"Although the Nanyan Kingdom has become a lot stronger now, it is still far behind those dynasties in terms of its heritage."

"Although the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty, if they want to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, they have to bypass the central area of ​​Yuzhou under our control. Even if they use the teleportation array, it will take a month to do it."

"The Ice and Snow Dynasty is better, but it also requires the army to pass through the northern grasslands to attack the Nanyan Kingdom. There are barbarians on the northern grasslands, which will delay them a lot of time. It will probably take a month."

"The Kingdom of Nanyan now only needs to face the armies of the Liyang Dynasty and the Cangchu Dynasty."

"Although the Liyang Dynasty claims to be one of the top ten dynasties, it is only the record against the Nanyan Kingdom before. I prefer to believe that the Nanyan Kingdom is one of the top ten dynasties, and their army is in this level of war. Only cannon fodder."

"So, what the Nanyan Kingdom needs to deal with now is the army of the Cangchu Dynasty!"

When the rest of the old men heard it, they all frowned slightly. The Cangchu Dynasty was known as the leader of the Ten Great Dynasties, and its military combat effectiveness was only inferior to that of the Ji Dynasty.

Their army is very powerful!

There are many people in the dynasty who are afraid of the Cangchu dynasty army.

"The army of the Cangchu Dynasty is very powerful, very powerful, and it is not so easy to deal with."

"But now for us, what we need is for the Nanyan Kingdom to persevere and hold back the forces of the Cangchu Dynasty, or in other words, just hold the Cangchu Dynasty's army."

"It's just that the Nanyan Kingdom doesn't have this strength, we need to give them some help."

"Brother, do you mean to sell some military supplies to the Nanyan Kingdom at a low price through the Yushang Trading Company?" Dynasty Shuangjue replied.

"Yes, that's it."

Ji Yanfeng nodded and said, "Only in this way can we ensure that the Nanyan Kingdom has enough background to compete with the Cangchu Dynasty."


Dynasty Shuangjue looked at Ji Yanfeng and said, "Big brother, don't ignore the Nanyan Kingdom. It's definitely not easy for them to become so powerful from a small kingdom."

"If we really help them strengthen their background and give them the strength to compete with the Cangchu Dynasty, it will not be a good thing for our Dynasty in the future."

"Not a good thing?"

Ji Yanfeng looked at Dynasty Shuangjue, smiled, and said, "War is never a good thing, but it is also war that makes our Dynasty stand on the top of Yuzhou."

"In today's Yuzhou, we are no longer a monopoly, and there are too many forces that want to compete with us."

"Since this is the case, then the various forces in Yuzhou need to shuffle!"

"Now, the time has come to shuffle the cards, we can't stay out of it, we have to be the ones to do the shuffle."

"Whether it is the Cangchu Dynasty, the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, or the Blood Clothes Building hidden in the dark, they must all be a card in our hands."

With a cold light in his eyes, Ji Yanfeng continued: "Pass on the order to help the Nanyan Kingdom hold down the Cangchu Dynasty at all costs, and it must be to hold back a part of the Cangchu Dynasty's combat power."

"At the same time, prepare the imperial army. As long as the time is right, they will immediately destroy the Nanyan Kingdom and the Cangchu Dynasty with thunder!"


When Huangchao Shuangjue heard Ji Yanfeng's words, he was stunned for a moment, and after looking deeply, he said, "Brother, in this way, we will become the ones who did it, and there will be some deviations from our previous plan."

"There will indeed be some deviations, but it will not affect the overall situation."

Ji Yanfeng shook his head and said, "Let's pass the order on. Let's help the Nanyan Kingdom to block the army of the Cangchu Dynasty first."

"As for other plans, we can make changes according to the actual situation."


Dynasty Shuangjue also understood Ji Yanfeng's thoughts.

Ji Yanfeng wanted to take the opportunity to eat the great power of the Cangchu Dynasty,

Expand the first step of shuffling.

At the same time, the Great Emperor Ruins is about to open.

The rest of the forces, even if they saw the dynasty attack the Cangchu dynasty, they would not necessarily help.

Because the Great Emperor Ruins was left by a Martial Dao Emperor, for the old things in those forces, it is more important than life.

They won't allow anything to sabotage their plans for the Emperor's ruins.

As for those discussions and alliances in Shanghai City before, it's just a smile.

For those old guys, there is a real interest in them, let alone an alliance, even if they are asked to kill their own children, they will not hesitate.

Those people, who have lived for thousands of years, have long regarded their feelings very lightly.

All they care about is whether their martial arts can continue to improve so that they can live longer.

That's what they think.

That's what they are striving for!

With Ji Yanfeng's order, the ghost immediately started to do it.

Their first step was to pass on the news from Yi Luming, as well as the movements of their armies from the Cangchu Dynasty and the Ice and Snow Dynasty to Jin Yiwei.

When Jin Yiwei got the news, he immediately reported it at the fastest speed.

In less than half a day, the high-level officials of the Nanyan Kingdom had already received the news.

In the palace council hall, many people were seated, with the officials led by Jia Xu and the generals led by Gao Shun.

There were also Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Zhangsun Wuji, Liu Bowen and so on.

The generals also included Lian Po, Yue Fei, Lü Bu, Meng Tian, ​​Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun and so on.

These people are the core strength of the civil and military forces of the Nanyan Kingdom.

When Lu Feng was not in the Nanyan Kingdom, they were managing the big and small matters of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Now, their faces are very solemn.

Because they all knew the news from Jin Yiwei.

"Everyone, what are you talking about, the current situation in the kingdom is not optimistic." Jia Xu spoke first.

"Is the news confirmed? Your Majesty really killed the geniuses of those forces?" Lian Po asked.

He frowned and said, "Although His Majesty is young, he is also a very stable person. It stands to reason that he should know the consequences of killing these people, and he would not be so reckless. Not to mention leaving evidence."

"This is really not like His Majesty's style!"

"That's right, according to His Majesty's character, if he really did such a thing, it would be absolutely impossible to leave such obvious evidence, let alone let Yi Luming escape." Lu Bu also said.

They were the first group of people to follow Lu Feng, and they already knew Lu Feng's temperament very well.

"It's not that simple."

Gao Shun shook his head and said, "No matter why Your Majesty did this, I only believe that His Majesty must have his purpose in doing this."

"As for the reason, we don't need to know, we just need to know now that the Cangchu Dynasty has launched an army."

"The Ice and Snow Dynasty has moved."

"The Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty also launched their troops."

"and also……"

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