The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1232 The bravery of Xiaomeng, the strength of the saint!


Gongyang Tongmei urged the congealing stone, the huge space fluctuations dispersed, and the surrounding space was instantly frozen.


At the same time, Gongyangzhang waved his hand, and Lu Feng and Xiaomeng were punched out of the space.

"Cough cough."

"Cough cough."

Xiaomeng was okay, Lu Feng was already injured, but now he was slapped again, and blood was coughing up from his mouth.

"Lu Feng."

Xiao Meng supported Lu Feng and took out a pill for him to swallow.

The medicinal pill was put into his mouth and turned into medicinal power to quickly heal Lu Feng's injuries.

The medicine pill was of the highest quality, and soon Lu Feng felt that the injury in his body was much better.

"I didn't expect that there was a condensing stone in her hand!"

Lu Feng stared at Gong Yang with a dignified expression in his heart.

After all the calculations, it didn't count that Gongyang Tongmei even had a condensing stone in his hands.

Instantly broke his space talisman.

Otherwise, the space talisman was activated just now, and Gongyang Tongmei couldn't stop it at all.

Because that space talisman is completely different from other ordinary space talismans.

But when encountering the condensing stone, there is absolutely no way out.

"Little thing, this deity underestimated your ability."

With Gongyangzhang's help, Gongyangdi recovered from his injuries and is now staring at Lu Feng coldly.

However, his face was still a little pale.

The True Qi that Lu Feng poured into his body made him not feel so well.

"Unfortunately, even if you have the ability, you will definitely die today!"


With a low voice, a phantom appeared behind Gong Yangzhu, and the phantom quickly solidified, it was a huge python.

The snake's eyes were cold, staring at Lu Feng.

"Holy Venerable."

"Martial Arts!"

Lu Feng's face became even more solemn. This is the martial art of the Holy Venerable.

Before, Lu Feng was able to take advantage of Gongyangbi's underestimation and inflict heavy damage on him, but now, this possibility is too low.

"Forget about love!"

At this moment, Xiao Meng, who was behind Lu Feng, suddenly spoke.

Immediately following, the momentum in Xiaomeng's body increased rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it was promoted from the sixth level of the emperor to the middle stage of the semi-sage.

And, still improving.

At the same time, Xiaomeng's whole person also became very ethereal, as if she had become an emotionless body.

"Forget about love?"

Gongyang's eyes narrowed and said, "Isn't this Wangqing Daomen's simplified secret method Wangqingjue based on Taishang Wangqingjue, one of the three supreme methods of Taoism? How could she?"

"Could it be that she is someone who is oblivious?"

When this thought appeared, the radiant face of the ram changed dramatically.

At the same time, Gongyangzhang and Gongyangbi also changed their faces drastically.

The behemoth Wangqing Daomen, even if they were far away in Yuzhou, still heard their name like thunder.

That is the door of forgetfulness!

The real top sect!

Absolute top sect!

The girl in front of her, who is proficient in the secret method of Wangqing Daomen, must be a master of Wangqing Daomen.

In addition, they had also heard some rumors before, saying that standing behind the Nanyan Kingdom was the Wangqing Daomen.

It made them worry even more. Could it be that the person standing behind the Nanyan Kingdom is really the sect of forgetfulness?

If this is the case, can they still attack the Nanyan Kingdom?


Suddenly, Gong Yangdi's eyes froze, and he said, "Whether there is Wangqing Daomen standing behind Nanyan Kingdom, or who this girl is from Wangqing Daomen, we don't have any choice now!"

"That's right!"

Gongyangzhang also focused his eyes and said, "The Wu clan has been planning for thousands of years for a grand plan, and it cannot fall into the hands of these two people."

"Besides, as long as we unite Yuzhou, relying on the secret methods of our Wu clan, we may not be able to compete with Wangqing Daomen."

"Also, this is Moon Moon Valley, and the space of this place has been solidified by the condensing stone, and no news can be spread from here."

"Even if we kill them,

Wangqing Daomen will not know. "

"And in Yuzhou, the first rivals with the Nanyan Kingdom are those dynasties, not our Wu people. Even if Wangqing Daomen wants to find someone to settle accounts, it will not be counted on our heads."

Gongyang Tongmei heard it, frowned, thinking.

At this time, Xiaomeng's momentum has risen to the peak of the semi-sacred!

When it reaches this state, it stops and improves again.


After thinking for a moment, Gongyang Tongmei suddenly looked cold and said coldly, "Kill them."

With Gongyang Tongmei's words, Gongyang Di was the first to take action, controlling the martial arts and the law to attack Xiaomeng violently.

"The sky and the earth are pale."

With a low moan, the terrifying infuriating fluctuations spread out with Xiaomeng as the center.

The surrounding world instantly turned white.

Gongyangbi's martial arts image, the big python plunged into the white world.


In the blink of an eye, this big python had no breath of life and was as soft as a corpse.


The martial arts law was destroyed, and Gong Yangyu spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Wanchuan Autumn Water."

Xiaomeng moved her hands slightly, Qiu Lijian condensed in front of her, and took Gongyangzhu with a majestic and deadly breath.

When Gong Yangzhu saw it, he wanted to avoid it, but unfortunately, before he could move, the range of 'the sky and the earth' was already locked on him.

He felt that his body was completely unable to move, and he could only watch Xiaomeng's sword stab.

At that moment, fear appeared in Gong Yang's eyes.

From the fear of death!

"Little girl, take a break!"

But just when that sword was about to stab Gongyangji, Gongyang Tongmei shot.

Gongyang Tongmei, whose strength has reached the third level of the Holy Venerable, is quite terrifying. In the face of Xiaomeng's sword that is enough to kill the martial artist in the early days of the Holy Venerable 1st level, just waved his hand and shattered the majestic deadly breath.

At the same time, he also beat Qiu Lijian back.


Qiu Lijian was hit by a huge force and hit Xiaomeng's chest, causing her to vomit blood, and her breath was instantly wilted.

Because there is still a strange force that entered Xiaomeng's body and is frantically destroying her meridians.


Lu Feng's figure flickered, and he hurriedly supported Xiaomeng. Several mysterious texts appeared in his hands and penetrated into his body, sealing the strange aura.

Fortunately, the source of this strange breath is the power of the soul, and Lu Feng is proficient in the mysticism of the soul, so he can seal it.

Otherwise, relying on Lu Feng's strength, it would be difficult to get to the sky if he wanted to seal the means that a holy venerable third-level celestial warrior came up with.

"Damn bastard!"

Gong Yangji was furious at this time.

His own dignified saint was first severely injured by Lu Feng, a fourth-level emperor, and then faced with Xiaomeng, who had used a secret technique, which was even more miserable.

If it wasn't for Gong Yang Tongmei's shot, she might have become a corpse by now.



Gongyangbi took a step forward and was about to shoot.


Gongyang Tongmei snorted coldly, glanced at Gongyangji, and said, "That girl is using a divine martial skill, although the secret technique only raises her realm to the pinnacle of the semi-sacred, it cannot fully motivate the divine martial skill."

"But if you're injured, it's a fool's tale to try to block it!"

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