The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1260 Interesting Dynasty

After a short pause, Gao Shun looked at everyone present and said, "In addition to these dynasties, there is also the Liyang Dynasty that we have defeated several times."

"Five of the ten dynasties have attacked us. The pressure on the kingdom is very high, very big!"

"It seems that these people really look down on us!"

Meng Tian frowned and said, "The ten dynasties and the five dynasties have used troops against us. I think this should be the first time since the establishment of the Yuzhou Dynasty!"

"This must be the first time!" Zhou Yu said solemnly: "Besides the siege of the dynasty by the ten dynasties thousands of years ago, the five dynasties have never joined forces."

"Not to mention attacking a kingdom."

"It seems that we have created history." Zhangsun Wuji smiled and said, "Now we need to make some preparations."

"It is true that some preparations need to be made, but for now, what we need to face is not the five dynasties, but the two dynasties."

"Cangchu Dynasty and Liyang Dynasty!"

"That's right!"

Liu Ji nodded and said, "If the Cangchu Dynasty wants to launch an army against Nanyan, it only needs to march along the edge of the million-dollar mountain. If you march quickly, you can reach us in two or three months."

"There will be no rush to march!"

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "It's not far from the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins. It is impossible for the Cangchu Dynasty to deploy troops after the Great Emperor Ruins is opened."

"Because at that time the Cangchu Dynasty had to accumulate strength to prepare for the plans after the Great Emperor's ruins."

"At that time, Yuzhou was in chaos. They needed to take the opportunity to expand their power, so they must have needed a large number of troops, so..."

Looking at the people present, Guo Jia said, "I can conclude that the Cangchu Dynasty will definitely launch an attack on the Nanyan Kingdom before the start of the Great Emperor Ruins. But to do this, a hasty march is not enough, because the time is too late."

"Teleportation Array!" Liu Ji said solemnly.

"Yes, it must be a teleportation array!"

Guo Jia nodded and said, "Only by using the teleportation array can the Cangchu Dynasty be able to attack the Nanyan Kingdom before the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins, and..."

Guo Jia suddenly smiled and said, "I think the purpose of the Cangchu Dynasty is not only to launch an attack on the Kingdom of Nanyan, but also to defeat our Nanyan in one fell swoop."

"Defeat Nan Yan in one fell swoop?"

Lu Bu sneered and said, "It seems that the confidence of this Cangchu Dynasty is really not ordinary. It dares to think of defeating Nanyan in one fell swoop. He doesn't know how powerful Nanyan's iron cavalry is!"

"Defeat Nan Yan in one fell swoop. This can only be a joke." Yue Fei also said.

The rest of the generals also shook their heads.

None of them are good people. How could Nan Yan, who was guarded by them, be defeated in one fell swoop? Even if the Holy Venerable makes a move, they can fight for a few rounds!

"Prime Minister, is this news really from the dynasty?" At this moment, Zhao Yun suddenly asked.

"It is indeed true that the Jinyiwei in the dynasty came. Their report was to inadvertently intercept the information of the dynasty, but..."

Jia Xu looked at everyone present and said, "Dynasty can't just let our Jinyiwei people intercept such important information, so it can be concluded that Dynasty deliberately leaked this information to us."

"Strange, why did the dynasty do this?"

Zhao Yun was a little puzzled and said: "For the dynasty, wouldn't it be more beneficial for us to fight against them?"

"It is true that these forces of ours will benefit the dynasty a lot, but if we lose too fast, it will be different."

Xun Yu took over and said, "In the eyes of the dynasty, the Cangchu dynasty is the second superpower in Yuzhou after the dynasty. Their army is very powerful in combat, and we can't compare it."

"The Dynasty wants to use this opportunity to hold back the army of the Cangchu Dynasty and prepare for the impending chaos of Yuzhou. They want to reshuffle Yuzhou."

"But they thought we couldn't stop the sudden attack of the Cangchu Dynasty, so they told us the news.


"Not only that!"

Just as Xun Yu finished speaking, a female voice came.

With the female voice, two people came out of the door.

When Xun Yu, Gao Shun and the others saw it, their expressions changed slightly, and they all stood up and said, "I have seen the Empress."

"The Empress is a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old."

It was none other than Hua Mulan.

Behind her is Gu Ziyi.

Jia Xu and Xun Yu both kneeled on the ground, but they looked at each other and saw doubts in each other's eyes.

The harem does not participate in politics!

This is a rule that Lu Feng has long set. How could the Empress break this rule and come to the political hall?

"All the gentlemen are flat."

Hua Mulan waved everyone to get up, and then said, "Bengong is not here to participate in politics, but to tell everyone a very important news."

When Jia Xu, Xun Yu and the others heard this, they were all relieved. Fortunately, the Empress did not come to participate in politics.

Otherwise, these courtiers are really not easy to deal with.

After all, they all know that His Majesty the Emperor loves the empress Hua Mulan the most. For her sake, he did not hesitate to change the rules and let the old General Lian Po be the backstage of Hua Mulan, in order to keep others from talking about Hua Mulan's origin.

These people dare not say anything to Mulan according to the rules.

"Queen Empress, what news do you want to tell us?" Jia Xu asked.

"Ziyi, tell the Prime Minister and the others." Hua Mulan said to Gu Ziyi behind her.


Gu Ziyi took a step forward.

When Jia Xu and others saw Gu Ziyi, their expressions were a little puzzled. They knew that Gu Ziyi, although he did not hold a position, obeyed the orders of His Majesty the Emperor and established Yushang Commercial Firm.

Purchase military supplies in Yuzhou.

But I don't know what news she has to say.

Gu Ziyi looked at the important ministers of Nan Yan present, took a deep breath, and said, "It's like this, I arranged for someone in the dynasty to buy grain, grass and all kinds of iron and stone. Before that, there was no progress, and the dynasty was very concerned about these things. tight."

"But more than half an hour ago, I suddenly got the news that they have acquired a large batch of grain and iron and stone. The grain and grass are enough to feed a million army for three months. If iron and stone are made into weapons, they can prepare at least fifty Thousands of elite soldiers, and the price is very cheap."

"I found out after inquiring that the person who sold them this batch of things was Shenmo Trading Company."

"Shen Mo Business?"

Jia Xu frowned slightly and said, "This Shenmo business is only a second-rate business in Yuzhou, how can it be able to sell so many things? Not to mention military supplies like grain, grass, iron and stone, who is behind them?"

"Shenmo Trading Company had no background ten years ago, but was later taken over by a prince of the Ji family's dynasty. Since then, the firm has belonged to the Ji family's dynasty."

"This news is very secret, and I also learned it by accident. It's normal that Jin Yiwei didn't find out the news."

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