Lu Feng would definitely die.

Because they couldn't stop the Sacred Crossbow, how could Lu Feng be able to stop it?

"You guys!"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "You are a semi-sacred powerhouse of all forces in Yuzhou, how come you don't even know what I have?"


Shan Rong frowned slightly, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, saying: "Ancient Array Master!"



Lu Feng gave a low drink,

With his mind exerted, twenty-seven Xuanwen suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

Xuanwen lifted off into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a wave of Xuanwen wave filled the entire General's Mansion.

The twenty-seven mysterious texts in the sky fell into fluctuations and disappeared instantly, as if they had never appeared.

But in the General's Mansion, there is an extra barrier visible to the naked eye.

"Ancient Profound Formation!"

Bi Ju's eyes were solemn and he said solemnly, "I didn't expect the rumors to be true, you are really an ancient formation mage!"

"We underestimated you." Deng Rui's expression was also very solemn.

Although they didn't think that Lu Feng's strength could surpass them, the ancient formation mage was different.

The combat power of the ancient array mage is very terrifying. In the period when this mage was strong in the ancient times, there was a heaven-level high-grade array mage in the seventh heaven of the emperor, who forcibly killed a martial artist who had just entered the Holy Venerable with several mysterious formations.

From then on, those holy warriors never dared to make any spectacles when they saw the heaven-level ancient formation masters in the realm of emperors.

It was not until the sudden disappearance of the ancient magician and the absence of the Lord of God, that the status of the Holy Venerable became very detached in the Kyushu Continent.

Today, they are semi-sages, Lu Feng is a warrior in the realm of the emperor, or an ancient array mage whose level is unclear. Naturally, they have some fears in their hearts.

Moreover, they can feel the barrier above the General's Mansion in front of them, and even if they make a move, it will take a while to break through.

And this time, enough time to destroy the holy crossbow salvo two or three times.

Hundreds of Saint Extinguishing Crossbows fired two or three salvos at them, and they didn't even dare to imagine what would happen.

"The whole army obeys!"

At this moment, Lu Feng, who was standing in the General's Mansion, suddenly shouted loudly.

With the blessing of infuriating qi, his voice spread far and far, and all the soldiers in charge of destroying the holy crossbow on the wall of Beiguan heard it.


A large number of soldiers responded in unison, and the entire distance from Beiguan could be heard.

The expressions of the ten semi-sages led by Bi Ju and Deng Rui changed drastically, and they could hear that the sound came from the direction of the Sacred Crossbow from Beiguan.

"Could it be that Lu Feng really dared to use the Holy Crossbow?"

Ten and a half saints, all these words are in their minds.

They all did not believe that Lu Feng really dared to use the Sacred Crossbow now. After all, once he used the Sacred Sacred Crossbow, it meant that Lu Feng really wanted to fight against the top forces in Yuzhou like them.

The Nanyan Kingdom is not that great yet!

"Prepare the Holy Crossbow!"

But just as they were thinking about this in their minds, Lu Feng's voice came out again.


The soldiers on the Beiguan city wall immediately filled up the Saint-Destroyer Crossbow, and the huge specially-made crossbow arrows that were fixed with the lines of the formation were glowing with cold light and strange fluctuations.

Hundreds of holy crossbows and thousands of specially made crossbows condensed into a very fierce murderous aura in the sky, approaching ten demigods!

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