But it also made Xiaomeng a little puzzled, because she found that she seemed to have changed.

In the past, she would never ask these questions.

But now, she has found that her personality has changed a bit.

She didn't know if this was a good change, but she felt that under this kind of change, she didn't feel any discomfort, so she didn't think about it.

"It's almost two months, let's go, first go to the center of Mochizuki Valley and see what Ji Minruo wants to cooperate with me." Lu Feng smiled.

"Yeah." Xiaomeng replied.

They are not very far from the center of Mochizuki Valley. If the seal is unlocked with the air essence order, they can fly there in a day by using the movement technique to travel.

If you don't break the seal, it will take five days to arrive.

For the current Lu Feng and Xiaomeng, there are not many others, but Jing Kong Ling is really much.

No way, the places they went to for more than a month had more or less empty orders.

Now that both of them are combined, they are afraid that they will be a thousand small.

It doesn't hurt at all to use a few pieces.

After using the air essence order to unlock the seal, the speed of the two instantly lifted.

A day later, it was already in the center of Mochizuki Valley.

I learned from Ji Minruo that the central location of Moon Moon Valley is called Moon Moon Terrace.

Moreover, the Moon-Watching Platform is extremely hard. There was once a saint in the Wu clan who thought that the Moon-Watching Platform was a treasure and wanted to take it out, but it turned out to be unsuccessful.

Not only can't move, it can't even smash.

The teleportation array is depicted on the Moon Moon Platform, which can transmit the warriors inside it out of the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley.

The teleportation array will be activated every 100 years, and the people inside can leave Mochizuki Valley through the teleportation array.

If you miss it, you have to wait another hundred years.

In this, even the Holy Venerable can't break through the space and leave.

"Lu Feng, you are finally here."

As soon as Lu Feng and Xiaomeng arrived, Yi Luming saw them and hurried over.

Lu Feng nodded and looked around, but his expression was a little puzzled.

It is said that the time is almost up now, and all the geniuses from all forces in Yuzhou in Mochizuki Valley should have arrived.

But now there are less than ten people including him and Xiaomeng.

What about the rest?

Even if Lu Feng killed a group of people at the top of Yuchao Mountain, there are many others left. Could it be that they all died?

Seeing Lu Feng's expression, Yi Luming guessed what he was thinking, and said, "The rest were killed by the experts sent by the Wu clan."

"According to what they said, there are many experts sent by the Wu clan this time. There are several semi-sacred warriors they have met, and there are many emperor warriors."

"So it's hard for the rest of the people to escape when they encounter disciples who don't have the trump card of the Holy Venerable. Only they more or less relied on their trump card to get here."


Lu Feng was speechless for a moment when he heard it, "Damn it, I've been looking for witch masters everywhere and couldn't find it. You didn't want to meet, so you did.

Do you want to?

Although he was speechless in his heart, Lu Feng could also see one thing, that is, this time the Wu clan was really determined to kill the other disciples of Yuzhou forces in Mochizuki Valley.

As far as the semi-sacred warriors are concerned, the five sent by the Wu clan have already been beheaded by Lu Feng, but they still encountered a few semi-sacred warriors.

It is enough to see how many masters the Wu clan sent out this time!

Moreover, it is even possible that, as Ji Minruo warned Lu Feng before, this time, the Wu clan may indeed send out a powerful saint.

After all, he has already killed five half-sages of the Wu clan, and it is impossible for those immortals of the Wu clan to not know the news.

The only thing that is uncertain now is when those witch saints will arrive at Moon Moon Valley!

"The masters of the witch clan have not yet arrived at Moon Moon Valley. Although I don't know why, this is our only chance." Yi Luming said.

"The only chance?"

Lu Feng looked at Yi Luming strangely and asked, "What chance?"

"Chance to leave Mochizuki Valley!"

Yi Luming stared at Lu Feng,

Said: "You don't need me to tell you that this time Moon Moon Valley is not so simple. It is impossible for the Wu clan to let us leave Moon Moon Valley."


"From the teleportation array of Wangyuetai to leave Wangyue Valley to the northern grasslands, this road is absolutely impassable!"

"Because there will definitely be someone in the Wu clan guarding the exit position, and the strength will definitely be very strong, we are difficult to deal with, so..."

After a short pause, Yi Luming continued: "We want to leave Moon Moon Valley through the teleportation array on Moon Moon Platform, which is unrealistic."

Lu Feng did not speak, and continued to look at Yi Luming, waiting for her next words.

Soon, Yi Luming continued: "Although the way to the outside of the Moon-Watching Platform is unrealistic, I know there is another way to leave."


As soon as Yi Luming finished speaking, laughter suddenly came out.

Yi Luming frowned slightly, looked at Lu Feng, and said, "Is this funny?"

She could hear that the voice came from Lu Feng's body.


Lu Feng was speechless, it really wasn't him laughing.

With a move of his hand, Ji Minruo was released by him from the sealed high-level spirit stone, looked at her and asked, "Tell me, what are you laughing at?"

"Soul body!"

Yi Luming looked at Ji Minruo, frowning slightly.

Before Ji Minruo and Lu Feng communicated through soul communication, Yi Luming didn't know Ji Minruo's existence.

It was just when Ji Minruo suddenly laughed out loud that Lu Feng asked her to come out and explain.

"I laugh at her lying to you." Ji Minruo pointed at Yi Luming and said, "There is only one way to the outside of Moon Moon Valley, and that is the teleportation array on Moon Moon Platform!"

"Other than that, there is no way!"

"Who are you?" Yi Luming asked.

"She was originally from the Wu clan and wanted to deal with me, but she was captured by me and turned into a soul body. As for now, she is my servant!" Lu Feng said

"As for her question..."

Lu Feng looked at Yi Luming and said, "I really want to know why you say there is another way."

"Lu Feng, you don't have to believe her, Mochizuki Valley has no other way to leave." Ji Minruo said directly: "Even if there is, the people who know this way should be from the Wu people. After all, the Wu people are right. Mochizuki Valley has been studied for a long time."

"She's an outsider. Do you think she says she knows another way? Do you think it's possible?"

"Haha." Yi Luming shook his head with a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Ji Minruo asked.

"I laugh at your low status in the Wu clan, you don't know anything but you think you know everything." Yi Luming said with a smile.



Lu Feng interrupted Ji Minruo's words and said to Yi Luming, "Tell me, what is the second way in your mouth."

Knowing that the Wu clan might use the Holy Venerable to surround and kill them, Lu Feng naturally also hoped to leave this Moon Moon Valley as soon as possible.

If there is a second way to avoid those Wu people, that would be the best.

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