The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1189: The Delicate Demon Expert


The ancient demon rats roared and rushed over one by one.

Xiaomeng held a long sword and kept beheading the ancient demon mice that rushed over, but as the number of ancient demon mice increased, her movements became slower and slower.

"Unfortunately, I can no longer pursue my martial arts."

Xiaomeng sighed in her heart.

Life or death, she doesn't care.

What she cares about is her own martial arts, but unfortunately, she has no chance this time.

If the demonic energy in this palace could not erode her soul power, she could still fight against these demonic monsters.

But the magic in the palace eroded her soul power too much.

In this secret realm of Moon Moon Valley, the strength of soul power represents the strength of strength.

Her soul power was eroded, and she couldn't exert her true combat power at all.


Seeing that Xiaomeng's state was completely sluggish, the ancient demon rat rushed up frantically. In just two attacks, Xiaomeng vomited blood again.

"No chance at all."

Xiaomeng sighed, she felt that she had reached her limit.

Looking down at the famous sword Qiuli in her hand, she felt a little regretful that her martial arts would end here.


At this critical moment, the shadow of Lu Feng appeared in her mind, the mysterious genius who was all over his body, wondering if he could get out of Moon Moon Valley alive.

Where will his martial arts lead?

Unfortunately, he will never know.


At this moment, a murderous voice suddenly came from her ear.

"This voice sounds familiar..."

Xiaomeng was slightly stunned, the voice seemed to be Lu Feng's!

But the moment this thought appeared in her heart, she shook her head for a while. This place is the forbidden area of ​​Moon Moon Valley. How could Lu Feng appear here?

This must be his own hallucination!


But just when she thought it was an illusion, there was another loud noise in her ear.

Only then did she see that all the ancient demon rats that rushed towards her had been blown away.

"Are you okay?" At the same time, a voice came from her ear.

Xiaomeng's heart trembled slightly, and there was an indescribable feeling.

This time, she was sure that the person who spoke was Lu Feng.

Turning her head slightly, she saw Lu Feng standing beside her, and murmured in a low voice, "Lu Feng, why are you here?"

"We'll talk about this later, I'll help you block the erosion of the power of your soul by those demonic energy."

Lu Feng made a seal with both hands and quickly typed six mysterious texts.

Three fiery red fire-type Xuanwen and three emerald-green wood-type Xuanwen.

The fire element Xuanwen can help Xiaomeng block the power of the demonic energy to erode her soul, and the wood element Xuanwen can recover her injuries as quickly as possible.


Just after Lu Feng finished, the ancient demon rats in front of them roared again, but none of them dared to rush up.

Because they could feel the power of the terrifying soul in Lu Feng's body.

"Human, you are not a member of the Taoist family. We are not a life-and-death enemy with you. If you leave now, we can treat you as if you have never been here in the future."

At this moment, a stiff voice came from the ancient demon mouse.


Lu Feng frowned slightly, and his eyes quickly locked on the ancient demon rat who was talking.

For some reason, he felt that this ancient demon mouse was different from other ancient demon mice.

"Lu Feng, if you find a chance, go quickly. The demon monsters here are not simple. They were sealed here by my Taoist predecessors. They hate Taoists to the core and will not let me go."

"And their strength is also very strong, especially in places with strong demonic energy, their combat power can be enhanced a lot."

"You will not be their opponent, there is no need to stay here to accompany me to death."

"If I can take you into the Moon Moon Valley, I will take you out of the Moon Moon Valley." Lu Feng stared at the ancient demon mice in front of him and said, "These little mice can't stop me!"


Xiaomeng looked at Lu Feng deeply,

He didn't speak for a long time.

"Ding, it has been detected that Xiaomeng's favorability towards the host has increased by ten points, and it is currently eighty-five points."

The system prompt suddenly appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

"Huh? The favorability level has increased at this time?"

When Lu Feng heard this, he was a little surprised, but this was a good thing.

It is now eighty-five, and there are only five loyalty points left from ninety.

Lu Feng didn't forget that Xiaomeng had a passive magical power that he could only activate, but in the early stage, her loyalty to him must reach 90 points or more.

That magical power is extremely powerful!

but now……

"Human, you should make a smart choice." The blunt voice from before came again.

Lu Feng looked at the ancient demon rat again and threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the information will come back.

Ancient Demon Rat (mutation): The mouse of the Demon Race in the ancient times was originally a normal mouse, but because it was eroded by demonic energy for a long time in the Devil's Ancient Tomb and devoured the corpses of Demon Race masters, the body mutated.

Features: 1. Bloodthirsty, will not let go of any kind of flesh and blood that he encounters, and is extremely brutal; 2. Live in groups.

Level: Level 8 Seventh Heaven (equivalent to the Seventh Heaven of the Human Emperor)

Divine Ability: Soul Eater (top grade), has great restraint on the power of the soul, and needs to be handled with care.

Note: The soul of this ancient demon rat has been eroded by the demon masters, and the current soul has become the soul of the demon martial arts masters. It has extremely strong combat power and can reach the peak of the emperor's Nine Heavens.

"No wonder!"

After receiving the feedback, Lu Feng finally knew why this ancient demon rat felt strange to him.

It turned out that this guy's soul was eroded by the Demon Race master, which is equivalent to saying that his body has been taken away by this Demon Race expert.


Looking at this ancient demon rat with a demon master, Lu Feng looked a little weird, how helpless this guy would choose to invade the body of a mutated ancient demon rat.

And this is all because the Taoist master sealed them here.

No wonder they hated Xiaomeng so much.

"Human, you should get out!"

Seeing that Lu Feng didn't speak for a while, the ancient demon rat with the soul of a demon master said again, this time, his voice was full of killing intent.

He was afraid of Lu Feng's strength before, but that didn't mean he was afraid of Lu Feng.

But for Lu Feng...

Staring at the demon master who invaded the body of the ancient demon rat, Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "A demon clown who doesn't even have a body, how dare you speak to me like this?"

"Damn human, I must take out your soul and eat it a little bit!"

Lu Feng's words stinged the demon master, and he roared with rage, "Kill, kill him, kill him!"

This demon master has a very high status among these ancient demon mice. Under his order, the other ancient demon mice rushed towards Lu Feng like crazy.

You must know that there are thousands of these ancient demon rats, and the weakest ones have the strength equivalent to the human emperor's first layer!

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