
After a short pause, the old man headed looked at the others and said, "There is only one possibility for Gongyang Xu to send the three Gongyang Tongmei into Mochizuki Valley."

"Something happened in Mochizuki Valley!"

The other six old men said in a deep voice.

"That's right!"

The old man headed nodded and said, "There must be a change in Mochizuki Valley, so Gongyang Xu will send Gongyang Tongmei three people to take action."

"And, in the end, it wasn't just Gongyang Tongmei who shot, but also the old guy Gongyang Xu."

"There must be a problem here, what happened in Mochizuki Valley is definitely not simple!"

"But what can happen in Moon Moon Valley that the three saints can't solve? Not to mention Gongyang Tongmei, the demon girl of the third heaven of the saint." Looking at the old man at the head, Dynasty Shuangjue said: "Brother, did you find something wrong in the northern grasslands?"


The leading old man shook his head and said, "Not only did I not find anything wrong, I didn't even feel the breath of Gongyang Tongmei and the others after they entered Mochizuki Valley."

"Mochizuki Valley is special, and it is still a little reluctant for warriors in our realm to explore the secrets."

"Then big brother, what should we do now?"

Looking at the leader, an old man asked, "Could it be that we don't care about anything now and wait for the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins in ten days?"

"After more than ten days, the ruins of the Great Emperor will not be able to be opened." The headed old man shook his head and said.


The other six were shocked, looked at the old man at the head, and said, "Brother, why is this? Didn't it have been calculated before? Just ten days later, why did the time suddenly change?"

"There is a problem at the site."

The old man at the head sighed softly and said, "The space in that place fluctuated for some reason, and now there are spatial turbulence everywhere."

"With that level of spatial turbulence, even if we enter it, it will be more inauspicious, so we cannot enter it in a short time."

"According to the calculations of the people below, the end of the spatial turbulence should be a month later, and the Great Emperor Ruins can only be opened at that time!"

The other six people frowned when they heard it. The opening of the Great Emperor Ruins was delayed, and many things had to be changed.

"Brother, what about our plan now? Do we still need to follow the previous one?" Dynasty Shuangjue asked.

"This has to change. We can no longer follow the previous plan. Many things have to be changed, and we..."

"Report, there is an urgent report from the ghost guard."

Before the old man could finish speaking, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the room.

Shadows condensed into human figures in the corners, dressed in black robes, shrouded in darkness.

"Ghost Guard?"

Dynasty Shuangjue frowned.

The ghost is the intelligence system of the dynasty, very, very powerful, whether it is the top ten dynasties or the top ten commercial firms, there are their people.

The identities of these people are mysterious, no less than the killers of the Bloody Clothes Building.

The ghost guards are the most special group of people in the ghost, the intelligence system, and the information they are responsible for is often the most important news.

And the dynasty gave them special powers to report these news. If they think the news is important enough, they can directly skip the emperor and report to the ancestors of the royal family.

Let these saints handle these things.

Generally speaking, ghost guards would not do this. After all, doing so would be equivalent to not giving the emperor face.

Therefore, since the existence of the intelligence organization Ghost, this kind of thing has only happened three times.

The first time the witches invaded, the ghost guards passed over the emperor and passed the news directly to the emperor at that time.

The second time was when the ten dynasties encircled the dynasty, the ghost guard first discovered the information and passed it on to the emperor of the dynasty, so that the emperor was fully prepared.

The third time was when the ancient Zhou Dynasty attacked the Ji Dynasty.

That time, the ghost guard also passed the news to the emperor of the dynasty, and wanted the emperor of the dynasty to solve this trouble.

But unfortunately, the emperor of the dynasty at that time did not succeed in solving the trouble.

At that time, the ancient Zhou Dynasty was too powerful, and the emperor of the dynasty fell a lot. In the end, if the dynasty hadn't used some secret techniques to resurrect many masters who had fallen before, maybe the Ji dynasty would have been wiped out by the ancient Zhou dynasty. .

Since then, the Ji dynasty has declined, its strength is not as strong as before, and the ten dynasties have also begun to rise.

Since then, the ghost guard has never done anything to report to the emperor of the dynasty over the emperor.

But today, the ghost guard actually crossed the emperor once again and reported the news to the emperor of the dynasty.

Then this news must be very, very important news! ! !

The leading old man looked at the figure in the corner and said, "Let him come in."


Soon, a man in black tight armor with a black ghost mask on his face walked in.

He was completely breathless. If he hadn't seen this person in his eyes, he would have thought that this person did not exist.

"Report to the ancestors, after the daughter of Yicheng Commercial Bank returned to Yicheng Commercial Bank, she released the news that Lu Feng beheaded other talented disciples of Yuzhou with many forces in Wangyue Valley."

"Including Chu Aofeng, the second prince of the Cangchu Dynasty, two brothers, Chu Mo and Chu Tao, the eldest son of the Golden Horse King of the Cangchu Dynasty, Nangong Duanyun, the sword prince of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Du Ze, a disciple of Oufeng Commercial Bank, the prince of the Chongao Dynasty, and Yinlang. The prince of the dynasty, as well as the talented disciples of Hundred Kingdoms Academy and Xueyilou."

"In addition to other slightly weaker forces, most of the geniuses that Yuzhou entered Mochizuki Valley this time died at the hands of Lu Feng." The person knelt down and reported.


The seven ancestors of the dynasty present, the seven saints were all shocked, and all of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

You know, even if you are as strong as the dynasty, you don't dare to deal with these big forces like this.

Killing genius disciples in other people's forces is still killing so many people at once.

Just like the Dynasty summoning order this time, the Dynasty clearly wanted to kill the genius disciples in these forces, but he didn't dare to do it at all.

Because they are afraid of being attacked by these forces.

The current dynasty did not stop these people from joining forces according to their strength.

So they found the cooperation of the Wu clan, and promised to give them some news in the ruins of the Great Emperor, and let them kill the geniuses in these forces.

But now they actually heard the ghost guard report that Lu Feng had killed so many great power geniuses in one go!

If this news hadn't come from the Ghost Guard, they wouldn't believe it.

But the ghost guard, it proves that this is no problem!

Since that is the case...

Then... Then where did Lu Feng have the courage to do this?

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