The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1256 Life is hanging by a thread

It is also for this reason that after the flaws in the teleportation formation are exposed, so many formation wizards will die if they use this method.

Many formation wizards can persist for a period of time under the cutting of this space power, but it is impossible to persist for too long.

This is the situation that Lu Feng is facing now. He must persist for a while under the cutting of this space power.

If you can persevere, you will survive.

If you can't hold on, you will die!

Now, he can only hope that the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' can help him block this space energy.

But to be on the safe side, he once again condensed the word 'soul' to cover the surface of his body, forming as many protective shields as possible to ensure that there would be no problems.

Soon, the five initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul' was condensed by Lu Feng, plus the first one, a total of six initial Xuanwen, forming a protective light curtain around his body.

After doing all of this, Lu Feng's breath became very, very weak.

With his soul traumatized, he was able to arrange six 'soul' mysterious texts to the extreme.

Next, he can only hope that these six initial Xuanwen can persist until the end of the transmission.


However, not long after, the sound of cracking came.

Cracks have appeared in the outermost layer of protective light curtain.

It didn't take long for the sound of 'bang', and it shattered completely.


At the moment when the protective light curtain constructed by the initial Xuanwen of the word "soul" shattered, Lu Feng vomited blood, and his breath became weaker by three points.

This kind of forcibly shattered protective light curtain greatly traumatized Lu Feng's soul.

Fortunately, he still has five layers of protective light curtains and can continue to persevere.

But not long after, the cracking sound of 'click' came again.

Immediately after, another layer of protective light curtain shattered.


Lu Feng vomited blood again, and the breath on his body became a little weaker.

His face became even more ugly, on the one hand because of the injury caused by the broken light curtain, and on the other hand because the situation has become very complicated.

The protective light curtain formed by the initial Xuanwen of the word "soul" shattered too fast.

In this way, it may not be able to persist until the end of the transmission.

But now he has no other way, he has done what he should do, and then he can only resign.

Although, he hated this feeling.

But sometimes, many things are really beyond human control.

Do your best, listen to destiny.

This sentence is really very reasonable.


After a while, the sound of breaking came again.

Immediately after, a layer of protective light curtain shattered again.


As the protective light curtain shattered, Lu Feng vomited blood again, and his breath became even weaker.

His consciousness began to blur.

Lu Feng didn't know how long this feeling lasted, only that his consciousness became more and more blurred.

Faintly, he heard two shattering sounds.

Then came a sharp pain.

But he didn't feel the pain for too long, and his consciousness was completely lost.

The whole person has absolutely no idea what is going on in the space transmission channel.

In the teleportation channel, a layer of light gray energy was condensed on the surface of Lu Feng's body. This energy protected his body from being completely destroyed.

It is his storage space that transmits this energy!

After a short while, just when the light gray energy was about to disappear, a bright light flashed in front of the teleportation array channel, and Lu Feng's body floated out.

Outside, it is still the northern grasslands.

Lu Feng's body fell from the sky and smashed a big hole on a small hillside.


After a while, the roar of the monster came.

A monster that looked like a wild horse noticed the movement here, and when he looked at Lu Feng in the pit, his saliva came out.

This is a fifth-level monster.

The boss around here.

I was resting here just now, and then I heard movement. At first, I was startled by it, but after waiting for a while, I found that there was no movement, and ran over by myself.

Seeing that it is a seriously injured human, and feeling that the human being is not seriously injured, the realm of strength should be quite high.

Now seriously injured, it is completely a meal.

Not to mention how happy these fifth-level monsters are, they are all thinking about how much their own strength can increase after eating this human.


The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, the monster roared and approached Lu Feng step by step.

Soon, when he arrived in front of Lu Feng, he opened his mouth and bit down on Lu Feng's head.


However, just as it bit down, a sword light flashed out from Lu Feng's storage space, directly cutting off the wild horse's head.

The Gan Jiang sword fell beside Lu Feng.

Ye Ma's headless corpse also fell to the side, and blood flowed into the pit, staining Lu Feng's body red.

But Lu Feng still didn't react, as if he really died.

However, if you look closely, you can still see his heaving chest, which proves that he is not dead.


Dynasty, on the highest attic.

Seven old men sat cross-legged here.

The seven ancestors of the dynasty, the seven saints!

"Electric Emperor's three soul cards have been shattered, and they are dead." An old man spoke slowly.

"It's not just them, the ten semi-sages sent by the ten dynasties and the top ten business houses are also dead."

Another old man slowly shook his head and said, "According to the news from the ghost, only the daughter of the Yicheng Commercial Bank, Yi Luming, has returned to the power."

"Those people from the rest of the forces have not returned to the forces yet. It's no accident that the Wu clan solved them according to the agreement."

"Since this is the case, then our goal has been achieved." Dynasty Shuangjue smiled: "They were killed, which is equivalent to cutting off the follow-up talents of those forces."

"And the Jingkong Tokens in their hands can't be obtained by the old guys of the Dynasty Commercial Bank. In the Great Emperor Ruins, they have no advantage, and we have seven Holy Venerables, enough to take all the advantages."

"not that simple."

The old man at the head shook his head and said, "I went to the northern grasslands secretly and felt the breath of Gongyangxu, that old guy shot."

"Before him, Gongyang Tongmei, Gongyang Zhang, and Gongyang Di also shot."

"But the breath of the three of them finally disappeared in Moon Moon Valley and never appeared again."


When the other six old men heard it, they were all startled. The Dynasty Shuangjue even spoke directly and said, "In Moon Moon Valley, once the warriors of the Holy Venerable Realm enter the Jing Kong Order, they will disappear. Gong Yang Xu is very clear about this, how could he send a prince? Yang Tongmei and the three of them entered Mochizuki Valley?"

"Doesn't he want the Air Force Order?"

"Gongyang Xu is more important to Jing Kongling than his life, because it is related to how long he can live."


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