The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1254 Take yourself as the core

After a while, with Lu Feng as the center, within ten meters of his body, these spatial mysterious texts began to condense.

Nine hundred and ninety nine spaces of Xuanwen condensed and filled the surroundings of Lu Feng.

It seems that this space has been turned into a gray space Xuanwen.

" is this possible?"

Gong Yangxu was completely stunned when he saw it.

How did these nine hundred and ninety-nine spatial mysteries appear?

Where did it come from?

From the beginning to the end, he did not see Lu Feng's movements to use these spatial mysteries at all.


Lu Feng ignored Gong Yangxu, he let out a low voice, and controlled the rapid condensation of the mysterious texts in these spaces, and in the blink of an eye, they spun around him.

"This is……"

Gong Yang Xu, who had reacted, shrank his eyes sharply when he saw it, and said in shock, "You actually want to use yourself as the center to build a space teleportation array?"

Years of experience in martial arts made him instantly see what Lu Feng wanted to do.

In the ancient times, there were some array wizards who liked to do this, using themselves as the center of the array to build a space teleportation array.

An advantage of the space teleportation array constructed in this way is that it never has to be interrupted.

Even if this person is killed, the teleportation formation can still be activated and teleport out of himself as the center of the formation.

Although only a corpse was sent out in the end.

The person who does this in the first place is called a genius.

There are quite a few Array Masters who use this method to escape fatal crises again and again.

But at the end of the day, people who do this are called outright idiots.

Because everyone found out later that the space teleportation array arranged in this way cannot be interrupted, but as long as there is a little fluctuation in the surrounding space, it will make the teleportation process unstable.

There will be a lot of space power inside to cut the person being teleported.

And, not cutting the body, but cutting the soul!

It isolates all obstacles and cuts directly to the soul of the magician. No means can stop it.

Totally a must kill!

Therefore, at the back, if there is another Array Master doing this, his enemy will destroy the surrounding space and let the power of space kill it.

The place where he and Lu Feng are now is not only a space fluctuation, but a space storm.

The energy in it is easy to be injured even if it is touched by the warriors of the first level of the Holy Venerable.

In this case, to build a space teleportation array with himself as the center, what is Lu Feng not courting death?

For Gongyang Xu, Lu Feng's death is just right, but there is a problem.

Once Lu Feng dies in this situation, everything he owns will be teleported away by this space teleportation array.

That is to say, the emptiness order in Lu Feng's storage ring will also be teleported away.

This is unacceptable for Gongyang Xu!

He had already sacrificed the lives of three holy brothers for the sake of Jing Kong Ling.

If he can't get anything at all, he will not be reconciled!

"Lu Feng, stop quickly, I can promise you, as long as you hand over the order to the old man, the old man promises not to kill you."

The anxious Gongyang Xu hurriedly said to Lu Feng.

The Array Master builds a space teleportation array with himself as the center of the array, which cannot be interrupted by outsiders, but can be stopped by himself.

Gongyang Xu hoped that Lu Feng would stop so that he would have a chance to get the Jingkong order he wanted.

It doesn't matter what he promised, because he couldn't let Lu Feng go.

He had even made up his mind that as long as Lu Feng stopped, he would immediately start and pay some price to break through these space mysteries and kill Lu Feng in an instant.

However, Lu Feng ignored him at all, not even a single pause.

On the contrary, after hearing this sentence, Lu Feng controlled Xuanwen to build the teleportation array faster.

Damn it!

Gong Yangxu cursed inwardly when he saw it, but he had to accompany a smile on his face, and said, "Lu Feng, I promise,

As long as you hand over the Jing Kong Order to the old man, the old man will never touch your life. "

"Also, we can also cooperate. I control the Wu clan, the Wu clan controls the barbarians, and the barbarians have tens of millions of iron cavalry."

"If you want, I can make all the barbarians in the northern grasslands surrender to the Nanyan Kingdom. By then, your Nanyan Kingdom will have a large number of cavalry generals, plus tens of millions of barbarian iron cavalry, and you will definitely be able to dominate Yuzhou."

"Even, I can help you with the masters of the Wu clan to help you dominate the world of Yuzhou from the Nanyan Kingdom, and help you deal with the masters of the dynasty, how about that?"

When Lu Feng heard Gong Yang Xu's words, he shook his head for a while, this Gong Yang Xu could really say anything for the sake of Jing Kong Ling.

If he listened to these words, he would be a real idiot.

However, he felt a little strange in his heart. Gongyang Xu wanted the Jing Kong Order so much, why didn't he enter the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley by himself?

With his strength, it was easy to get Jing Kong Ling in it, but Gong Yang Xu didn't do it.

Lu Feng did not believe that Gongyang Xu was afraid of the dynasty.

There must be some reason here.

But now Lu Feng still doesn't know the reason.

At present, there is no intention to find out why, and now he just wants to escape from here through this space teleportation array.

"Lu Feng, you are an ancient formation mage. If you are doing this, you must know the space teleportation formation you are building now."

Seeing that Lu Feng still did not stop, Gong Yangxu said loudly: "You should be very clear that under the chaotic spatial energy storm, the spatial profound formation you built will not only not save your life, but on the contrary will your life!"

"Working with me, not only will you not die, but you will have a chance to fight against the dynasty and unify Yuzhou. Is it possible that between the two is more beneficial to you, don't you know?"

Gong Yang Xu said a lot.

But unfortunately, Lu Feng didn't even pause when he heard it.

Moreover, the teleportation array constructed by Lu Feng is about to take shape.


Gong Yangxu saw that Lu Feng didn't stop because of his words at all, his face was full of anger, his body's true energy was poured into his hands, and he used his martial arts to hit him.

True Qi moved with the martial arts, turning into a huge palm print and falling towards Lu Feng.


This palm hits exactly.

However, it was blocked by the space mysterious texts full of mysterious energy around Lu Feng's body.

Not even a little ripple in these energies.

It can be said that this attack by Gongyangxu, the fourth-level Heavenly Martial Artist of the Holy Venerable, is useless.


At this moment, Lu Feng's space profound formation had been successfully constructed, and he activated the profound formation without hesitation.

The space trembled slightly, and Lu Feng and the mysterious texts around him completely disappeared.

Gong Yangxu's face was very gloomy when he saw it.

Whether Lu Feng died during the teleportation process or lived, it was not a good thing for him.

"Why do you look so ugly? Do you think that kid can really escape?"

At this moment, a light laughter came from Gongyang Xu's side.

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