The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1179 An inexplicable extra expert

"it is good!"

If Ji Min didn't delay much, she immediately told Lu Feng the secret method.

The secret method is not too difficult. For Lu Feng, he has a mind and eyesight, and he learned it easily.

Then, without hesitation, he used it on Ram Chizuru.


In a scream, Gongyang Qianhe's soul shattered instantly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a peak emperor warrior and gaining 80 million experience points."

The system's prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

This made him shake his head slightly.

I remember that when I killed Gu Changtian before, I got more than 200 million experience points, and now I only have 80 million points.

As your strength increases, if you want to upgrade in a short time later, you may have to besiege the Holy Venerable.

Fortunately, he used the secret technique to obtain the soul memory of Gongyang Qianhe.

It took Lu Feng more than two hours to remove the useless ones from Gongyang Qianhe's memory, leaving only useful information.

Some witches are secretive, others are about Moon Moon Valley and Jing Kong Ling.

In Gongyang Qianhe's memory, they didn't know the origin of Mochizuki Valley, and they also discovered it by accident.

However, with the Wu people's exploration of Moon Moon Valley over the years, it was judged that the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley should be a battlefield in ancient times.

Because there are many cemeteries left by those powerful people, there is also an ancient battlefield in the center of Moon Moon Valley.

Other than that, there isn't much information about Mochizuki Valley.

In Gongyang Qianhe's soul memory, although the Wu clan discovered Mochizuki Valley for more than 3,000 years, they have only entered it three times in total.

Now is the fourth time.

As for why it wasn't even in Gongyang Qianhe's memory, the specific reason was only known to the ancestors of the Wu clan.

He knew very well about Jing Kong Ling.

The Empty Order will appear every once in a while in the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley.

It works a lot.

Some can open a certain heaven and earth formation, some can open the cemetery of a certain powerful person, and some can also greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the owner.

What's more, just like Gongyang Qianhe before, unblocking his true qi sealed by the rules of the secret realm, greatly improving his combat effectiveness.

It only lasted half an hour!

Moreover, the Empty Command cannot be taken away from the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley.

"Can't be taken away?"

This information made Lu Feng frown. If Jing Kongling could not be taken away, why would the ancestors of the top Yuzhou forces let the most powerful geniuses in their own forces come to Wangyuegu, a place where there is a near-death situation to find Jingkong make?

Lu Feng doesn't know why, but one thing is certain, the ancestors of these forces are definitely not out of their minds, and the Empty Order must be related to something extremely important.

Or they can't let the genius disciples in their own power take risks with their lives!

"It seems that Ji Yixuan must be found as soon as possible." Lu Feng murmured in a low voice.

Except for Ji Yixuan, none of the talented disciples of the top forces in Yuzhou could tell them why.

The reason is very simple, they all represent the ancestors behind them.

Only Ji Yixuan was different. Gong Mingkun cooperated with him to protect her safety in Mochizuki Valley. Gong Mingkun couldn't help but tell Ji Yixuan.

It will not be difficult to get this information from Ji Yixuan at that time.

In addition to these news, Lu Feng also got a very important news for him now.

In addition to Gongyang Qianhe, the Wu clan also sent more than a dozen masters. The weakest among them also had the cultivation of the Emperor's First Layer, and the strongest had reached the peak of the Half-Saint.

Undoubtedly, in the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley, the greatest threat to Lu Feng must be the semi-sacred peak warrior of the Wu clan.

Because his purpose is to kill all the genius disciples of Yuzhou's top forces in the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley.

"Lu Feng, where are we going now?" Ji Minruo asked in a low voice.

"Continue to the center of Mochizuki Valley."

Lu Feng and Ji Minruo continued to move forward,

Go to the center of Moon Valley.


"Elder, Gongyang Qianhe's soul orb is broken."

In a powerful cemetery in Mochizuki Valley, five experts from the Wu clan have gathered.

The leader is Gongyang Fu, the cultivation base of the semi-sacred peak.

In addition to him, there is a semi-sage, and three martial arts emperors.

"Gongyang Qianhe's Soul Orb shattered?"

Gong Yang Fu frowned and said: "Gong Yang Qianhe's strength has reached the peak of the emperor, and the power of the soul is also very powerful, and the disciples of those forces who entered Mochizuki Valley have no such strength to kill him. "

"Elder, what do you mean by this..."


Gongyang smiled coldly and said, "Since it is impossible that the disciples of those forces in Yuzhou killed Gongyang Qianhe, it can only prove that someone else entered the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley."

"However, apart from the Wu clan, only the dynasty has the method to open the Moon Moon Valley. The people sent by the Wu clan are us, and it is impossible to send another person, let alone kill the Gongyang Qianhe."

"The only possibility is that the dynasty has also sent people. Their purpose is not only to kill those disciples of Yuzhou forces, but also to kill us and monopolize the Jingkong order!"


The expressions of the rest of the Wu clan here changed in unison, and said, "Elder, if this is really the case, what should we do now?"

"What are you panicking about?"

Gong Yang snorted coldly and said, "Even if the dynasty sends people, how many people can it send? The strength of the people sent cannot exceed the half-holy realm, or our ancestors of the Wu clan have already done it."

"And for me..."

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Gong Yang sneered: "In the semi-sacred realm, no one will be my opponent. If the dynasty sends a few semi-sages, I can kill a few semi-sages."

"Yes, with the Great Elder here, we will definitely be fine."

"The Great Elder is the most powerful in the semi-sacred realm. How could those people in the dynasty be the opponents of the Great Elder? They can only come here and give their lives in vain."

The other four said quickly.

"Okay, don't be flattering, hurry up and look for it in this place, you must find enough airborne orders, otherwise we will not be opponents until the half-sages from the dynasty find them first." Gong Yangfu said.

With a smile on his face, it was obvious that what a few of his subordinates had just said was nice and he liked it very much.

The people of the Wu clan are looking for Jing Kong Ling here, but they don't know it at all. In their eyes, there are no semi-sacred masters of the dynasty at all.

Killing Gongyang Qianhe was done by Lu Feng from beginning to end!


"Cough, cough, cough."

In a cave, Zhang Jiaqi, who used the magic jade and the space talisman, is here.

At this time, she was completely different from before.

The depths of her eyes were scarlet, and her soul aura was also stabilized at the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Emperor.

"I said, sooner or later, you will pay a heavy price for your wrong choice." At this moment, a voice suddenly came from Ji Minruo's body.

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