
Seeing Gongyang Yuhong turn around and run, Lu Feng was instantly speechless.

To be honest, he has seen a lot of people running away like Gongyang Yuhong.

But like Gongyang Yuhong, who is dignified and semi-sacred, just after a round of fighting, he turned around and ran without hesitation.

This is the first time he's seen it!


"If this makes you run away, where will I put Lu Feng's face?"


Lu Feng made dozens of handprints with both hands, which condensed into an emerald green mysterious text in the sky.

The initial Xuanwen of the word 'Lin'.


After the initial Xuanwen appeared, a loud noise was heard in front of Gongyang Yuhong, and several big trees suddenly grew taller and blocked in front of Gongyang Yuhong.


Gongyang Yuhong snorted coldly and said, "You want to stop me with such a little trick?"

He casually slapped it out.

For an ordinary big tree, he could break 10,000 trees with a slap like this.

But this big tree is unusual.


Gongyang Yuhong slapped the tree with a slap. Not only did the tree not break, but instead it emitted a strong wood-type energy, trapping his hand on the tree.

"how can that be?"

Gong Yang Yuhong was startled, and hurriedly tried to pull out his hand.

But all this was useless, and he couldn't pull out his hand at all.


Suddenly, a sharp pain came from his arm, and before he could react, he felt a suction from the wood-type energy trapping his hand.

This suction quickly absorbed the life breath in his body, and in the blink of an eye he felt that half of his life breath had passed.

"No, no, no!"

Gongyang Yuhong's face was full of horror, desperately trying to mobilize the power of his soul, trying to block this suction.

It's a pity that everything is still the same as before.

Feel your life a little bit away from yourself.

"No, no, no!"

"Lu Feng, please spare me, spare me, I can do anything for you."

"I can tell you everything about the Wu clan, and I can tell you about the cooperation between the Wu clan and the dynasty."

"I can also tell you how to survive in this Moon Moon Valley, I..."

"I don't need what you said, I just need your life."

Lu Feng interrupted Gongyang Yuhong's plea for mercy.

In his eyes, what Gongyang Yuhong said was not as important as more than 200 million experience points.

"Do not!"

"Lu Feng, please spare me, I can be your slave, and I can be loyal to you for the rest of my life."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Gongyang Yuhong was still begging for mercy in horror.

The longer you live, the less you want to die.

Ordinary people are like this, let alone warriors.

For a semi-sacred warrior like Gongyang Yuhong, it is not a problem to live for five thousand years.

These times are enough for him to continue to improve his strength and let him live longer.

He doesn't want to die, not at all!

It's just that it's not him who decides whether to die or not, but Lu Feng.

For Lu Feng, there is always only one dead end for the enemy.

"No...don't kill..."

Gongyang Yuhong's breath of life is getting weaker and weaker.

Before the last plea for mercy was finished, the breath of life was completely lost.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a peak warrior in the early stage of the Half-Saint, and gaining 310 million experience points."

The system prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.


When Lu Feng heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

Originally thought that there were only more than 200 million experience points, but did not expect more than 300 million.

This made him one step closer to the upgrade, and with a few more semi-sages like this, he would be able to break through the current realm and go to the fourth heaven of the emperor.

"in addition……"

Lu Feng looked at the initial mysterious text of the word "Lin" condensed in the sky,

There was also a smile on his face.

Although this initial Xuanwen is not as powerful as the initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul', it is definitely not weak.

Even if a warrior in the semi-holy realm is hit, it can only be a dead end.

However, if Gongyang Yuhong was a little more decisive, when he found out that his hand was imprisoned, he immediately cut off his hand, blocking the illusory wood energy of Xuanwen from absorbing his life breath, maybe he could live longer. a little.

But unfortunately, when he found out that his life breath was being absorbed, Gongyang Yuhong was completely panicked, and he didn't think so much at all.

Moving slightly, Lu Feng came to Gongyang Yuhong's corpse, and the power of his soul probed over to find Gongyang Yuhong's storage ring.

The soul imprint on it could not stop Lu Feng, and it was quickly opened.

There are many treasures in Gongyang Yuhong's storage ring, many of which are excellent.

But for Lu Feng, the only useful materials are some materials for making the flag, and the rest can be collected and returned to the Nanyan Kingdom to fill the treasury.

Years of war, the treasury of the Nanyan Kingdom has never been sufficient.

This time, if you are lucky, the imperial conscription order might enrich the treasury of the Nanyan Kingdom.

After putting away Gongyang Yuhong's storage ring, Lu Feng waved his hand, and the word "Lin" in the sky disappeared.

After doing all this, Lu Feng looked around and said with a chuckle, "What? After watching a good show for so long, it's all over now, so you don't plan to applaud?"

"Clap clap clap."

Lu Feng's voice fell, and applause came.

From the direction Lu Feng came from, the space fluctuated slightly, and a figure came out.

She has a great face, a great body, and a great beauty.

Yi Luming, the eldest daughter of Yicheng Commercial Bank.

She looked at Lu Feng and let out a silver bell-like laughter, saying, "There are rumors that the Emperor of Nanyan Kingdom is a tyrant who killed countless people, but I don't think it turns out that Your Majesty is also a humorous man."

"What? That's why you secretly peeped at me?" Lu Feng said, looking at Yi Luming.

Yi Luming had no murderous intent or hostility, and Lu Feng didn't show any hostility either.

It was just his words that made Yi Luming roll his eyes and said, "Your Majesty's words are too narcissistic, I..."

"Leave me alone, talk about it, why are you here." Lu Feng interrupted Yi Luming's words.

Although Yi Luming did not show hostility, Lu Feng had no intention of wasting time with her.

"If the little girl just passed by, would you believe it, Your Majesty?" Yi Luming said.

"What do you say?"

"That's why I don't believe it." Yi Luming shook his head and said, "Actually, don't say that His Majesty doesn't believe what I said, and I don't believe it myself. So I won't hide it."

After a short pause, Yi Luming looked at Lu Feng and said, "I felt a vision of heaven and earth before, and I was going to go to see it, but the distance was too far, and the vision disappeared before I got there."

"But it didn't let me down for a long time. The half-sage of the Wu clan, the injured Gongyang Yuhong, came. After a while, Your Majesty, you came too. The little girl was curious, so she followed, and then..."

Staring at Lu Feng, Yi Luming's eyes glowed with light, and said, "Then, the little girl did not expect that His Majesty is not only an ancient formation mage, but also proficient in the initial Xuanwen!"

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