Chapter 1255: Desperate Escape


Gong Yang Xu heard the voice, snorted coldly, and said, "Lu Feng's teleportation array was teleported randomly, and I couldn't find where he teleported to at all."

"In this way, I can't get the Jing Kong Token in his hand. The only Jing Kong Token in Mochizuki Valley is left in the hands of the little girl from Yicheng Commercial Bank."

"If it's someone from other forces, it's okay to say that the old man will snatch it himself. But the old guy in the Yicheng Commercial Bank is still alive, so I can't forcefully snatch it."

"This is equivalent to saying that I can no longer get the Jingkong order, so what else can I do?"

"Without the Empty Order, I will have no advantage in the Great Emperor Ruins. This is something I cannot accept!"

"Don't worry, as I said, Lu Feng can't escape."

The voice came again.

And, this time, as the voice fell, a light gray figure appeared beside Gong Yang Xu.

"You keep saying that Lu Feng can't run away, but that space teleportation array is a random teleportation, so I can't infer where he is and how to find him?" Gongyang Xu said solemnly.

"Do you think Lu Feng committed suicide?" the figure asked.

Gong Yang Xu frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"Lu Feng won't commit suicide." The figure shook his head and said, "He has his country, his woman, and his kingdom. It is absolutely impossible for him to commit suicide!"

"What the hell do you mean?"

"Lu Feng won't commit suicide, but what he just did is exactly the same as suicide."

The figure looked at Gongyang Xu and said, "As you said, building a space profound formation with yourself as the formation center is completely an act of courting death at this time."

"Lu Feng is an ancient formation mage, or even a profound formation, because he is proficient in the initial profound writing."

"How could Lu Feng not know what the consequences of that formation would be? How could he not know that using that formation in such a situation would be an act of seeking death!"

"what do you mean……"

"My meaning is very simple." The figure chuckled lightly: "A person who would never commit suicide, but did commit suicide, why would he do this?"


Gong Yang Xu frowned more and more tightly, and finally sneered suddenly and said: "It seems that there is only one explanation, Lu Feng is very confident in his methods, he is sure that the space force of the teleportation array will cut the soul under the circumstances. Survive!"

"That's right!"

The figure nodded and said, "He must have this confidence!"

"But if you want to do this, you must control the range of the teleportation array, because once the range is too large, the teleportation array will last too long, and even if he has the means, the soul will be injured by the force of space. heavy."

"The Great Emperor Ruins is about to open. Lu Feng must also know this. He has the strength to participate and will not miss it. Therefore, he will not let his soul be severely damaged."

"In this way, the range is very clear!"

With a slight smile, the figure looked at Gong Yang Xu and said, "I can say with certainty that the range of Lu Feng's teleportation array must be within a thousand miles, as long as we look for places with spatial fluctuations within this range, we must I can find Lu Feng."

"At that time, it is impossible for him to have a high-grade holy-level profound formation that can be detonated. You can kill him in an instant, and get the Jingkong Order in his hand, making a very perfect start for your trip to the Great Emperor Ruins."

Gongyang Xu showed a smile on his face and said, "Okay, just do as you said, I will let people be within this range now... No, I will search within this range myself, I will definitely find Lu Feng, and then... …”

With cold light flashing in his eyes, Gong Yang Xu said coldly, "This time, he won't have another chance to escape."


In the space teleportation array channel, Lu Feng vomited blood and his face was pale.

around his body,

Wrapped in layers of transparent strange energy.

These energies are madly drilling into his body, but they have not caused any harm to his body, but have traumatized his soul.

"I didn't expect these space powers that cut the soul to be so terrifying."

Lu Feng's heart is very solemn. To know that his realm has reached the realm of pseudo-sage, his soul can basically be regarded as a saint.

Moreover, his soul power has been strengthened many times, and it is stronger than the soul power of ordinary warriors.

But even so, under the cutting of the power of this space, his soul was already injured.

It is conceivable how terrifying the power of this space cutting is!

"It's no wonder that ancient books recorded that the space teleportation array was arranged with oneself as the center of the array, and after the flaws were discovered by the world, no one survived after using it."

Lu Feng sighed softly in his heart: "This space-cutting power is terrifying and has no realm above the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, so it is impossible to stop it."

In the beginning, Lu Feng did not intend to use this method, because he knew how severe the consequences of this method would be.

Therefore, he tried his best to inflict heavy damage on Gongyang Xu.

As long as Gongyang Xu is severely injured, he can use some secret techniques to jump into space and leave the space that was chaotic because of the detonation of the soul profound formation.

However, if you use the current space formation, you can directly return to the territory of the Nanyan Kingdom.

At that time, after completing the task of the Dynasty Summoning Order, the level will be increased by six small realms, and you will be able to go to the Second Heaven of the Holy Venerable in an instant.

At that time, with his methods, even if Gongyang Xu chased after Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng would be able to deal with it.

It's a pity that Gongyang Xu is worthy of being a warrior of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable, after all, he is too powerful.

He used the initial Xuanwen methods that he could use, but in the end he still failed to hit Gongyang Xu.

This made him unable to use the secret technique of jumping space at all, because Gong Yang Xu, who was not severely injured, could completely block him when he cast the secret technique.

Therefore, out of desperation, he chose this method with a very high risk factor.

And he can't go back directly to the Nanyan Kingdom!

"Fortunately, I was already prepared!"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng shouted in a low voice, "Condensation!"

In front of him, a very complicated Xuanwen quickly condensed.

Initial Xuanwen: Soul!

After the word 'soul' appeared, it immediately turned into a curtain of light and fell into his body, helping him block the energy that wanted to get into his body.


With the light curtain formed by the word 'soul', the energy that wanted to get into Lu Feng's body was blocked.

This also made Lu Feng feel relieved.

He murmured in a low voice, "I hope to last until the end of the teleportation."

Although the space teleportation array with itself as the center of the array cannot be broken by others, the drawbacks are also obvious.

The transmission takes a long time, and the speed is far less than the transmission array arranged in other ways.

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