The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1217 Don't think about leaving when you come

It's just a pity that half saints are half saints after all.

Xiaomeng's sword was to stab him in the heart, but in the end, he was forced to move his body sideways, avoiding this fatal sword, and just stabbed him in the shoulder.

"Damn things."

"Death to me!"

The half-sage who was stabbed was furious and punched Xiaomeng violently.

Xiaomeng hurriedly placed the Qiu Li sword in front of him.


The half-sage's fist hit Xiaomeng's Qiuli sword, and the huge force slammed into Xiaomeng through Qiuli sword, directly knocking Xiaomeng flying.

After stabilizing her figure, blood flowed from the corner of Xiaomeng's mouth.

After all, she is not a semi-sacred, and it is not enough to compete with the semi-sacred with the strength of the Emperor Sixth Layer.

"Who are you? Why don't we know you?"

The half-sage who was stabbed stared at Xiaomeng coldly.

Before they came, there were geniuses who knew all the forces in Yuzhou and knew all the people, but when they saw Xiaomeng now, he found that he didn't know Xiaomeng at all.

"What do you do with so many things? As long as they are in the Mochizuki Valley, they will all be killed if they do not belong to our Wu clan."

The other half-sage snorted and slapped it with all his strength, intending to directly kill the three Xiaomeng.

This palm condensed and formed in the sky, locking the three of Xiaomeng, making them unavoidable.

When Yi Luming saw it, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he was about to use his trump card.

But when she just took out her trump card, a terrifying soul fluctuation came from behind her.


This soul wave collided with the half-holy attack, and it directly shattered the half-holy attack.


The half-sage of the Wu clan's face changed dramatically, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Aren't you going to kill everyone in Mochizuki Valley except the Wu clan? Why don't you know me?"

Lu Feng opened his mouth slowly, moved his body, and arrived in front of the three girls of Xiaomeng.

"Lu Feng!"

When the three half-sages of the witch tribe in the sky saw Lu Feng, their faces became very ugly.

The fluctuation of the soul just now was very terrifying, and at that moment, they felt that this was definitely a warrior no less than the middle stage of the semi-sage.

If it is really Lu Feng in front of him, then his strength is too terrifying.

"Lu Feng, your realm..."

Xiaomeng looked at Lu Feng.

"The pseudo-sage has arrived." Lu Feng smiled slightly.

Although he was in Mochizuki Spring, he had heard Xiaomeng and their conversation before, and knew what state he was in now.

Even if she knew it for a long time, Xiaomeng was still a little shocked when she heard Lu Feng's words.

At the same time, he also smiled bitterly.

In Wuzhou, she was one of the top three geniuses, but when she arrived in Yuzhou, she found that she had a huge gap with Lu Feng.

This disparity is unpleasant.

"Lu Feng, we'll give you a chance, leave here obediently now, we won't kill you." The half-sage of the Wu clan in the sky said coldly to Lu Feng.

They were afraid of Lu Feng's strength and planned not to be an enemy of Lu Feng.

Take advantage of this time to kill Yi Luming and a few people first.

As for Lu Feng, he will kill him after the Great Elder arrives.

"Oh? Give me a chance?"

When Lu Feng heard it, he looked at the three half-sages in the sky and said coldly, "If you didn't hurt my people, I would be willing to give you a chance to live, but will surely die!"

"You ungrateful animal."

The three and a half saints of the Wu clan heard Lu Feng's words, and snorted coldly, saying, "Do you really think that you can ignore everyone with a little means? Today, we will let you die here!"

"Let's shoot together and kill him!"

The three half-sages of the witch tribe were very careful, not only did they choose to strike together, but they also used the air essence order to unlock the seal of Moon Moon Valley on their infuriating energy.


Three violent auras shot into the sky, pressing on Lu Feng.

"The might of the emperor!"

Without fear, Lu Feng directly displayed the power of the emperor, and the same powerful momentum swept past.

The momentum of the three was under the pressure of his momentum,

Instant defeat.


The three of them were all shocked and looked at Lu Feng in disbelief.

The three of them are all half saints, how could Lu Feng's aura be stronger than them?

"Lu...Isn't Lu Feng the fourth-level emperor? How can he have such a strong aura?" Yi Luming said in shock when he saw it.

Xiaomeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Lu Feng's emperor's might is not based on his own martial arts realm, but based on his soul realm."

"Now his soul realm has entered the pseudo-sage realm, and in terms of soul, it far exceeds the three half-sages of the witch race."

"They chose to compete with Lu Feng's momentum, which is completely self-inflicted humiliation."

"Kneel down to me!"

At this time, Lu Feng suddenly urged his soul power, and instantly pressed it on the three witch semi-sages.


The three of them couldn't stop the momentum at all, and they were instantly pushed down into the sky and kneeled on the ground.


The three were furious and planned to get up to fight.

But they chose the wrong way to fight against Lu Feng from the very beginning, and now their souls are oppressed, and they can't stand up at all, so they kneel in front of Lu Feng.

"Useless trash!"

At this moment, a cold humming sound came.

Immediately after, a figure appeared in front of the three.

"Ram Fu!"

When the figure just appeared, Ji Minruo's voice appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

The voice was full of horror.

Said: "Lu Feng, this is the great elder of the Wu clan. He is the most powerful expert of the Wu clan except for a few old ancestors and patriarchs. He has the strength of the semi-sacred peak. It is rumored that he once had a relationship with an old ancestor of the Wu clan. In the fight, although it was a loss, it persisted for nearly a hundred rounds."

"You must know that the ancestor of the Wu clan is a strong saint. You'd better run for your life immediately, you can't be his opponent."

"Run away!"

Semi-Saint Peak!

Lu Feng looked at the old man who appeared in front of the three witch half-sages, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "If I kill him, my realm should be elevated to the fifth emperor. Heavy day!"

"Even if it doesn't work, plus the three semi-holy warriors, they should be able to get there."

"Big elder."

When the three half-sages of the Wu clan saw Gong Yangfu, they hurriedly lowered their heads with shame on their faces.


Gong Yang looked at the three of them coldly, but he still offset Lu Feng's suppression of their souls for them.

"So quickly offset Lu Feng's soul suppression?"

Yi Luming was surprised to see Wei Wei, and said, "Could it be that this ram has also reached the realm of pseudo-sage?"

"If the pseudo-sage is really so easy to enter, there will not be only a few emperors in this world."

Xiaomeng shook his head, looked at Gong Yangfu, and said, "The robe he wears, if I guess correctly, it should be the soulless robe of the Nanzhou Super Sect Soul Sect, which can isolate all soul suppression."

"Oh? You little girl actually know the soul robe?"

Gong Yangfu heard Xiaomeng's words, looked at her in surprise, and said, "It seems that your identity is not simple."

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