The first thousand two hundred and three chapters alone

"The eldest lady of Yicheng Commercial Bank is not bad, and she puts her trust first."

Xiaomeng heard what Yi Luming said to Nangong Duanyun and said.

"But it also shows that what she asked for my help is definitely not a simple matter." Lu Feng said.

Businessmen seek profit.

Yi Luming is a businessman, and businessmen always put interests first. She is now fighting against Nangong Duanyun in order to cooperate with herself, for the sake of credibility.

But if there is no benefit at all, it is difficult to say whether this "trust" is important or not.

However, even so, Lu Feng still gave Yi Luming a high look.

Have the courage to fight against Chu Aofeng, Nangong Duanyun, the top ten dynasties, and the top Yuzhou powers in the top ten commercial firms.

This courage is commendable.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Kill her directly!"

A cold light flickered in Chu Aofeng's eyes, and his true energy was surging.

The long knife held in his hand has begun to condense the knife energy.

He was decisive enough, and instantly released the seal of Mochizuki Valley's infuriating energy by using the emptiness order.


Chu Aofeng took the lead, and the rest were also ready.

For a time, this place was surging, and the surrounding space began to show ripples visible to the naked eye.

"Yicheng Commercial Bank, prepare to fight!"

A cold light flashed in Yi Luming's eyes, and when he moved his hand, a formation flag appeared in his hand.

"That's Yi Luming's housekeeping skills, Huo Lingyan's ultimate formation, and it's a heaven-level high-grade formation, everyone be careful!"

When Nangong Duanyun saw the flag in Yi Luming's hand, he said loudly.

Hearing this, even Chu Aofeng, the very powerful second prince of the Cangchu Dynasty, changed his face.

The formation method of the top grade of heaven is not something that people like them can resist.

"Nangong Duanyun, this formation is handed over to you, and Lu Feng will be handed over to us." Chu Aofeng immediately said to Nangong Duanyun.

Fuck you!

After Nangong Duanyun heard Chu Aofeng's words, he cursed inwardly.

Let yourself deal with the formation of the top-grade heaven. Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?

With his strength, it is impossible to deal with the formation of the top-ranked heaven without using the trump card of the Holy Ancestor.

This special Chu Aofeng made it clear that he wanted to consume the cards in his hand at this time.

But there was no other way. He had to kill Lu Feng so that he could get the magic weapon that Lu Feng snatched from him before.

For that magic weapon, he would rather give everything!


Taking a deep breath, Nangong Duanyun made a decision and said solemnly: "Okay, Brother Chu, leave the formation in Yi Luming's hands to me to solve, but you must kill Lu Feng!"

"Haha, don't worry, without Yi Luming's formation, with Lu Feng's strength, so many of us swarmed up, if he can hold on for a minute, he will be considered good." Chu Aofeng laughed.

The heart is even more happy than the face.

Being able to kill both Lu Feng and consume the trump cards of his next competitor, Nangong Duanyun, is a good thing for him to kill two birds with one stone.

"Lu Feng, Nangong Duanyun is determined to kill you, and he will definitely use the cards given to him by the ancestors of the Ice and Snow Dynasty to deal with my formation."

"At that time, I will definitely be entangled by him. Chu Aofeng and those people will let others from Yicheng Commercial Bank help you, but most of them still need to be solved by yourself." Yi Luming said solemnly to Lu Feng.

"No." Lu Feng said lightly.

"Need not?"

Yi Luming was taken aback and asked, "Why not?"

"You don't need to help me, I will solve those people by myself." Lu Feng said.


Yi Luming was shocked, looked at Lu Feng, and said, "Lu Feng, what are you talking about? Whether it's Chu Aofeng, Nangong Duanyun, or even the genius killer of Xueyilou, Shan Yan, they all have something in their hands. The trump card given by the ancestors of the holy ancestors in their respective forces is here."

"I know your strength is very strong, but you want to deal with these people alone, it's just whimsical!"

"That's right,

Lu Feng, don't be brave, these people are not very strong, but the means they have, even if they meet a warrior of the semi-sacred peak, they may not dare to say that they will definitely win. "Xiao Meng also said beside Lu Feng.

"Don't worry, I never talk big." Lu Feng smiled.


Chu Aofeng laughed when he heard it, and said, "Yi Luming, since Lu Feng has such courage, why don't you let him try it?"

"Maybe he didn't talk big, and he could really kill us all."


At the end, Chu Aofeng's laughter was even more frantic.

At the same time, the disciples of the top Yuzhou forces behind him also laughed out loud.

You know, who doesn't have a few semi-sages in the human power here? Even the Holy One has it!

The geniuses holding various trump cards surrounded and killed Lu Feng alone. Instead of turning around and running for his life, Lu Feng was brazen here. Isn't this a joke?

"Yi Luming, if others don't accept your kindness, why do you waste your words here?"

Nangong Duanyun smiled coldly and said, "You can't let Lu Feng miss such a good opportunity to be a hero."

For Nangong Duanyun, he wished that Lu Feng refused Yi Luming's help, so that he could save a hole card to deal with Yi Luming's formation.

The formation method of the top grade of heaven is an absolute threat.

"Lu Feng, the two of us joined forces. I have a high-grade formation flag. You are an ancient formation mage holding a profound formation."

"Even if Nangong Duanyun and Chu Aofeng are not weak, the two of us can fight against each other, as long as we wait until the Moon Moon Spring opens."

"At that time, except for Nangong Duanyun, who will fight you to the death for that magic weapon, no one else will have the energy to spend with you anymore. They can't miss Moon Moon Spring."

"At that time, only Nangong Duanyun will be left. He can't be your opponent. You can kill him directly at that time, so..."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Lu Feng interrupted Yi Luming's words and said, "Don't be so troublesome. Since they are looking for trouble, they must prepare for death."


Before Yi Luming had finished speaking, Lu Feng had already moved, and in the blink of an eye, he entered the crowd, and he fell into the encirclement of Nangong Duanyun and the others.

"Lu Feng!"

Xiao dreamed that her face changed, but when she wanted to make a move, she found that Lu Feng glanced at her, telling her not to worry.

Yi Luming was a little stunned, she didn't expect Lu Feng to be so decisive, and rushed out after speaking.

Not only was she a little stunned, even her opponents Nangong Duanyun and Chu Aofeng were a little stunned.

They heard Lu Feng's words before, but they just thought that Lu Feng was bragging, but they didn't expect that he actually dared to do it.

Isn't this looking for death?

After reacting, Chu Aofeng flashed his figure, quickly surrounded Lu Feng, and said with a sneer, "Lu Feng, I didn't expect you to be courageous enough, it's a pity..."

With killing intent in his eyes, he continued, "You are brave enough, but you don't have the strength to match. Now, you should be damned!"

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