With a 'thump' sound, the Demon Tiger plunged headlong into the water at the bottom of the canyon.

As if, it is not a tiger, it is a fish!

"It escaped?"

Xiao dreamed and asked aloud.

With a smile on his face, Lu Feng said, "This little tiger is quite interesting, but if you want to run away like this, it's just too much thinking."


The hands were sealed, and a water-blue Xuan Wenning appeared in the air.


Xuanwen went to the middle of the canyon under his control.


With a loud noise, Xuanwen suddenly generated a huge suction force, sucking all the water in the canyon into it.


Xiao dreamed, with some shock, that Xuanwen could still achieve this level!

This canyon is not small, there is a lot of water in it, and Xuanwen was sucked into it in the blink of an eye.

Lu Feng's current Xuanwen cultivation is really getting better and better.

"Little tiger, where do you want to run?"

Inside the canyon, the bewildered Demon Tiger stood on a rock, staring blankly at Lu Feng.

It thought it would be fine if it was hidden in the water, but it didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the water was gone.

This human is so scary!


After swallowing, Tianmohu looked at Lu Feng with fear, and said, "Human...Human, what do you want to do?"

Today's Demon Tiger is not as confident as before.

"It's very simple, either I will kill you, or you will be her spirit beast." Lu Feng said with a smile.

"Then I choose to be her spirit beast." Tianmohu said immediately.


Lu Feng was stunned, he decided so quickly?

Is the devil tiger so afraid of death today?

No, no, as long as it is a wise monster, it is very clear that once it becomes a human spirit beast, it will be a spirit beast for the rest of its life.

The most direct loss is that it is impossible to be as free as before.

Even if the Heavenly Demon Tiger was afraid of death, he shouldn't have agreed so strangely.

"I can be her spirit beast, but because of the blood in my body, I can't sign a contract with humans." Tianmohu said again at this time.

Tian Mohu thought in his heart that this man was so terrifying, if he continued to be tough in front of him, he might really become a dead tiger in the end.

It had no doubt that Lu Feng would really kill himself.

But the woman was different. Seeing that she was no stronger than herself, when she separated from the man, she turned around and left.

With his own half-sacred soul realm and his own strength, it is too easy to escape.

Moreover, looking at their appearance, they are not originally in this secret realm, but they must come from the wider worlds in their inherited memories.

If you follow her, not only will you not become a spirit beast, but you will be able to go to a bigger world.

Hey, he is simply too smart.

"I see."

Lu Feng immediately understood the plan of the Demon Tiger.

Failure to sign a contract amounts to a non-binding verbal commitment.

For a monster like Tianmohu, such a verbal promise would be fine with a smile.

Moreover, the Demon Tiger is also a little smarter. Now it will first talk about the fact that it cannot sign the contract. Otherwise, if it cannot sign the contract later, it will be deceitful.

If you kill it yourself, it will lose a lot.

But after talking about it now, there is no cheating. I have already told you, but you can't blame me for not being able to sign a contract, right?

Moreover, Lu Feng's choice of Tianmohu also chose Xiaomeng's spirit beast. Even if he can't sign a contract, Lu Feng would not be able to kill him again.

"Smart little tiger." Lu Feng said softly.

"Lu Feng, what should we do now?" Xiaomeng asked in a low voice.

Although her strength is not bad, the Heavenly Demon Tiger has a semi-sacred realm. If she doesn't sign a contract, she really dare not say that she can hold down the Heavenly Demon Tiger.

"Don't worry, I have a solution.


Looking at the Demon Tiger, Lu Feng had a smile on his face, his right hand did not move, and a gray mysterious text condensed in his hand.


Under his control, Xuanwen entered the body of the Demon Tiger in the blink of an eye.


As soon as Xuanwen arrived in the body of the Demon Tiger, it let out a painful roar.

At the same time, Xuanwen floated out again, but this time, there was a little black tiger shadow on top of Xuanwen.

Lu Feng moved his hands slightly and took Xuanwen back.


As Xuanwen floated out of the body, the pain of the Demon Tiger also disappeared. It glared at Lu Feng and said angrily, "Damn human, what have you done to me?"

"Since you have promised to have spirit beasts, then naturally you have to be a little restricted." Lu Feng stared at the Heavenly Demon Tiger and said, "Do you really think I will trust you casually?"

"This mysterious text in my hand connects your soul source. If the mysterious text is broken, your soul source will also be broken."

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe your words?" Tianmohu snorted coldly, and said, "The bloodline of the demons in my body determines that I won't be enslaved by you!"


Lu Feng looked at the Demon Tiger, and clicked on Xuanwen in his hand, and Xuanwen was instantly stretched.


The Heavenly Demon Tiger suddenly screamed.

Lu Feng connected the soul origin of Xuanwen and the Heavenly Demon Tiger together, and Xuanwen was stretched, which was equivalent to the lengthening of the soul origin of the Heavenly Demon Tiger.

That pain goes deep into the soul.

"Stop, stop, stop."


The demon tiger shouted while screaming.

"Do you still have such confidence in your demon bloodline now?" Lu Feng stopped and looked at the demon tiger with a smile.


The Demon Tiger let out a low roar, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Xiaomeng, you keep this Xuanwen. If Tianmohu is not obedient, crush the Xuanwen." Lu Feng handed the Xuanwen in his hand to Xiaomeng.

"it is good."

Xiaomeng took Xuanwen away.

Lu Feng nodded, with this mysterious text, it is impossible for Tianmohu to betray Xiaomeng.

As for whether Xiaomeng couldn't bear to kill the Demon Tiger, he didn't doubt it at all.

Xiaomeng takes any life and death very lightly. If Tianmohu really betrayed her, it would not be too easy to kill.

"What are you still doing?" Lu Feng turned to look at the Demon Tiger.


The Heavenly Demon Tiger let out a low roar, and ran over reluctantly, his body became much smaller, just like an ordinary tiger, standing beside Xiaomeng, his face full of depression.

"Your soul realm is not stable. If you still want to become a demon saint one day, follow her carefully. She belongs to a very large sect, and there must be someone who can help you stabilize your soul realm." Lu Feng said to Tianmohu.

He could feel that the spirit realm of the Heavenly Demon Tiger fluctuated greatly. Although it was a semi-holy, it was far from the semi-holy who had already stabilized its realm.

Tianmohu looked at Xiaomeng with suspicion in his eyes.

Xiao Mengmeng saw Tianmohu's eyes, and when he moved his hand, a pill appeared and said, "This is Mintian Pill, which can help you improve your cultivation to a small realm."

"Min Tiandan?"

When Lu Feng heard it, he threw an exploration technique on it.

Information will come back soon.

Min Tian Dan: It can help the monsters below the realm of the demon saint to improve to a small realm. It is very difficult to refine, and it is called a treasure among the demon clan.

Level: Saint-level low-grade.

Restrictions: Only for monsters.

Side effects: none!

Note: Each monster can only take three pills in its lifetime.

"It's really good!"

"If it can be used by human warriors, that's not very good."

This Mintian Pill is very, very good, raising the level of monsters to a small level, and you can also take three pills.

The most important thing is that this Mintian Pill does not have any side effects, so there is no need to worry about whether it will affect the future martial arts after taking it.

For monsters, this is simply a treasure against the sky.

At the same time, Lu Feng also admires Xiaomeng. The shot is Min Tiandan, a low-grade saint, as expected from the door of forgetfulness.

Having mines at home is strong.

Let Lu Feng take it out?

I'm sorry, he's not reluctant, he really doesn't!

There is no way, the Nanyan Kingdom is more than a star and a half compared with the superpowers of the Kyushu continent like Wangqing Daomen.

When Tianmohu saw the medicine pill in Xiaomeng's hand, he opened his mouth and swallowed it directly.


Soon the effect of the medicine was exerted, and the momentum in the body of the Demon Tiger instantly rose.

After a short while, the momentum returned to normal.

Lu Feng threw an exploration technique on it, and the information was quickly fed back.

Devil Tiger: The body has the blood of the devil, and it can be stimulated when the realm reaches the Holy Venerable.

Level: Eighth-level Eightfold Heaven (equivalent to human warrior emperor Eightfold Heaven)

Soul Realm: Semi-Saint Early Stage.

Features: The demonic energy in the Demon Tiger's body can never be sealed.

Restriction: The Demon Tiger can never be transformed into a human form.

"It has raised a small realm so quickly!"

Looking at the realm of the demon tiger in the information, to tell the truth, Lu Feng was a little envious.

A small moment is a small realm, which is simply not too cool.

Although, his realm has improved, and one task is several realms.


The depression in the eyes of the Demon Tiger was swept away, and it could feel the increase in strength within its body.

This time it completely believed Lu Feng's words. The power of its current master, the sect, must be very, very powerful. Otherwise, Mintian Pill, which can be called the treasure of the demon clan, could not be taken out casually.

If you perform well and get another one, you can increase your strength to the Emperor Jiuzhongtian.

If you can stabilize your soul realm again, there may even be a way to activate the blood of the demons in your body in those big sects.

At that time, he will definitely be able to become a demon saint in the shortest possible time.


With a soft cry, the Demon Tiger rubbed against Xiaomeng with a submissive expression on his face.


When Lu Feng saw it, he was speechless. Damn, is it possible that the devil tiger is the legendary mother who has milk?

Give some benefits, become faster than flipping a book, amazing!

Shaking his head, Lu Feng said to Xiaomeng, "Wait for me here, I will go and take down those fine air orders."


Lu Feng's body flickered, he quickly entered the canyon, and it didn't take long for him to remove the Jing Kong Ling from the stone walls on both sides.

"Lu Feng, Xiaohu just told me that there is a place in Wangyue Valley called Wangyuequan, and after seven days, the springs will flow out of the Wangyuequan. Those springs can strengthen the power of the soul of the warrior and strengthen the warrior's understanding of martial arts and supernatural powers."

As soon as Lu Feng came back, Xiao Meng said to him.

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