The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1180 The Witch Semi-Saint

This is a very indifferent and high-pitched voice, which is not at all Zhang Jiaqi's voice.

"Wrong choice? I don't think my choice is wrong." Zhang Jiaqi slowly got up and muttered in a low voice.

"It's not the wrong choice? If you didn't want to test Lu Feng's reality, how could you encounter what happened on the space shuttle? How could the source of your soul fall into Lu Feng's hands?"

"If the origin of your soul was not in Lu Feng's hands, you wouldn't be so embarrassed today, and you wouldn't waste the magic jade I gave you!" The indifferent and aloof voice was a little angry.

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to completely release my bloodline imprisonment." Zhang Jiaqi's face showed madness, and said, "If you don't break it, you won't stand up, but if you break it, you will stand up!"

"My soul source is broken, but the magic jade has brought me back to life, which is equivalent to giving me a new life."

"As of now, there is no more imprisonment in my bloodline. My soul realm has stabilized at the peak of the emperor's fourth-level heaven, and the side effects of the magic jade have also been removed by my bloodline."

"I didn't fall into a coma for a long time, and I didn't fall into three small realms. All of this proves that my choice was not a wrong choice. On the contrary, it was a correct choice, a choice that made me stronger!"

In the end, Zhang Jiaqi's voice was full of madness.

That indifferent and high-pitched voice did not answer directly this time.

After a long pause, the voice came out again: "I don't have much time, I have to go back. You can do it yourself!"

"The only thing I can tell you right now is that in the course of martial arts, gradual progress is the only truth. If you are too anxious, you will only fall into the devil's barrier forever."

"I was like this back then, and I hope you won't be like this."

"I see." Zhang Jiaqi replied in a low voice, but added: "But when you find that you are not strong enough to control your own destiny, or even choose your own marriage, can you pay attention to the cycle? "

"Alas." The voice sighed and said, "I can understand your thoughts, but now Yuzhou is about to be in chaos, and no one knows what will happen. You can completely slow down your steps."

"You don't want to carry out the Moon Moon Valley plan. If it fails, you will no longer have a place to live in the entire Yuzhou!"

"This is my only chance and my best chance, I can't miss it." Zhang Jiaqi's tone was very firm.

The voice stopped again, and this time it took a quarter of an hour to say, "I regret giving you that ancient book and letting you know about these things."

Zhang Jiaqi didn't answer, just sat cross-legged on the ground, with an ancient book with blood-colored lines on her lap.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Lu Feng left the Forbidden Spirit Forest and went to the center of Moon Moon Valley for ten days.

These ten days Lu Feng was not an ordinary depression.

For ten days, he literally didn't see anyone.

Even, I didn't even find a good treasure, and it was completely boring to walk for ten days.

At the same time, he was also worried about Xiaomeng and Ji Yixuan.

After all, it has been half a month since they entered Mochizuki Valley, and I still don't know what happened to them.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky ahead, and a red light descended from the sky and landed on the ground, causing huge energy fluctuations.

"what is that?"

Seeing the red light from a distance, Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, but soon his figure flashed, and he quickly rushed to the place where the red light landed.

His purpose is simple, let's see what this is all about.

Secondly, with such a big movement, if there are other warriors around here, they will definitely go there. If you go there first, you may be able to see other warriors.

Then you can find a way to see if you can find out about Xiaomeng and Ji Yixuan.

The place where the red light landed didn't look very far, but when Lu Feng arrived,

It is already night.

He saw the place where the red light fell from a distance. There was a huge pit there. The pit was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything at all.

But the pit is surrounded by powerful energy fluctuations, causing the surrounding space to tremble slightly.

"It's just the energy fluctuations here, it seems that this thing that falls from the sky is not simple!"

Lu Feng sighed lightly, and his figure was about to be in a cave, so he approached to see what it was.

"Wait, someone came before me?"

Before he left, Lu Feng sensed other people's information.

He immediately used his soul information to hide his breath, hide in the dark, and prepare to observe for a while.

"Who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be Prince Aofeng of the Cangchu Dynasty, but brother Chu, why are you alone? Where are your companions?"

Lu Feng took two steps forward and saw someone who came before him.

Two people, one is the second prince of the Cangchu Dynasty, Chu Aofeng, and the other is the sword prince of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Nangong Duanyun.

Chu Aofeng's side is now alone.

The sword prince, Nangong Duanyun, was much better. All four maids holding swords were found, and they stood obediently behind Nangong Duanyun.


When Chu Aofeng heard what Nangong Duanyun said, he snorted coldly and ignored it.

But in his heart, he also scolded Chu Mo, Chu Tao, and the other two warriors from the Cangchu Dynasty.

It's time to scold them, and they haven't found him yet, they're just a bunch of trash.

If there is a fight for the baby later, Nangong Duanyun has four helpers, and his own strength is not weak.

Chu Aofeng was really not 100% confident that he could defeat him.

Nangong Duanyun chuckled, and stopped mentioning this matter, but looked at the big pit on the ground in front of him, and said, "Brother Chu, you came before me, did you find out what's inside?"

"It's not easy to know what's inside?" Chu Aofeng smiled coldly and said, "You can go and see it."

Nangong Duanyun smiled and didn't plan to move at all.

For things that you don't understand, if you rush to the past, you may die without knowing how to die.

This is also the reason why Chu Aofeng has come here first, but he has not dared to move.

"Jie Jie, it's interesting. Both of them are greedy little guys, but they are afraid of danger and dare not move. It's really interesting, interesting."

At this moment, a cold laughter came.

"Who is it? You have the ability to speak up!" Chu Aofeng immediately shouted when he heard it.

Nangong Duanyun is not like this. He frowned. From this voice, he could feel the strength of the person coming.

Without a trace, he gave his four maids a look to prepare them.

Lu Feng, who was in the dark, frowned, staring at the top of Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun's heads, and muttered in a low voice, "It's actually a half-sage of the Wu clan!"

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