The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1149 Cooperation, the interests are in place

"Blood spurts!"

Bi Ju was full of anger, and shouted at Gu Hengliang: "Only the people in Oufeng Trading know how to make those special crossbow arrows, and only one or two people in the royal family know. How could we reveal it?"

"Besides, that is our Cangchu Dynasty's trump card against the Dynasty, can we reveal it? You won't use your brain to think about it?"


"Okay, this matter cannot have anything to do with the Cangchu Dynasty."

Gu Hengliang wanted to say something else, but the third elder of the Xueyi Building, Shan Rong, had already said, "The Sacred Crossbow is the weapon of the Cangchu Dynasty, and it is also their trump card against the Dynasty. If they leak it out casually, then The Cangchu Dynasty doesn't want to continue to exist."

"Then how did those crossbows that destroy the holy crossbow in Nanyan Kingdom come from?" Gu Hengliang snorted.

"Let the Cangchu Dynasty investigate by itself." Shan Rong said.

Bi Ju's face was full of expression, and he said, "You don't need to tell us about this, we will investigate it ourselves, no matter how the Nanyan Kingdom got it, after the Great Emperor Ruins, we must give an account to the Cangchu Dynasty. !"

"That's your business, now we should think about our business."

Shan Rong looked at the other nine half-sages and said, "Lu Feng is so down on us, do you plan to do it like this?"

"what do you mean?"

The other nine stared at Shan Rong with a condensed gaze.

A cold light flashed in Shan Rong's eyes, and he said, "Holy Venerable can't be humiliated, and half-Saints can't be humiliated either. Lu Feng must pay the price for what happened today."

"There is a holy crossbow in Kubeiguan, even if we kill Lu Feng secretly, we can't leave Kubeiguan." Deng Rui frowned and said, "Even, I can feel that there is a formation in Kubeiguan. Now, there are only a few places where the teleportation array can be used."

"That's right, I can also feel that this should have been made by Lu Feng through the means of the ancient magician." Bi Ju also said.

"Doing your hands within the distance to Beiguan is like courting death. Under the Saint Exterminating Crossbow, it's hard to escape even with my speed, let alone yours." Shan Rong shook his head and said, "So, we have to change places."


"Outside the Moon Valley!"

A cold light flashed in Shan Rong's eyes, and he said, "Lu Feng's strength is very strong, coupled with his identity as an ancient array mage, it is almost certain that among the younger generation of our forces, no one will be his opponent. ."

"Once he enters Mochizuki Valley, the younger generation under our power will be less fortunate. Therefore, in this case, we must find a way to kill him."

"Dynasty's decision, our disciples went to Mochizuki Valley not by walking, but through a death teleportation formation they built, so before that, let's go to Mochizuki Valley first."

"With our speed, we can start now, and we will be able to reach Mochizuki Valley tomorrow. When they arrive, we will kill Lu Feng directly. On the one hand, we can give ourselves an outlet, and on the other hand, we can also give our younger disciples. Solve a big problem."

When the other nine heard it, their eyes lit up, looked at each other, and immediately said, "Okay, this method is fine, we'll set off now."

Lu Feng just made them lose so much face, they don't want to let it go.

Sam Young's approach is exactly what they thought.

"Can't go together."

Shan Rong shook his head and said, "Don't forget, Lu Feng is definitely not an idiot who can lead the Nanyan Kingdom to this point. He must have arranged for someone to monitor us."

"If we start at the same time, I wonder if he will be more vigilant. I suggest that we go back now, and then start separately."

"it is good!"

As soon as the other nine people heard it, they all thought there was no problem, so they separated, and then they found time to leave the Beiguan, and try their best to avoid the spies of the Nanyan Kingdom.


"Your Majesty, Zhang Jiaqi, Princess of the Liyang Dynasty, asks to see you."

Here at the General's House,

However, Lu Feng received a piece of news that surprised him.

"Zhang Jiaqi wants to see me?"

Lu Feng's expression became very strange.

If it was before the several wars between the Nanyan Kingdom and the Liyang Dynasty, there would be nothing wrong with this, but in this situation, the Nanyan Kingdom and the Liyang Dynasty are already at odds with each other. Zhang Jiaqi came to see himself, is there something wrong?

In this case, it's not bad that he didn't find and kill her in Libeiguan now. Could it be that she still thinks that she will act according to the agreement as before?

Zhang Jiaqi is a smart woman and a woman with deep scheming. Under such circumstances, Lu Feng is still curious about what purpose Zhang Jiaqi has.


With a smile on his face, Lu Feng said, "Let her in."


Soon, Zhang Jiaqi walked in under the leadership of the soldiers.

"Lu Feng, I've seen you." Zhang Jiaqi saw Lu Feng, his face full of excitement, and said, "In this way, the two of us can cooperate well in the Dynasty Calling Order."

Zhang Jiaqi's expression and actions were no different from that of the royal princess whom he had seen in Shanghai City before, Lu Feng.

Such Zhang Jiaqi is really unimaginable to be the one who kept pushing the Liyang Dynasty to target the Nanyan Kingdom behind his back.

If it wasn't for the news found by Guxuan Firm, Lu Feng would not have believed it.

After all, Zhang Jiaqi in this situation doesn't look like a woman with deep scheming.

However, after knowing everything, Lu Feng understood very well that the more such a person is, the more vigilant he needs to be.

If it wasn't because Zhang Jiaqi was going to participate in the imperial call-up order this time, he would now want to kill him directly to solve a problem for the Nanyan Kingdom.

But no, the disciples of the various forces involved in the Dynasty's call-up order, if something happens now, the Dynasty will not let it go.

The current Lu Feng has not yet planned to face the Dynasty.

However, after entering the imperial call-up order, everything is different. In that, whoever survives depends on his own ability, and whoever dies deserves it.

It's not a good place in there, but it's definitely a good place to kill people.

As for now...

Sometimes one has to be hypocritical.

With a smile on his face, Lu Feng looked at Zhang Jiaqi and said, "Your Highness Princess, my Nanyan Kingdom beat you so badly in the Liyang Dynasty, and even killed the two semi-sage ancestors of your Liyang Dynasty royal family. You don't hate me at all, and you still want to continue working with me?"

The expression on Zhang Jiaqi's face froze, don't he hate you? I can't wait to kill you!

The Liyang Dynasty lost two and a half saints, and the high-end combat power suffered heavy losses, which made many of Zhang Jiaqi's later plans impossible to implement.

Only now, the more important thing is the imperial call-up order.

So the change in her expression quickly disappeared, and she said, "Didn't I already say it before? I hate the rules of the royal family, and I hate them even more for them to disregard my feelings for me to participate in the imperial call-up order, so they I don't care if I live or die."

"As for our cooperation..."

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