The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1148 Actually, I want to kill them.

In fact, as Zhang Jiaqi said.

The ten semi-holy clothes were soft and walked away sullenly.

Lu Feng looked at the back of the ten great demigods leaving, and sighed, "Oh, what a pity!"


Xiao Meng looked at Lu Feng in surprise and said, "Could it be that you really want to shoot them?"

Lu Feng just smiled and didn't answer.

In fact, he really had such thoughts in his mind.

You know, just now, he has prepared the half-holy talisman that he summoned last time at any time.

The semi-holy talisman can make his strength reach the semi-holy state in an instant, and with the holy crossbow, he has 100% confidence that he can kill these ten semi-holy.

At that time, ten semi-sages, and there are many warriors in the late semi-sages, the experience provided is definitely an astronomical number.

If he gets this experience, his strength is very likely to directly break through to the seventh heaven of the emperor.

At that time, his combat power will become even more terrifying.

And during this time, it happened to be the time when the imperial call-up order was opened, and after that, it was the time when the Great Emperor Ruins was opened.

During these two time points, those forces in Yuzhou will put all their minds on the imperial summons and the ruins of the emperor. Even if they kill the half-sages of their sect, they have no extra energy to find their own. trouble.

And after his own strength reaches the seventh level of the emperor, he will have greater confidence to return to Libeiguan alive from the imperial call-up order.

As long as he comes back at that time, he will be able to complete the task of the Dynasty Summoning Order, and his strength will be improved again by five small realms.

In an instant, you can go to the Holy Venerable Third Heaven!

At that time, even if other forces from Yuzhou come together, he will not be afraid at all if his strength has reached the third level of the Holy Reverence.

After all, if he raises another big realm, the summoned characters under his command can also raise five small realms.

Tong Yuan and Yue Fei can instantly reach the realm of sainthood, especially Tong Yuan, who will directly unblock all his strength and reach the third level of sainthood.

A kingdom, two strong men from the three-tiered heaven, plus one Yue Fei from the first-tiered saint.

To be honest, Lu Feng is really not afraid of any forces in Yuzhou.



The ten semi-sages chose to be soft and did not continue to be tough.

After all, if Lu Feng continued to be tough when everyone else had already surrendered, it would be too compelling.

Even if the forces behind them want to put their minds on the Dynasty Recruitment Order and the Great Emperor Ruins, they can't tolerate this kind of thing.

They will definitely join hands to find trouble for the Nanyan Kingdom first.

Before his strength reached the Holy Venerable, Lu Feng was temporarily unable to fight these people recklessly.

Therefore, after the ten major semi-sages chose to be soft, no matter how pity he felt in his heart, he had to temporarily put aside the idea of ​​​​killing them.

Xiaomeng has been looking at Lu Feng all the time. When he saw the pity look in his eyes, he really didn't know what to say.

If you change someone, you can force ten and a half saints to escape, maybe a hundred years.

But how did it become like this when it came to Lu Feng?

As the emperor of a small kingdom, he forced ten half-sages to flee in despair, and his eyes were full of pity.

What is he trying to do? Could it be that it would be a pity to kill those ten demigods?

Xiaomeng really didn't know what to say.

Others thought that Lu Feng dared to do this because there was Wangqing Daomen standing behind him, but she knew very well that Wangqing Daomen was not the person behind Lu Feng, and it was even possible that behind Wangqing Daomen would make Nanyan Kingdom uncomfortable.

As far as she knows, there is no major force behind the Nanyan Kingdom at all. Although those experts are a little strange, she is sure that this is not the force from Wuzhou.

As for Zhongzhou and Jianzhou, the possibility is even lower.

Of those two states, one was high above everyone else, and the other only had kendo in his eyes, but he didn't have the will to help Lu Feng of Nanyan Kingdom.

"How deep did Lu Feng hide, and what did he hide?"

Xiaomeng sighed in her heart.

It is said that the exercises she cultivates and her personality will not be too obsessed with these, but she can't help but want to understand them.

Shaking his head slightly, Xiaomeng looked at Lu Feng and said, "Lu Feng, martial arts is not a gamble, this time you won the gamble, but the next time it's hard to say, once you lose the gamble, you will pay more than your own life. It is the fate of the Nanyan Kingdom."

"There are winners and losers in gambling, but I have never gambled." Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "I am not a gambler."

no bet?

Xiaomeng was stunned again, could it be that he was really confident that he could deal with the ten half-sages just now? But how is that possible? That's ten demigods!

However, when she wanted to ask again, Lu Feng had already turned around and brought someone back to the General's Mansion.

At the same time, the profound formation on the General's Mansion also disappeared.

"Today, the ten of us are a shame!"

The ten demigods who left outside the General's Mansion walked together, no one dared to stop them on the road, but their faces were all very ugly.

Ten dignified and half-sages, to be forced to run away by a kingdom emperor, this is simply a big joke.

After the news spread, they couldn't find a place to put these ten old faces.

However, if he didn't run away just now, it was not a question of where the old face was put, but a question of how to live.

The Sacred Crossbow is called Sacred Sacred, that's not just talking about it.

"Bi Ju, the Sacred Crossbow is your unique weapon of the Cangchu Dynasty. Now that it is in the hands of the Nanyan Kingdom, do you have nothing to say?" Deng Rui turned to Bi Ju and said coldly.

"what did I say?"

Bi Ju snorted coldly and said, "Everyone knew that Wangqing Daomen was behind the Nanyan Kingdom, and they didn't want the Nanyan Kingdom to develop. You are all just talking about it, only our Cangchu Dynasty has taken practical actions to provide Liyang. The Dynasty Destruction Holy Crossbow is used to deal with the possible masters of Forgetfulness Daoism."

"But the Liyang Dynasty is too rubbish. The hundreds of holy crossbows provided to them twice fell into the hands of the Nanyan Kingdom. What can I say?"

"Hmph, don't think we don't know, the crossbow bolts of the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow are all specially manufactured. Even if you provide the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow to the Liyang Dynasty, it is impossible to provide them with the manufacturing method of the Saint Exterminating Crossbow Crossbow."

"But now there is no shortage of crossbow arrows in the Sacred Crossbow of Nanyan Kingdom. You dare to say that there is no shadow of your Cangchu Dynasty or Oufeng Trading Company?" Gu Hengliang stared at Bi Ju with suspicion on his face.

Today they lost face and lost their hair.

If it is not as strong as others, it is fine, but it is because of the Cangchu Dynasty's unique Holy Sacred Crossbow and shame.

Then they have to talk to Bi Ju, the royal enshrined of the Cangchu Dynasty.

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