The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1233 99 Loyalty Points

"Divine Martial Arts!"

Gong Yang's eyes narrowed, and he didn't dare to move forward.

I know my own business. If it was in its heyday, Gongyangbi might dare to try it, but now...

He really didn't have the courage to let the injured him face a divine martial skill motivated by a semi-sacred peak.

"Okay, enough to play, it's time to send you to hell."

Gongyang Tongmei looked at Lu Feng and Xiaomeng at this time, and said, "You two have some means, but unfortunately, it's just that little means."

"In the end, the fate of death still cannot be changed."

After the sound fell, Gongyang's beautiful hand squeezed Lu Feng and Xiaomeng, and the surrounding space began to shrink under her control, squeezing the space where Lu Feng and Xiaomeng were.

Soon, Lu Feng already felt that his whole body was like a sandwich biscuit, squeezed by both sides.

"This kind of space squeeze will completely smash your flesh and blood, but your soul will remain."

"I will eat your soul a little bit, and let your soul become the nourishment of my body. At that time, I will become more beautiful."

When the words fell, Gongyang's charming appearance changed, and she became a young woman, quite beautiful.

Lu Feng was not interested to see it, his face was solemn.

Speaking of trump cards, he did indeed have trump cards in his hand, the semi-holy talisman, the initial Xuanwen, and even a desperate attempt to cast a forbidden technique.

But if these means are all used, it may not be a problem to deal with a warrior in the early days of the Holy Venerable First Layer.

But if you want to deal with a warrior of the Holy Venerable Third Layer, it is completely impossible.

"Lu Feng, I will find a way to detonate this space. Although it is not enough to kill them, it should be able to break the blockade of the condensing stone, and then we will take the opportunity to escape."

At this time, Xiaomeng's breath has returned to the sixth heaven of the emperor, and her voice is very weak.

"It's useless."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Even if we can break the blockade of the condensing stone, it is impossible to escape."

"Gongyang Tongmei seems to have never done anything, but in fact the power of the soul has always been in this space."

"That's why I used the space talisman just now. I could have escaped in the blink of an eye, but I was stopped in the end."

Lu Feng's space talisman was produced by the system.

The level is very high, and it is a boutique, and it is only a blink of an eye to be able to go to another place.

However, in this process, he was interfered by the power of Gongyang Tongmei's soul, which caused the speed to slow down a lot, so that the space was blocked by the condensing stone and could not escape.

"Even so, we have to give it a try, and we mustn't let it go!" Although Xiaomeng's voice was weak, it was very firm.

She, who is devoted to martial arts, does not allow herself to be captured.

"I won't just grab it, but..."

Lu Feng looked at Xiaomeng and said, "I just hope you don't blame me."

"Blame you?"

Xiaomeng was stunned for a moment and looked at Lu Feng strangely, not understanding what Lu Feng meant at all.

At the same time, a hairpin appeared in Lu Feng's hand, a female hairpin.

This was summoned by him before, and it can increase a woman's loyalty to him, from ten to thirty.

Simply put, this female hairpin is an artifact for picking up girls.

But unfortunately, Lu Feng didn't have time to pick up girls, so this female hairpin was thrown into the storage space and never used.

Now, Lu Feng intends to use it, and the target is Xiaomeng.

Now Xiaomeng's loyalty to him is 89 points. After using this female hairpin, it can at least increase Xiaomeng's loyalty to him to 99 points.

It's basically a diehard.

At that time, Xiaomeng felt the same about him as Hua Mulan felt about him.

This is a bit unfair to Xiaomeng.

But it's the only way for them right now.

Because as long as Xiaomeng's loyalty to Lu Feng reaches 90 points or more,

Lu Feng can mobilize Xiaomeng's passive supernatural power of 'the unity of man and nature'.

The unity of heaven and man can instantly raise Xiaomeng's realm to a great realm, and at the same time, it can also make Lu Feng's realm reach the same realm as Xiaomeng's.

Today's Xiaomeng's strength has reached the sixth level of the emperor, and the promotion of a big realm is the sixth level of the saint.

The duration is a quarter of an hour!

The Holy Venerable Sixth Layer Heaven of a quarter of an hour, let alone survive this catastrophe, it is even possible to enter the Wu clan and kill all the masters of the Wu clan.

At the same time, you can also use the holy martial skill 'Dao Sword'!

This is a very, very, very scary supernatural power!

Lu Feng is now planning to activate this magical power of Xiaomeng.

Xiaomeng didn't know, she saw Lu Feng holding a female hairpin in his hand, she looked a little puzzled, she didn't know what was the use of taking out such a hairpin at this time.

"System, use this hairpin on Xiaomeng." Lu Feng said to the system in his heart.

"Ding, the hairpin is in use."

The hairpin floated out of Lu Feng's hand, and in Xiaomeng's strange eyes, it was inserted into her hair, and soon disappeared.

"Oh? Is this a pair of desperate mandarin ducks?"

Gong Yang sneered when he saw it.

"Ding, the female hairpin is successfully used, Xiaomeng's loyalty to the host has increased by ten points, and it is currently ninety-nine points."

The system prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

"Lu Feng..."

Xiaomeng murmured in a low voice at this time, looking at Lu Feng with some doubts.

She didn't know what was going on, but suddenly, she felt that she had more feelings for Lu Feng, and she couldn't tell what that feeling was.

But reason tells her that this is something she shouldn't have!

"I'll tell you what's going on later, let's deal with these guys first." Lu Feng said to Xiaomeng.

When Xiaomeng heard this, she looked even more puzzled and looked at Lu Feng incomprehensibly.

Lu Feng didn't explain now, he said to the system in his heart: "System, immediately activate Xiaomeng's passive supernatural power 'the unity of man and nature'."

"Ding, Xiaomeng's passive magical power 'Heaven and Man' is being activated."

"Ding, the activation is successful."


The moment Lu Feng activated Xiaomeng's passive magical powers, Xiaomeng felt a burst of clarity in her spiritual platform, followed by a very complicated message that she could instantly understand entered her mind.

These information quickly merged into four words in her mind:

"Heaven and man are one."

Xiaomeng murmured in a low voice.


When these four words fell, a terrifying aura suddenly exploded with Xiaomeng as the center.


The space under Gongyang Tongmei's control was blown to pieces in an instant, but fortunately there was still a condensing stone, and there was no shattered space power in this place.

"What... what's going on?"

But even so, Gongyang Tongmei, Gongyangzhang, and Gongyangdi's faces changed dramatically, and they looked at Xiaomeng in disbelief.

Totally don't understand what's going on here.

Under their gaze, Xiaomeng's breath began to grow terribly.

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