"Lu Feng, let's go!" Xiao Mengmeng said anxiously.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt me."

Lu Feng stared at these ancient demon mice rushing over, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, slightly cruel.

He murmured in a low voice, "Since you both came to die together, why didn't I accept it?"

"The might of the emperor!"


With a roar, the soul power in Lu Feng's body suddenly exploded, turning into a long golden dragon in the void.


The long dragon roared, and the huge dragon roar watched those ancient demon rats.

Under the shock of Long Wei, those ancient demon mice that rushed over stopped together and did not dare to move forward at all.

"That is……"

Standing beside Lu Feng, Xiao Meng dreamed of a golden long dragon in the sky, her eyes narrowed, and she whispered, "The might of an ancient emperor!"

"According to the classics, if you want to condense the power of the emperor, the minimum requirement for the emperor is also the emperor of the dynasty, and the strength must reach the realm of the saint."

"Lu Feng is just an emperor of a kingdom, how can he condense the power of an emperor?"

Xiaomeng glanced at Lu Feng and murmured in her heart: Lu Feng, Lu Feng, who are you? Why is it so mysterious?

However, seeing the golden dragon condensed by the might of the emperor, Xiaomeng understood why Lu Feng was not at all afraid of these demon monsters.

The power of the emperor has absolute restraint on all evil things.

The demonic energy in these demonic monsters is strictly a kind of sinister evil, and the power of the emperor can cause absolute restraint on them!

With the power of the emperor, it is impossible for these demon monsters to hurt Lu Feng.


The golden long dragon in the air roared again, and charged towards the ancient demon mice below.

"Bang bang bang!"

With a loud bang, these ancient demon rats were completely knocked away.

The golden dragons condensed by the might of the emperor directly crushed their souls.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the Emperor's 1st Layer Ancient Demon Mouse and gaining 300,000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the emperor's three-layer ancient demon mouse and gaining one million experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the emperor's five-layer ancient demon mouse and gaining 3 million experience points."


The system prompts kept ringing in Lu Feng's mind.

Every time it sounded, it brought him some experience points.

These experience points alone are very few, but don't forget that there are thousands of ancient demon mice here.

Taken together, it's terrifying.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the emperor's fourth-layer ancient demon mouse and gaining 2 million experience points."

This is the last ancient demon mouse killed here, except for the ancient demon mouse that was occupied.

As for Lu Feng's experience points, as the ancient demon rat was killed, there was only less than 100,000 points left to level up.

His eyes were locked on the ancient demon rat whose body was occupied by a demon master, he smiled slightly, and said, "Now you are left."

"You...how do you have the power of the emperor?"

The Demon Race expert was completely stunned.

As a demon master who existed in ancient times, he was very afraid of the emperor's prestige, because at that time, many demon masters died on the body of a human emperor who possessed the emperor's prestige.

But that human emperor is the emperor of martial arts!

Even in the world at that time, there were many powerful people, and it was not ashamed to die under his hands.

He has the power of the emperor, and it will not be surprising.

But now, this human being in front of me actually has the power of an emperor?

This... how is this possible?

If he just heard about it, he would definitely not believe it, but now he has seen it with his own eyes, and he has seen that all the ancient demon mice under his control have been damaged by the power of the emperor of the human beings in front of him.

No matter how he didn't believe it, he had to believe it.

"You just said you were going to kill me?"

Lu Feng walked step by step towards the demon master,

Around his body, the golden dragon of the emperor's prestige was entwined.

"You...what do you want to do? I...I am a master of the demons, you...if you dare to touch me, you will be hunted down by the demons."

Seeing that Lu Feng was approaching, the Demon Race expert saw that the ancient Demon Rat's body was filled with fear because of his fear.

Fear of Lu Feng.

"A sealed demon warrior, who doesn't even have his own body, but still occupies the body of an ancient demon mouse. Where are you confidently talking about demons?"

Lu Feng looked at the demon master who was occupying the body of the ancient demon rat in front of him, shook his head, and said, "I really want to know, can you tell me, do you come from there with confidence?"


This demon master who occupies the body of the ancient demon mouse suddenly didn't know what to say.

Because he suddenly found out, indeed, just like what Lu Feng said, is he qualified to come here and keep talking about the Demon Race?

Now he is only a soul state, not the genius of the ancient demon race.

"I really don't understand, why do you have such a mysterious self-confidence?"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you."


Facing the demon master, Lu Feng squeezed his hand, and the golden dragon around his body roared and rushed out.

"Do not!"

In the terrified eyes of this Demon Race expert, the golden long dragon slammed into his body.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the demon master flew out.

But the golden long dragon was not finished, its mouth opened, and a huge suction force was generated.

A black shadow was sucked out from the body of the ancient demon rat.

"Do not!"

A penetrating voice emerged from the black shadow.

But it was quickly bitten by the golden long dragon.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing an ancient demon mouse in the seventh heaven of the emperor, and gaining 5 million experience points."

"Ding, congratulations on the upgrade of the host's level, the current realm is the emperor's fourth heaven."


As the system's prompt sounded, Lu Feng felt that his soul was clear for a while.

After reaching the fourth level of the emperor, he obviously felt that the power of his soul had a deeper understanding of the ancient Xuanwen.

"Sure enough, the improvement of the realm is the channel that can change the power of the soul the most."

Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, and a smile appeared on his face.

This time, when the realm has reached the fourth level of the emperor, it has already entered the realm of the middle stage of the emperor.

If you are lucky later, and kill all the masters sent by the Wu clan, maybe there is still a chance to go to the fifth heaven of the emperor.

At that time, if you complete the task of the Dynasty Summoning Order, you will be able to go to the first layer of the Holy Venerable in an instant.

At that time, it was the best moment for the Nanyan Kingdom to become the Nanyan Dynasty!

"Hehe, I never thought that the might of the emperor would appear on a young boy who is less than twenty years old. It's really surprising."

At this moment, a light laughter suddenly came from the void.

At the same time, a wave of soul suppression suddenly pressed on Lu Feng.


Lu Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body suddenly took a few steps backwards, staring at the space, and said solemnly: "Holy Venerable!"

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