
The three people who were called out by Gongyang Xu responded, and their figures disappeared immediately.

After they left, Gong Yang Xu looked at Gong Yang Cheng and said, "Have those barbarians been arranged?"

"It has been arranged."

Gong Yangcheng replied respectfully: "They have already begun to assemble the army. We have given two months to prepare. Based on the current situation, we can gather at least 20 million barbarian iron cavalry."

"At that time, when the iron cavalry goes south, it will definitely be able to obliterate the Kingdom of Nanyan from Yuzhou!"

"it is good!"

Gongyang Xu nodded and said, "When the Great Emperor Ruins is opened, our Wu clan should show our edge."

"The big plan that the witch clan did not complete ten thousand years ago will definitely be completed this time!"


Gongyang Tongmei quickly arrived at Mochizuki Valley with Gongyang Zhang and Gongyang Di.

"Are we going in now?" Gongyangzhang asked charmingly to Gongyang.

"Need not."

Gongyang waved his hand beautifully and said, "Since we are here, don't bother, wait until all the so-called geniuses in Yuzhou have gathered on the Moon Watching Platform, and then go in and catch them all."


Gongyangzhang pondered slightly, looked at Gongyang's beauty, and said, "Didn't Big Brother tell us to check what happened in Moon Moon Valley? We won't go in to see if there is any Holy Venerable in it?"

"There can be no Holy Venerable."

Gongyang Tongmei shook his head directly and said, "If there really is a saint, you must leave some space traces in order to enter Moon Moon Valley, but now there are no traces here, which is enough to prove that no saint has ever been here. ."

"Gongyang was killed again, and it is very likely that he has won the holy trump card held by the geniuses in Yuzhou."

"Those old guys in Yuzhou know that their disciples will die in Mochizuki Valley, but they are willing to let the most powerful genius disciples in their forces come over for Jing Kongling. They must have given those disciples a lot of trump cards."

"Although Gongyangfu is the pinnacle of the semi-sacred, if you really encounter the Holy Venerable's trump card, it will be difficult to escape."

"That's right, I think so too." Gong Yangji nodded and said, "If there is really a saint who can enter Mochizuki Valley without leaving any trace, then his strength is not something we can deal with."

"So, I don't think there is a saint in Mochizuki Valley."

"If that's the case, then we might as well go back now." Gongyang Zhang said: "As for the people we sent in, even if they have trump cards in their hands, they can't escape death."

"If it was like this before, it would be fine, but now Gong Yangfu has been killed, which proves that those disciples are not ordinary people. In addition..."

After a short pause, Gongyang's Tongmei face suddenly changed, from an old woman to a young beauty, and said, "I am very interested in that Emperor Lu Feng of the Nanyan Kingdom."

"She is an ancient formation mage who is proficient in Xuanwen. If I can swallow his soul, maybe I can control Xuanwen, and my strength will become stronger."

"It's even easier to implement the witch clan's plan!"

Gongyangzhang and Gongyangdi heard this, and their hearts trembled slightly, looking at Gongyang's bright eyes with a little fear.

Although they and Gongyang Tongmei are the same saints, the difference in strength between them is very large.

The rambunctious terror is not something they can resist.

In particular, Gong Yang, who has become a young woman, has an unpredictable mind. In the Wu clan, killing people at will is something that happens from time to time.

Although the two of them are also saints, they are still very afraid of Gongyang Tongmei.

"Give the half-sages of the Wu clan in Wangyue Valley to continue chasing and killing those so-called geniuses in Yuzhou, but make up your mind. If these so-called geniuses use the Holy Venerable's cards, retreat immediately and don't stop."

"If these geniuses gather at the Moon Watch Platform, let them not be in a hurry and wait until we arrive."

When he spoke, Gong Yang's charming complexion gradually changed, from a young woman to an old woman again.

Gongyangzhang and Gongyangbi responded and went down to pass on the order.

Although Moon Moon Valley is isolated from message transmission, the Wu clan has known Moon Moon Valley for a long time, and has studied it for a long time, but they still have some methods to transmit messages.

Although only one or two sentences can be passed, and then this method cannot be used for a long time, for now, it is enough.

After all, it's just a matter of order.


Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost two months since Lu Feng entered Mochizuki Valley.

It took more than a month to leave Mochizukiquan.

For more than a month, Lu Feng has traveled to Mochizuki Valley, where he should go, and the people he should meet...

Didn't meet a single one!


"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a seventh-level peak monster and gaining 100,000 experience points."

Looking at the corpse of the monster under his feet, Lu Feng looked a little speechless.

Originally, he planned to meet the half-holy masters of the Wu clan during this time, and then kill these half-holy masters one by one, turning them into his own experience points.

Help your realm to rise to the emperor's fifth heaven.


Very disappointed.

For more than a month, not to mention the half-sage of the Wu clan, he has not met, even the original emperor realm monster in Mochizuki Valley.

There are seventh-level monsters, but unfortunately, the experience points that this level of monsters can provide to Lu Feng is really too little.

For example, the monster under his feet, the seventh-level peak, is equivalent to the peak of the warrior holy king, and it can be regarded as not bad.

But now the experience value provided to Lu Feng is only 100,000 points.



I just want to upgrade, is it so difficult?

Lu Feng said in his heart that he was not depressed, that was a lie.

"What's your expression? Are you still not happy that you haven't met an enemy who can't deal with it?"

Xiao Meng, who was standing beside Lu Feng, looked at Lu Feng strangely.

It was really strange in her heart. During this period of time, Lu Feng had this expression every time she killed the monster, which made her inexplicable.

"Sigh, I wanted to find a few opponents to improve my combat effectiveness, but unfortunately the opponents I encountered were too weak to meet my requirements at all." Lu Feng sighed softly.

Xiaomeng couldn't help but gave Lu Feng a roll of eyes when she heard it.

Others don't know, the current Xiaomeng is very clear about Lu Feng's fighting power.

It may be an exaggeration to say that the first person under the Holy Venerable is an exaggeration, but even if a warrior of the semi-sacred peak meets Lu Feng, as long as Lu Feng is not killed in an instant, Lu Feng may still kill him.

That soul crusade was terrifying.

It can be motivated by any mysterious text, and it can also integrate the power of various mysterious texts. As long as it is well controlled, the power of the Soul Absolute Formation will not be lower than that of the Divine Grade Profound Formation.

When there was a little benefit, after being with Lu Feng for more than a month, Xiaomeng felt that Lu Feng was quite a good person, at least not as a ruthless and murderous tyrant like the rumors of outsiders said.

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