The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1276 The West Gate Offensive and Defensive Battle

"Report, General, the enemy is less than five miles away from the West Gate City Wall."

On the west gate city wall, Gao Shun got the news of the scout's reply.

"okay, I get it."

Gao Shun nodded and said, "Send the order to Xu Chu to let him act according to the plan."


The soldiers passed the order on.

The distance of five miles was not far, and Bi Yi brought the army to a suitable attack range not long after.

"The whole army listens to the order and shoots arrows."

After Bi Yi led the troops to the attacking position, he directly ordered the attack without any stop.


The bowmen in Bi Yijun's army swept their bows and arrows together, and quickly shot arrows on the west gate city wall.

"Put it down."

Seeing this, Gao Shun shouted in a deep voice.

All trapped camp and Tiger Guard soldiers quickly raised their shields for defense.


Seeing this scene, Bi Yi narrowed his eyes and said in surprise, "Gao Shun actually ordered all the soldiers to raise their shields to defend, isn't this giving me a chance to attack?"

All the soldiers raised their shields, which was indeed a very good measure in defending the shooting of the bow and crossbow, which basically guaranteed that the bow and crossbow could not cause damage to their own troops.

But then what?

How to deal with infantry siege?

At this time, as long as the infantry seized the opportunity to attack the city, and the bowmen took cover, they could suppress the soldiers who raised their shields, so that they did not dare to put down the shields in their hands.

Besides, in that case, even if these bowmen wanted to put their hands down, it would be a very difficult thing to do.

After all, he clearly knew that there were countless bows and crossbows shooting arrows at him. In this case, he put shields and waited for the bows and crossbows to kill him. No soldier would do that.

Looking at the actions of the camp and the soldiers of the Tiger Guards on the west gate wall, Bi Yi sneered and said, "Gao Shun, Gao Shun, you really are a piece of junk that doesn't live up to your name."

"In the face of a large army attacking the city, you dare to defend like this. If this is the case, then the old man will send you to hell."

"The bowmen obey the orders, the arrows cannot be broken, and cover the infantry's assault."

"The infantry of the former army obeyed the order and attacked the city!"

Bi Yi did not intend to miss such a good opportunity to siege the city.

Under his orders, the army immediately began to siege the city.

The crossbow arrows shot by those bowmen were even more dense, hitting the wall and the shields held by the soldiers of the Tiger Guard, making a 'ding ding' sound.

Although it was impossible to break the shield, the sound was horrifying to hear.

Under the cover of the bow and crossbow, the former infantrymen under Bi Yi also moved forward quickly.

After a while, he had already arrived under the west gate city wall, stepped on the corpses of the west gate city wall defenders who had been beheaded before, and built a siege ladder.

"General, the enemy has already started to build the siege ladder, are we going to start planning?" Xu Chu asked beside Gao Shun.

"Well, send the order down and let the trap camp immediately shoot arrows."


Gao Shun's order went down, and those trapped camps holding shields all put down their shields.


Bi Yi, who was on the chariot of the Central Army of the Liyang Dynasty, was stunned when he saw this scene.

Under the intensive shooting of bows and crossbow arrows, how dare you put down the shield in your hand, how much do you want to live?

"court death."

When the lieutenants behind Bi Yi saw it, they smiled coldly and said, "It seems that these trapped camps are not worthy of their name, they are just joking!"

"General, you are sure to win this battle."

Many lieutenants think so.

But in the next scene, it instantly made their faces look like they had seen a ghost.

I saw that the bows and crossbows were shot on the bodies of the soldiers of the trap camp, but they could not penetrate the armor of the soldiers of the trap camp.

" is this possible?"

Bi Yi is really dumbfounded now.

He had fought in the army for so long, and he had never seen anything like this happen.

The bow and crossbow turned out to be unable to shoot through the armor of the enemy. What is this special girl called?

"General...General, I heard that there is a pioneer iron cavalry in Nanyan Kingdom,

The armor on his body is made of refined iron stone, which is invulnerable to swords and guns. Is it possible that the armor on the body of the trap camp is also made of refined iron stone? "

Suddenly, a lieutenant said cautiously.

"Trash, why didn't you say that earlier?"

When Bi Yi heard this, he glared at the lieutenant and said, "If you had said it earlier, why wouldn't this old man be prepared?"

The lieutenant heard it, and his heart was instantly stunned. Can I blame me for this? You are the general, shouldn't you know these things better than me?

But no matter how speechless he was, he couldn't say it.

Bi Yi, who is in a rage, absolutely dares to kill the person who talks back, and by the way, he can find a scapegoat for the defeat in the first battle.

"General, should we immediately order all the troops to withdraw?" asked Bi Yi's confidant lieutenant.

"Withdraw? Do you think you can withdraw?"

Bi Yi looked at the city wall, smiled bitterly, and said, "If I were Gao Shun, I would definitely order ten thousand arrows to shoot at our soldiers as much as possible."

At present, Bi Yi still doesn't understand that the reason why Gao Shun made all the soldiers raise their shields is to reveal a flaw and attract himself to let the army attack.

As long as you let the army attack on your own side, you have already fallen into Gao Shun's trap.

Now, Gao Shun's plan has been successful.

"Fire arrows!"

As Bi Yi thought, Gao Shun immediately ordered the trap camp to release arrows.

The 100,000 Trapped Faction used all the repeating crossbows specially modified by Luban, especially with enhanced power.

Suddenly, arrows rained down.

Those siege soldiers who shrouded the city.

Then, a miserable cry was heard, and the soldiers who came to attack the city fell one by one in the rain of arrows.

There are few exceptions.

Bi Yi watched this scene with blood dripping from his heart. Just in this wave of attacks, he lost at least 50,000 or 60,000 soldiers under his command.

And this number is still growing wildly.

If you don't make any changes, the 300,000-strong army of the former army may all be damaged here.

"General, withdraw your troops!"

The confidant lieutenant said urgently: "General, if we continue, our former army will be finished."

"Can't withdraw."

Bi Yi stared at the city wall, took a deep breath, and said, "If we choose to withdraw our troops now, then tens of thousands of people will be sacrificed in vain, and we must not withdraw our troops!"

"But what should we do next if we don't withdraw our troops?"

The lieutenant looked at Bi Yi and said with a wry smile: "The enemy must be using a repeating crossbow. The firepower is too dense, and our siege soldiers have suffered heavy losses!"

"No, we still have a chance."

Bi Yi still stared at the west gate city wall, and said solemnly: "Although the trap camp has put down the shield in its hands, the Tiger Guards are still holding up the shield."

"It must be that the Tiger Guards do not have the armor worn by the soldiers of the trap camp. As long as we guarantee the suppression of the bow and crossbow, we can prevent 200,000 Tiger Guards from joining the battle."

"At this time, we hurry up to attack, maybe we have the opportunity to break through this section of the city wall guarded by the camp."


All the lieutenants looked at me, I looked at you, and their expressions were more or less fearful.

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