The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1199 Goodbye Yi Luming

little tiger...

Lu Feng looked at the Demon Tiger, thinking that this should be the name Xiaomeng gave it, but this name...

Forget it, Xiaomeng is happy.

But that Moon Moon Spring... If the spring water in it can really strengthen the warrior's soul power and strengthen the warrior's understanding of martial arts and magical powers, its value is immeasurable.

You must know that the deeper a martial artist's understanding of martial arts and magical powers, the more powerful he can exert.

This is why for the same martial arts, some warriors use it to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and some warriors use it like a fart.

Lu Feng's soul power is very powerful now, but if there is a chance to make it even stronger, he will not miss it.

Looking at the Demon Tiger, he asked, "Little Tiger, where is that Moon Moon Spring?"


The Demon Tiger let out a low roar and looked at Lu Feng with some hostility in his eyes.

However, seeing Lu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, the hostility in his eyes disappeared suddenly, and he quickly said: "Wangyuequan is at the highest point of the Yuchao Mountains, the highest mountain range in the north of Wangyue Valley. It normally takes five days to pass from us. but now……"

Looking at Lu Feng and Xiaomeng, Tianmohu said: "The true qi in you and my master is sealed in this secret realm and cannot be used, so it cannot reach the normal speed, then we..."

"This is easy to do."

Lu Feng interrupted Tianmohu's words and said, "In Moon Moon Valley, all the warriors who enter this place, no matter where they come from, their true qi will be sealed."

"It's also very unrealistic to use the emptiness order to unlock the seal, after all, there are too many emptiness orders consumed in a few days."

There is a time limit for the Jing Kong order to unlock the seal, but according to the information Lu Feng has received, this time is not fixed, and it also depends on the strength of the warrior.

"What do you mean?" Tianmohu suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"The true qi in our body is sealed, but you won't be sealed with the demon qi in this Moon Moon Valley, so you shouldn't mind taking us to the Yuchao Mountains!" Lu Feng laughed Look at the demon tiger.


Tianmohu wanted to refuse, but looking at Lu Feng, he didn't dare to say it.

Although Xiaomeng was its owner, it was Lu Feng who was more afraid.

This man is the most terrifying.

Tianmohu regretted it in his heart. He knew that talking about Mochizukiquan would make him a means of transportation. He would never be diligent in front of Xiaomeng and wanted to get other Min Tiandan to talk about Mochiequan.

It's good now, I've said it, and I'm going to become a tool for transportation again.

However, even if he regretted it in his heart, he didn't dare to say it now, he could only lower his head and whisper, "I...I don't mind."

"That's fine."

After Tianmohu agrees, then there is no problem.

Soon its body became bigger, and Lu Feng and Xiaomeng stood on the body of Tianmohu, letting Tianmohu take them to the Yuchao Mountains.

"From the beginning, did you have any plans to let the demon tiger travel?"

On the back of the Demon Tiger, Xiao Meng asked with the power of her soul.

"How? My initial plan was to give him as a spirit beast." Lu Feng laughed.

But to be honest, he did have a plan to let the demon tiger travel.

After all, there is still a long distance from here to the center of Moon Moon Valley. If you use the power of the soul to travel, it will consume a lot.

There are a lot of dangers in Moon Moon Valley, plus there are witches secretly coveting, excessive consumption of soul power is definitely not a good thing.

The Heavenly Demon Tiger is a monster equivalent to the emperor of human martial arts. It can fly and has true energy in its body. Not only can it run fast, but it can also be used as a combat power sometimes.

"Ding, it is detected that Xiaomeng's loyalty to the host has increased, and it is currently eighty-eight."

The system prompt suddenly appeared in Lu Feng's mind.


Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. Did this increase his favorability?

Unexpectedly, sending a spirit beast will increase the favorability.

This is very good.

There are only two points of favorability to 90, and then Xiaomeng's passive magical power can be used: Daojian.

At that time, it is even more likely that Lu Feng will survive the imperial call-up order.

He didn't forget that Ji Minruo once told him that in Mochizuki Valley, the people arranged by the Wu clan were not only semi-sages, but even the saints could make a move!

Now the witches are only half-sages. If there is a saint, with Lu Feng's current strength, if you really want to fight, there will still be great difficulties.

After all, not all saints are as weak as the ancient saint that Lu Feng killed.

The speed of the Demon Tiger was very fast, and it took three days to arrive after a five-day journey.

"Lu Feng?"

As soon as he arrived, Lu Feng saw Yi Luming, the eldest daughter of Yicheng Commercial Bank.

She looked at Lu Feng and Xiaomeng in surprise at this time, but she knew very well that Lu Feng was in the Devil's Tomb to rescue Xiaomeng.

The Devil's Tomb is the most forbidding place in Moon Moon Valley. There are dangers everywhere. How could Lu Feng rescue Xiaomeng so quickly?

"How terrifying is this Lu Feng's strength?"

Yi Luming looked at Lu Feng even more in his heart.

"Miss Yi." When Lu Feng saw Yi Luming, he smiled slightly and said, "I didn't expect us to meet again here."

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon." Yi Luming said with a smile on his face, "I thought that when we met again, it should be in the center of Moon Moon Valley."

After a short pause, she continued: "It seems that I underestimated His Majesty's strength. This Jade Dynasty Mountain Range will definitely become more exciting because of His Majesty's arrival."

"What does it mean to become exciting because of my presence?" Lu Feng said, "I don't like to be lively."

Don't like fun?

When Yi Luming heard this, she gave Lu Feng a blank look in her heart. You don't like liveliness, so why did you take the Nanyan Kingdom to fight south and north, and several kingdoms collapsed and one dynasty collapsed?

The whole southwest of Yuzhou has become lively because of you, and now you say you don't like liveliness? deceive who?

Shaking his head slightly, Yi Luming did not go to tell Lu Feng about this.

She looked at Lu Feng and said, "Your Majesty the Emperor, if I guess right, you are here for the Moon Moon Spring!"

"Exactly." Lu Feng did not conceal his purpose.


Yi Luming secretly said in her heart, but she was a little puzzled. The existence of Wangyuequan was only limited to the top five dynasties of the top ten dynasties in Yuzhou, the top five of the top ten commercial firms, and the blood-clothed building. Dan City learned from the Wu clan through some special channels.

How did Lu Feng know the existence of Moon Moon Spring? And just in time for Mochizuki Spring to appear?

But how Lu Feng knew this is not important now. The most important thing is that, when Lu Feng arrives, how should the quota for Wang Yuequan be allocated?

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