The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1202 Strange Yilu Ming

Yin Shaotao stared at a person who was still standing on the side of Yicheng Commercial Bank, and said coldly, "Ji Yixuan, what do you want to do? Why don't you come over quickly?"

The people from the Chongao Dynasty, except Ji Yixuan, were ready to attack Lu Feng after they arrived at Yin Shaotao.

"You can order people from the royal family of the Chongao Dynasty, but you can't order me." Ji Yixuan glanced at Yin Shaotao lightly, and said, "I am not a member of the royal family of the Chongao Dynasty, and I should not come to participate in the call for the Dynasty. "

"But the Chongao Dynasty forced me to participate in the Dynasty Call. Do you really think I don't know what the purpose of your royal family is?"

Yin Shaotao's face was ugly.

Indeed, according to the rules, Ji Yixuan is not eligible to participate in the imperial call-up order, after all, she is not a member of the royal family of the Chongao Dynasty.

But now the royal family of the Chongao Dynasty is different.

The most powerful member of the entire royal family is Yin Shaotao, who is also the second emperor of the emperor. Apart from him, the entire younger generation of the royal family has no martial arts emperor.

However, Ji Yixuan's strength has reached the early stage of the emperor's first layer, and because she was personally guided by Gong Mingkun, a semi-sage of physical cultivation, her combat power is very amazing.

A warrior who once defeated the emperor in the early days of the Three Heavens.

Yin Shaotao and Ji Yixuan fight, and Yin Shaotao has a 70% chance of being defeated.

The Chongao Dynasty cannot tolerate a person who has no royal blood, but has a member of the royal family to surpass his own royal lineage.

So Ji Yixuan was sent to participate in the imperial call-up order.

Because they knew that this time the dynasty call-up order was very dangerous.

The members of the royal family of the Chongao Dynasty did not give Ji Yixuan any life-saving treasures, unlike Yin Shaotao and the treasures left by the powerful saints.

Gong Mingkun is a physical cultivator. For Ji Yixuan, who cultivates infuriating energy, there are very few means to save his life, and even fewer are suitable for Ji Yixuan.

When Lu Feng heard the conversation between Yin Shaotao and Ji Yixuan, he seemed to understand a little. It seems that the relationship between Gong Mingkun and the royal family of the Chongao Dynasty is not necessarily that good.

If so, then he can really understand the reason why Gong Mingkun came to cooperate with him.

The Chongao Dynasty calculated that his old friend's only bloodline, Gong Mingkun could not sit idly by, so he came to cooperate with him.


Lu Feng had a smile on his face. It seemed that if he could win it, he might turn Gong Mingkun into his own Nanyan Kingdom.

A semi-saint of physical cultivation, the combat power is very terrifying!

"Yin Shaotao, it seems that your title of prince of the Chongao Dynasty doesn't work, haha!"

At this time, there was a loud laugh from the crowd, and a young man in Chinese clothes walked out with a few people and said, "Look at me, what you say is what you say."

"Everyone in the Guda Dynasty obeys. Today, we will besiege Lu Feng!"


The warriors behind the youth in Huafu responded in unison.

Yin Shaotao's face was even more ugly. This young man in Chinese clothes was the prince of the Guda Dynasty, Gu Mochong.

On weekdays, the Chongao Dynasty and the Guda Dynasty would not deal with it, and the princes of these two dynasties were naturally very unreasonable.

But soon Yin Shaotao smiled coldly and said, "The emperor's cultivation at the peak of the first layer is too embarrassing to say siege?"

Although Gu Mochong's identity is good, but his strength is not enough, only the level of the peak of the emperor's first layer.

In the first few dynasties, he was really not a master.


"Enough, now we want to kill Lu Feng, not let you mess up yourself." Chu Aofeng shouted coldly.


Gu Mochong and Yin Shaotao snorted coldly.

If it was normal, they would ignore Chu Aofeng's words. After all, everyone is the prince of the dynasty, who is afraid of who?

But now they have to deal with Lu Feng, and they won't say anything.

It's just that Yin Shaotao glanced at Ji Yixuan coldly again and said, "Ji Yixuan, this prince will give you one more chance, come over to me now, I can pretend that what just happened never happened.


Ji Yixuan just glanced at Yin Shaotao and ignored him.

"Jing Yuqing, we've all come out, aren't you coming out yet?" Gu Mo Chong looked around and said loudly.

Jing Yuqing?

Lu Feng looked a little weird, this guy was killed by Zhang Jiaqi long ago.

However, the strength of the Silver Wolf Dynasty is quite good, ranking in the top five among the top ten dynasties.

Gu Mo Chong heard that there was no reply, and frowned slightly. Could it be that this Jing Yuqing really doesn't care about Wang Yuequan? How come it hasn't come yet?

They didn't know that Jing Yuqing was dead.

At this time, many of the warriors present stood behind Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun.

Soon, except for the people from Yicheng Commercial Bank and a few warriors from Dan City, all the warriors present stood behind Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun.

They all belonged to the top forces in Yuzhou, and they were quite repelled by Lu Feng, the emperor from the Nanyan Kingdom in the southwest of Yuzhou.

However, the Lu Feng in front of him, who was from a poor background, was very strong, which made them very unhappy, or rather jealous.

Now they have the opportunity to kill Lu Feng, they will never miss it.

"Danchen, won't you join us?" Chu Aofeng said, looking at the high-grade alchemist headed by Dancheng.

"Dan City has nothing to do with the world, it is only for alchemy, we will not mix your affairs." Dan Chen smiled slightly.


Chu Aofeng snorted coldly and said, "With you, there is no difference."

Finally, he looked at Ji Yixuan and said, "Ji Yixuan, now the top five dynasties of the ten dynasties, except the Silver Wolf Dynasty, everyone else is in our camp; in addition, there are also the top five top ten commercial firms. People other than your Yicheng Commercial Bank are also there, as well as the Bloody Clothes Building."

"Are you sure you want to form an alliance with Lu Feng now?"

"Chu Aofeng, do you have a bad mind?" Yi Luming looked at Chu Aofeng, shook her head slightly, and said, "The people from the forest business didn't come here at all, where did you find the top ten business firms ranking? The top five firms? Did you take the initiative to exclude forest firms?"

"Don't say it's you, even the ancestors of your Cangchu Dynasty don't have the guts!"


Chu Aofeng had an angry look on his face, and just as he was about to speak, Nangong Duanyun said, "Brother Chu, don't argue with Yi Luming, our goal is to kill Lu Feng!"

"Humph!" Chu Aofeng snorted coldly and said no more.

Nangong Duanyun looked at Yi Luming again and said, "Yi Luming, do you really want to stand on the opposite side of us?"

"Don't forget, once the Nanyan Kingdom develops, not only the interests of our top ten dynasties will be disturbed, but the interests of your top ten firms will also be affected."

"Because the Yushang Firm led by Lu Feng of the Nanyan Kingdom is now developing quite a lot!"

"Company, trust is the most important thing, I promised to cooperate with Lu Feng, how can I abandon my partner at a critical moment?" Yi Luming said lightly.

Nangong Duanyun's face turned gloomy instantly, staring at Yi Luming's eyes, he also began to condense killing intent.

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