"All the secret realms have a space point connected to the Kyushu mainland. As long as we can find this connection point, and then break the space, we can open up a second way!" Yi Luming said.


Ji Minruo sneered and said, "Let's not say where the spatial connection between the secret realm and the Kyushu continent is."

"Take a step back, even if you find this spatial connection point, how can you break this connection point?"

"Even if it is a strong saint, not everyone can break the spatial connection point between the secret realm and the Kyushu continent!"

"I didn't expect you to know this."

Yi Luming glanced at Ji Minruo in surprise, and said, "It seems that I underestimate your identity. You should still have some identity in the Wu clan."


Ji Minruo was almost mad at Yi Luming's words.

But she didn't dare to say anything more, Lu Feng was still here.

Lu Feng glanced at Ji Minruo, and after seeing that she didn't say anything, he motioned for Yi Luming to continue.

Yi Luming pondered slightly, and said: "Indeed, it is almost impossible for ordinary saints to break the spatial connection between the secret realm and the Kyushu continent."

"At least the strength must be above the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, and the martial artist who is proficient in space martial arts can do it."

"If that's the case, what's the use of you saying this now?" Lu Feng frowned slightly.

"I said this is the general situation, but if the situation is different, then all the conditions will be different." Yi Luming had a smile on his face.

"for example?"

"If I have a mid-level saint-level spatial profound formation in my hand, it would be easy to break the spatial connection point." Yi Luming said.

"Saint-level mid-grade space profound formation?"

When Lu Feng heard this, he looked at Yi Luming in surprise.

In the current Kyushu Continent, it is already very difficult to obtain a profound formation.

And space profound formations were also very rare in the era when profound formation masters and ancient formation masters were prevalent.

Yi Luming said that he owns a space profound formation, which surprised Lu Feng a little.


Yi Luming's hand moved, and a gray-white array flag appeared in his hand, saying: "This is the unintentional acquisition of Yicheng Commercial Firm many years ago. The formation wizard of Yicheng Commercial Firm has studied it and can confirm that this is a space profound formation."

"But one thing has also been determined that makes Yicheng Commercial Bank very helpless."

"whats the matter?"

"If you want to open this space profound formation, you must have a profound formation master who is proficient in Xuanwen." Yi Luming looked a little helpless, and said: "Although Yicheng Commercial Bank is one of the top ten commercial companies in Yuzhou, the commercial bank There is also no magician who is proficient in Xuanwen, so..."

"Although this space profound formation is a good thing, we cannot open it at all."

"This time, because we know the danger in Mochizuki Valley, and we know you will be involved, so I brought it here."

"You are proficient in Xuanwen, and it is as easy as the palm of your hand to motivate this space profound formation!"

"As long as you successfully activate this space profound formation, we can use this space profound formation to break through the spatial connection point between the Moon Moon Valley Secret Realm and the Kyushu Continent."

"Maybe it's only a split second, but for us, it's enough."

Lu Feng didn't answer, but looked at the space profound formation in Yi Luming's hand and threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the information will come back.

Sky Splitting Profound Formation: A powerful space profound formation that, when deployed, can split the surrounding space and use the power of space to surround and kill everyone in the formation.

Level: Saint-level mid-grade.

Restrictions: None.

Side effects: none

Looking at the information, Lu Feng believed what Yi Luming said.

If you can find the spatial connection point between the Mochizuki Valley Secret Realm and the Kyushu Continent, and use the ‘Sky Splitting Profound Formation’ to split the surrounding space, it is indeed possible to break the spatial connection point and open the passage to the Kyushu Continent.

Even for a moment, it was enough for a warrior like them.

Provided that,

This spatial connection point can be found.

"If I guessed correctly, you have already found this spatial connection point, right!" Lu Feng said, looking at Yi Luming.

Since she is saying this, she should be sure.

"That's right."

Sure enough, Yi Luming nodded and said, "I have already found the spatial connection point between Moon Moon Valley and Kyushu Continent. As long as we go there, we can use the Sky Splitting Profound Formation to break the connection point, and we can leave the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley!"

"Where is that connection point?"

"I'll take you."

Yi Luming didn't stop, turned around and took Lu Feng to find the spatial connection point.

"Wait a moment."

But they just took two steps when a voice came.

Several people stopped and looked at the direction of the sound. It was a beautiful woman with a pair of pointed golden ears.


Lu Feng immediately saw the race of this person.

"Princess Jinling of the elf clan, Jin Lin." Yi Luming looked at the elven clansmen who came, and whispered to Lu Feng: "There are five princesses of the elf clan, who control the elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements."

"Jin Lin is the princess who controls the gold element of the elves. She is also called Princess Jin Ling. She is a master sent by the forest business. But..."

"But what?" Lu Feng asked.

"It's very strange, most of the elves are not in Yuzhou, they have their own territory, and there are many masters in the clan, even the powerful ones in the later stage of the Holy Venerable."

"The forest business in Yuzhou is just a branch of the forest business in the mainland of Kyushu. They are the ones who will not be involved in the imperial call-up order."

"But this time, the forest firm also sent someone, and it was Princess Jinling, one of the five princesses of the elf clan. This is really strange."

Yi Luming said in a low voice.

"Nothing strange."

Xiaomeng spoke at this time and said: "The elf race is indeed a very large race in the Kyushu continent, with many masters. It is rumored that the elf goddess still exists. She is a powerful person among the emperors, and her strength is unfathomable."

"But rumors are rumors after all. The elf goddess has not appeared for more than 100,000 years. Even the elves think that the elf goddess has long since passed away."

"Regardless of the race, there are always more internal contradictions than external contradictions, especially the elves, a race with a very clear distinction between the five elements."

"More than 3,000 years ago, the elders of the elf tribe directly divided the five elements into five parts after seeing that the elf goddess did not appear, although they are still collectively called the elf tribe."

"But the competition between the five divisions is like fire and water. Among them, Jinbu, who controlled the gold element, was the most vulnerable because of the killing of the great elder. Currently, he only controls the forest business in Yuzhou and Nanzhou."

"So, for the elves of the Jinbei, as long as they think the order of the air is important, it is not surprising that they sent their princess Jinling."

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