The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1186 Xiaomeng is trapped

"Initial Xuanwen?"

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Yi Luming's eyes with a hint of coldness.

He doesn't care that others know that he is an ancient formation mage, because this may make many people jealous of himself, but he will not let himself be attacked by others.

But if it is reported that he is proficient in the initial Xuanwen, it will be different.

Anyone who knows the initial Xuanwen knows how terrifying the power of the initial Xuanwen, which is not on the same level as the Xuanwen used by the ancient magicians.

Just like the current Lu Feng, if he were to fight head-on with a mid-level semi-sage warrior, he was sure that he could seriously injure him.

Because as long as he is willing to pay some heavy price to activate the word 'soul' Xuanwen, he can severely damage his soul.

No matter what realm of martial artist, once the soul is severely injured, it is not far from death.

But that kind of heavy price, Lu Feng is absolutely impossible to do it until the most critical moment.

The initial Xuanwen was very terrifying. Once other top forces in Yuzhou knew that they were proficient, it was hard to say that they would not attack them in groups.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!

"Don't worry, I won't disclose your mastery of the initial Xuanwen to anyone. If you violate it, your soul will be broken and you will be a slave forever!"

Yi Luming felt the Xu Hanguang in Lu Feng's eyes and said immediately.

For Yi Luming's reaction, Lu Feng was even more strange.

This sentence of Yi Luming is equivalent to an oath, and it can be said that she is swearing with her life.

Once violated, Yi Luming's life will be completely over.

It's just that Lu Feng couldn't understand it, why did Yi Luming do this?

Even if she sees it, if she doesn't say it, she won't know, why does it have to be said?

With Yi Luming's cleverness, she couldn't have imagined this!

In addition, Lu Feng was also curious, how did she know the initial Xuanwen?

After pondering slightly, Lu Feng looked at Yi Luming and asked, "How did you know about the initial Xuanwen?"

"Although several eras and hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the initial Xuanwen, some things will always be recorded."

Ji Minruo smiled slightly and said, "Although Yicheng Commercial Bank is not the most powerful force in Yuzhou, it is definitely the best in Yuzhou in terms of collecting ancient books."

"I am the eldest lady of Yicheng Commercial Bank. It is not difficult to know these things."

Lu Feng nodded.

Indeed, Yicheng Commercial Bank is not simple.

Strange to say, most of the top ten firms are related to the top ten dynasties.

Like the No. 1 Oufeng Firm, it has always maintained a marriage with the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty.

There is also the third-ranked forest business firm. Although it was founded by the elves, it has a good relationship with the Chongao Dynasty in Yuzhou.

The remaining dynasties are also more or less related to other dynasties.

Even the Guxuan Firm, which had a lot of trouble with the Liyang Dynasty, still maintained a stable cooperation with the Liyang Dynasty because of its interests.

Only the second-ranked Yicheng Commercial Bank, their headquarters is in the middle of Yuzhou where Dynasty is located, but it has nothing to do with Dynasty.

It has nothing to do with other dynasties.

However, they can survive, and their strength is not weak.

Not to mention the strength of the commercial banks in the market, but to say that their high-end combat power is not necessarily less than that of the Cangchu Dynasty.

When Lu Feng knew about the top ten dynasties and the top ten commercial banks, he knew the special point of Yicheng Commercial Bank, so he paid more attention.

Glancing at Yi Luming, Lu Feng said, "You could have said that without saying a word, but you still said it."

"Tell me, what's your purpose?"

"I am a businessman, and in the eyes of businessmen, cooperation is always the best choice for the best interests."

Yi Luming smiled slightly and said, "And now, I am going to ask your majesty to cooperate."

"But the cooperation has to show my sincerity, so I will tell Your Majesty what I see without concealment,

Don't let His Majesty worry that I will tell these things. "

"This is my sincerity in order to show that I want to cooperate with you, Your Majesty."


Lu Feng frowned slightly, but quickly stretched it out and said with a light smile: "Interesting, there are really a lot of people who have come to cooperate with me recently. I really don't know what you like about me."

"Your Majesty has one thing that no one in Mochizuki Valley does not have." Yi Luming said.

"Xuanwen?" Lu Feng responded.

"It's Xuanwen!"

Yi Luming nodded and said, "Your Majesty's Xuanwen will play a very important role in a later period, so I would like to ask Your Majesty to cooperate with you."

"I don't know if other people are also for this reason."

Xuanwen played a huge role in a later period?

Lu Feng pondered slightly, and said, "Are you talking about the profound formation?"

"I can't tell Your Majesty yet."

Yi Luming shook his head and said, "That period is coming soon. In half a month, His Majesty will know what it is."

"Ha ha."

Lu Feng laughed, with some sarcasm in his laughter, and said, "You were telling me just now that cooperation is about sincerity, but now you don't tell me what you want to cooperate with. Is this your sincerity?"

"It's not that the little girl didn't tell His Majesty, but the little girl couldn't describe this matter. Only when His Majesty went to see it in person would she understand what was going on. In addition..."

Looking at Lu Feng, Yi Luming said, "If Your Majesty needs it, the little girl can tell you another news."

"And this news should be very important to Your Majesty."

"what news?"

"It's about Xiaomeng, the chief disciple of Wangqing Daomen." Yi Luming said.


Lu Feng narrowed his eyes and immediately asked, "What happened to Xiaomeng?"

"She didn't have an accident when I knew the situation, but now I'm not sure if there is an accident. Because she entered a forbidden place in Moon Moon Valley, the Devil's Tomb!" Yi Luming said.

"Devil's Tomb?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, and asked Ji Minruo with the power of his soul, "Do you know the Devil's Tomb?"

Ji Minruo was inside the high-grade spirit stone made by Lu Feng, but after Lu Feng undid the seal, she could hear voices outside and speak.


"The Devil's Tomb is the most dangerous forbidden place in Moon Moon Valley. In terms of danger, it is far above the Forbidden Forest. And sometimes there are monsters from the demon race, which are very powerful."

"Someone from the Wu clan has gone in before and found that there are half-holy monsters. Although the strength of Xiaomeng from Wangqing Daomen is not bad, if he really enters the devil's tomb, it will be more fortunate than good. In addition..."

After a short pause, Ji Minruo said with some doubts: "Also, the place where the Devil's Tomb is located does not have a name. This name was named after the Wu people discovered it, and it was also circulated internally. How does the eldest lady know?"

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