The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1204 Ruoshui River is now


Lu Feng looked at the people around him and said, "Indeed, someone will die in this place today, but it will definitely not be me!"

"It's ridiculous that you are still stubborn when you are about to die!"

Chu Aofeng sneered and said, "Go on, kill him!"

After speaking, he was the first to kill Lu Feng with a long sword.

Behind him, Nangong Duanyun was the second, and Shanyan was the third.

Then there are the disciples of other forces.


Seeing them, Lu Feng did not panic, he let out a low voice, and a mysterious text appeared in his hand.

Xuanwen had just appeared, and the surrounding space was filled with a meal.

"Space Xuanwen!"

Yi Luming, who did not join the battle, saw it, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "Lu Feng has already discovered that the space in this place is not right?"

"What's wrong with the space in this place?" Ji Yixuan asked with some doubts.

Xiao Meng also looked at Yi Luming curiously.

"The reason why the Mochizuki Valley Secret Realm has a regular seal to enter the warrior's true energy is because the space inside this secret realm is much more fragile than the outside space."

"In here, once a war breaks out, it is very likely that the space inside will collapse."

"One of the functions of the Jing Kong Order is to strengthen the space within a certain range, so as to offset most of the impact of the eruption of the martial artist's true qi on the surrounding space."

"That's why the Jing Kong Order can unseal the true qi in the warrior's body. But this does not completely make the space within the Jing Kong Order the same stability as the space in the outside world, but it is relatively stronger. some."

"If you can find the change in the rules of this space, you will have the opportunity to control the space of this side. For all the warriors in the Kyushu continent, except for the warriors of the Holy Venerable and the above realm, only the magician is most likely to do this. "

"Although I'm a high-rank Array Mage, I'm not specialized in space, so I can't find the rules of space around here, but Lu Feng is an ancient Array Mage, and he is proficient in Xuanwen."

"There is no such thing in Xuanwen. With Lu Feng's ancient formation mage cultivation base, it is not difficult to find this."

After a short pause, Yi Luming stared at Lu Feng and said, "Looking at the mysterious text that Lu Feng is using now, it is directly integrated into the space. He must have discovered this."

"If that's the case, then I understand why he has the confidence to fight against these people."

Xiaomeng suddenly realized that if he could control the space on this side, then Lu Feng could completely use the space to block these people. At that time, he would basically be invincible.

In fact, as Yi Luming thought, he did find that the space of this place is different from the space of the outside world, and it is much more fragile.

But unlike what Yi Luming thinks, he doesn't have the ability to control the space of this place.

Even if you know Xuanwen, you can't do it.

The mystery of space, even the saint who claims to master space, has only grasped a little bit of fur.

However, Lu Feng could use Xuanwen to induce spatial changes in this place and slow down the attacks of these people.


Xuanwen's fluctuations spread out, and the surrounding space was instantly affected and became much slower.

At the same time, the attack from Chu Aofeng and others also became very slow in the air.


When Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun saw it, their expressions changed. They never thought that such a thing would happen.

"Lu Feng is an ancient array mage, and he has a lot of tricks, so let's be careful." Shan Yan's eyes flashed, and he said, "Now that he has used Xuanwen to mobilize this space, we must show our true skills."

"it is good!"

Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun did not hesitate.


The long sword in Chu Aofeng's hand pierced with infuriating energy, and slashed it down with a single slash.


The fragile space around it was instantly shattered, and it slashed directly at Lu Feng.


Lu Feng pointed a finger, and a mysterious text appeared in his hand and landed on the front of Chu Aofeng's long knife.

The long knife stopped instantly.

"Lu Feng, give me death!"

At the same time, Nangong Duanyun's attack also arrived from the other side.

There is also Shanyan, who used his extremely fast speed to reach behind Lu Feng in the blink of an eye, the dagger in his hand glowed with a chilling, soul-stirring chill.

As for the attacks of other warriors, compared to them, there are too many differences.

"Three steps into the air!"

Although Lu Feng is using Xuanwen, the power of his soul has always been paying attention to the attacks of these people.

When Nangong Duanyun and Shanyan started, he had already used the air essence order to unlock the seal of his inner qi.

After three steps into the air, Lu Feng moved out laterally, leaving the encirclement of these people.


On the contrary, Nangong Duanyun and Shanyan's attacks collided together, but because they both found out that Lu Feng had disappeared in the end, they took their strength, otherwise Shanyan would most likely be severely injured.

"Where did the people from Lu Feng go?"

A group of people stood there, you look at me and I look at you, all looking puzzled.

Not only could they not see where Lu Feng was, even the power of their souls could not sense where Lu Feng was.

"Weak Water Sword Art!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from above their heads.


Everyone looked up quickly, but saw Lu Feng holding a long sword and swiping towards the void.


With a loud noise, the heaven and the earth seemed to be separated, and a large amount of light gray river water flowed out, trying to drown them.

"This is Lu Feng's attack, let's avoid it!"

Nangong Duanyun said loudly, and then wanted to leave Lu Feng's attack range.

But at this time, they discovered that the space around them turned out to be like a quagmire, and it was very, very difficult for them to go out.


At this time, the weak water in the sky has fallen.

The Ruoshui River directly enveloped them in it.

"Is this weak water?"

Yi Luming, who was watching from the outside, shrank his eyes and said in shock: "The martial skill that can condense weak water is a magical skill!"

When Xiao Meng heard this, she shook her head in her heart. She had seen magical skills, and it was even more terrifying than this.

But in this regard, it is indeed a magical skill, because the ability to condense a martial skill similar to Ruo Shui is already close to a magical skill.

Even if it is displayed in the hands of some martial artists who are very suitable for martial arts, it will be even more terrifying than divine skills!

"I really didn't expect that Lu Feng's strength would be so strong!"

Yi Luming let out a long sigh, looked at the people in the Ruoshui River, and said, "It's impossible for Nangong Duanyun and the others to come out of it without paying some price."

"Now, even if they want to pay the price, it's impossible." Xiaomeng whispered slowly.


Yi Luming heard this, looked at Xiaomeng for a moment, and asked in doubt, "Miss Xiaomeng, what do you mean by this? Could it be that Lu Feng can still deal with the cards left by the saints to Nangong Duanyun and the others? "

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