The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1218 Do you want to see my means? OK, enough for you!


Looking at Xiaomeng a few more times, Gong Yang shook his head again and said, "No matter what your identity is, you can only turn into a corpse when you arrive at Moon Moon Valley."

"This time, in the entire Yuzhou, apart from the Wu people, no one will leave the Moon Moon Valley."

"You, there is only one dead end!"

"Many people have said this to me, but without exception, they all died in the end." Lu Feng looked at Gong Yangfu, smiled slightly, and said, "Next, it's your turn."


When Ji Minruo heard Lu Feng's words, she was shocked and said anxiously: "Lu Feng, didn't I tell you? Gong Yang is a semi-sacred peak warrior who can go through a hundred rounds under the Holy Venerable Powerhouse, you can't be his opponent."

"Come on!"

"Leaving here is the only way for you, go!"

Lu Feng ignored Ji Minruo's words.

Indeed, he is leaving now, and with his means, it is very easy to escape.

But it is not possible to do so.

Xiaomeng and Yi Luming are here.

Previously, in order not to let the three half-sages of the witch race disturb their entry into the pseudo-sacred realm, they tried their best to resist.

Let him abandon them now and escape from here?

Do not!

That is absolutely impossible!

Lu Feng is an iron-blooded king, but not a ruthless emperor.

Besides, a senior elder of the Wu clan at the peak of the semi-holy is not enough to even have the courage to lift a sword.

"Interesting little guy, very courageous."

Gong Yangfu heard Lu Feng's words and said with a smile: "If this is not in the Moon Moon Valley, I would appreciate you, but unfortunately, this is Moon Moon Valley. But..."

After a short pause, Gong Yang looked at Lu Feng again and said, "Think about it carefully. In my life, it's rare to meet a few people who I admire."

"You have quite an appetite for me, so let me give you a chance to submit to the great Wu people with your Nanyan Kingdom, I promise that you will live forever, and your name will be remembered by the Wu people forever. "

When Yi Luming heard this, she looked at Gong Yangfu with contempt.

What is Lu Feng's appetite for him here and there? It is clearly the appetite for him from the big fat meat of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Obviously, he wanted to swallow the Nanyan Kingdom, but he had to find a high-sounding reason.


"Do you want my name to be remembered by the Wu clan forever?"

Lu Feng looked at Gong Yangfu, smiled, and said, "This is actually very easy to do, such as..."

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Lu Feng held the Ganjiang sword, pointed at Gong Yangfu, and said, "Kill you, the great elder of the Wu clan, I think everyone in the Wu clan will remember my name!"

"Ha ha."

Gong Yang shook his head again and said, "The rumors are true and there is nothing wrong with saying that you, Lu Feng, are arrogant to the point of being arrogant. Now that you look at it, it really is."

"It's just a pity, arrogance is not your ability to survive after all."

"Today, besides a dead end, what other way can you take?"

When the words fell, Gong Yang waved his hand again, and the power of the violent soul turned into a surging ocean wave, trying to devour Lu Feng.


Controlling the power of his soul, Lu Feng turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, and with a roar, the waves flew into the air.


Gong Yang snorted softly and said, "Your martial skill is a bit interesting, the deity wants it."


The sound fell, Gong Yang flipped his hands again, and the waves suddenly rolled and fell from the sky, covering the five-clawed golden dragon transformed by the power of Lu Feng's soul.


The five-clawed golden dragon was under the control of Lu Feng, the dragon swung its tail, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed out of the ocean waves transformed by the power of the Gong Yang Fu soul.

The giant opened his mouth and bit down on the ram suddenly.

At the same time, the terrifying power of the soul also instantly pressed on Gong Yangfu.

Gong Yangfu is a martial artist at the peak of the semi-sage, but in terms of the soul realm, it is still inferior to Lu Feng who is a pseudo-sage.

Under the oppression of this powerful soul, the ram took ten steps back, but still stood firm.

"So that's what you're up to.


Gong Yangfu blocked the five-clawed golden dragon that was swallowing him, and said, "Your soul level far exceeds that of an ordinary semi-sacred warrior. No wonder, no wonder you are not afraid of me at all."

"But it's very strange. Your soul realm is not enough to be a saint, but you are far more than a half-sage. What kind of realm is this? Little guy, tell me about it."

"Lu Feng, be careful, the robe on Gong Yangfu is the most treasured robe of the Soul Sect. It can ignore the oppression of your soul." Xiaomeng said loudly to Lu Feng.

"Did you hear? That little girl knows that your soul oppression is useless to me."

Gong Yangfu chuckled lightly and took a step forward. A gray light flashed across his robe, and instantly passed through the five-clawed golden dragon transformed by Lu Feng's soul power.

"This soulless robe..."

Lu Feng frowned slightly and threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the information will come back.

Soulless Robe: The most precious treasure of the Nanzhou superpower Soul Sect. It is made of Soulless Stones formed over thousands of years. It can isolate all soul attacks below the emperor.

Rank: God-level inferior

Restriction: Unable to isolate the monarch's soul coercion.

Side effects: none

Requirements for use: The wearer's soul realm must be above the sixth heaven of the emperor.

"That's pretty good stuff."

Looking at the information, Lu Feng still attaches great importance to the Soulless Robe. After all, it is not a little scary to be able to isolate all soul attacks below the emperor.

As for how the Wu clan got the Soul Sect's treasure, that's not something he can know.

"Your own martial arts strength is only the emperor's sixth-level heaven, and being able to disdain the heroes is nothing more than relying on your soul realm that far exceeds your own martial arts strength."

"The realm of your soul that you are proud of is useless to me now, you can use whatever means you have to try." Gong Yang looked back at Lu Feng with a smile.

At this time, he was like a cat playing a mouse.

"Okay, since you want to try, then I won't waste time with you, let you see how my methods are enough to catch your eyes."

Lu Feng smiled slightly, moved his hands, and quickly made handprints one by one to condense in the void.

In the blink of an eye, these handprints turned into a mysterious script.


The moment Xuanwen took shape, mysterious fluctuations began to appear around Lu Feng's body.

The initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul'!

Seeing this, Yi Luming frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "The Soulless Robe can isolate all soul attacks. Lu Feng's use of the word 'soul' is strictly a soul attack, can it be useful?"

"No, it's not that simple."

Xiaomeng shook her head and said in a low voice, "Don't forget, Lu Feng previously obtained Zhang Jiaqi's profound formation that trapped us all."

"In that profound formation, Lu Feng killed Zhang Jiaqi, who had reached the pinnacle of semi-sage by using the secret technique. But..."

After a short pause, Xiaomeng continued: "But there were soul fluctuations at that time, I don't know if it can be useful for the Soul Absolute Robe!"

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